Robert F. Cunard
Entry Plan
Magnolia High School Principalship
The purpose of an Entry Plan is to insure that a leader in a new school systematically and collaboratively learns about the school, its community, its systems and processes, and—most importantly—the people in the organization.
This plan aims to achieve the following goals:
- To introduce me to the Magnolia community
- To meet with key personnel in the Magnolia community and to develop an understanding of their hopes and dreams for Magnolia
- To develop an effective collaborative relationship with Magnolia leadership
- To develop an understanding of ‘how things get done’ at Magnolia and within the Anaheim Union High School District
- To study student academic performance at Magnolia
- To understand the areas of strength at Magnolia
- To understand where Magnolia can and should focus improvement efforts
- To report the findings of the Entry Plan
During my first 100 days at Magnolia, I expect to be engaged in a number of specific activities, which will include:
- Reading and research
- Structured interviews
- Public appearances
- Classroom observations
- Writing and reporting out
Reading and Research
I would like to begin as quickly as possible to read and review the following:
- AUHSD Board Policies and Administrative Regulations
- MHS student achievement data
- STAR results
- CAHSEE results
- A.P. results
- API and AYP data
- CELDT results
- The ASTA contract
- The APGA contract
- The CSEA contract
- The AFSCME contract
- Magnolia’s last two WASC Self-Studies
- Magnolia’s last two Single School Plans
- Magnolia’s site budget
- Magnolia’s master schedule
- Any Magnolia grant/award applications in the last three years
- Yearbooks for the last 10 years
Structured Interviews
I will invite all staff to meet with me individually. At a minimum, I will conduct structured interviews with the following:
Site Staff
Denise Selbe
Eva Valencia
Lorena Dayton
Steve Gonzalez
Sharon Yager
Carlos Rosas
Department Chairs
Greg Chastain
Sara Galasso
District Staff
Fred Navarro
Russell Lee-Sung
Tim Holcomb
Diane Poore
Susan Stocks
Judy Bright
Mike Matsuda
Rick Martens
Barbara Moore
Cheryl Quadrelli-Jones
Other High School principals
Feeder MS Principals
Top 20 seniors by GPA
20 seniors at-risk
Captains of athletic teams
Student Council
Club presidents
PTA President
Site Council Parents
ELAC parents
Booster Club leaders
Appearances and Visibility
It’s important to be seen publicly to be the principal of Magnolia. There is also an opportunity through appearances to advance the academic mission of Magnolia. I intend to accomplish these goals by doing several things:
- Visiting and observing every teacher in class during the first two weeks of school
- Recognizing academic excellence as a priority through whatever means possible.
- Observing at least one athletic event in every sport, every level, every season.
- Attending concerts and performances by all MHS performing groups.
Writing and Reporting Out
I will use writing as an important part of my communication strategy. I intend to:
- Quickly provide a new principal’s statement and photograph for the school website.
- Publish a weekly “Friday Letter” to the Magnolia staff.
- Communicate in writing to the community through our website at least once per month.
- Write a summary of my observations and activities in this entry plan and deliver it the Superintendent and the Magnolia Staff by the start of the second semester.
Structured Interview Template
Person: Position:
Date: Time Together:
- Tell me about yourself and your experience with Magnolia.
- Tell me what it’s like to work here/be a student here.
- What do you think are Magnolia’s biggest strengths?
- What problems, issues, or concerns, if any, would you like me to know about?
- If you were in my shoes as the incoming principal of Magnolia, what would you focus on for the short term? For the long term?
- What else would you like to ask about or to discuss?