This sheet is due Sunday, March 4th, 2018.
- Each contestant is responsible for acquiring a sponsor or sponsors for the pageant. The sponsor fee is $250. You may acquire one sponsor at $250, or 5 sponsors at $50 each. Your sponsor may be a business or an individual, your parents, or other family members.
- Attach your sponsor’s check made payable to CEG Academy, or cash or credit card payments are excepted, to this form and complete the information below.
- If you have questions or need help in acquiring a sponsor, please contact me.
Thank you,
Cristina Elena Guzman
IMPORTANT!!! Please print information below EXACTLY how you want it to appear in the pageant program book.
- Contestant Number: ______
- Contestant Name: ______
- PARENTS:______
- ADDRESS:______
- PHONE NUMBERS: (H) ______
NAME: ______
CITY: ______
NAME: ______
CITY: ______
Official Sponsorship Application
To Whom It May Concern:
The Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant was established by Cristina Elena Guzman to provide the women the opportunity to grow as well rounded individuals. Through participation in this program, they experience important societal issues, develop professional and personal skills and showcase their talents.
The Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant serves as a preliminary pageant for the Miss Pennsylvania Pageant and the Miss America Organization. The 2018Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant will be held in March 11th, 2018 in Philadelphia, PA.
The Miss America Organization is a not-for-profit corporation established solely to provide contestants with the opportunity to enhance their professional and educational goals, and to achieve those pursuits with the assistance of monetary grants and awards.
The Miss America Organization has also been named one of the nation’s leading attainment programs and the world’s largest scholarship provider for women. Last year alone, the Miss America Organization, along with its associated state and local organizations, obtained approximately $45 million dollars in cash and scholarships.
The winner of the 2018 The Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant, along with the first and second runner up, will also receive scholarships. The new The Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell will represent the counties at the Miss Pennsylvania Pageant in June. Then, if chosen as Miss Pennsylvania, she would go on to compete in the world renowned Miss America Pageant.
The Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant has experienced incredible growth in its past years. It has quickly become a favorite in the local community. With your generosity and charitable support, this organization can continue to thrive. The scholarships offered to the women competing in the pageant will help them succeed in their goals, while providing you with a unique way to advertise your company/organization. All types of donations (including monetary) are welcome. It is an exciting time to become part of the Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant family! We look forward to working with you.
If you have any questions regarding the Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant or sponsorship opportunities, please contact Cristina Elena Guzman at (215) 681-3094 or email us at .
Cristina Elena Guzman
Executive Director
Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Pageant
Thank You for your Generosity!
Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the
Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Organization
Sponsorship Invitation
_____Yes! I would like to make a Scholarship Contribution!
_____Yes! I would like to make an In-Kind Donation for the 7 winners.
_____ GOLD SPONSOR $750+ (Full Page Ad, 4 appearances at sponsor’s event, 4 Pageant Tickets)
_____ SILVER SPONSOR $500-749 (Half Page Ad, 2 appearances, 2 Pageant Tickets)
_____ BRONZE SPONSOR $250-499 (Quarter Page Ad, 1 appearance, 1 Pageant Tickets)
_____ GENERAL SPONSOR $25-249 (Listing in program book and public acknowledgement during pageant production)
Advertising Invitation
_____Yes! I would like to buy Advertisement Space in the pageant program book!
Please mail your ad design with this form or e-mail it to .
_____ $100.00- Full page
_____ $75.00- 1/2 page
_____ $ 50.00- 1/4 page
_____ $ 25.00- Business card
Please consider making a donation to the Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Program, to help support the scholarship fund provided to young women in pursuit of college education. 100% of the money raised from this raffle will go towards the Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Fund.
Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and the
Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Organization
Sponsor & Ad Form
_____Yes! I would like to buy Advertisement Space in the pageant program book!
_____Yes! I would like to make a Scholarship Contribution!
_____Yes! I would like to make a In-Kind Donation for the winners.
Sponsorship Donation:
_____ GOLD SPONSOR $750+ up_____ SILVER SPONSOR $500-$749
_____ BRONZE SPONSOR $250-$499_____ GENERAL SPONSOR $25-$249
Kind of Ad in Program Book:
_____ $100.00- Full page _____ $75.00- 1/2 page _____ $ 50.00- 1/4 page _____ $ 25.00- Business card
Amount of Sponsored/Ad Donation: $______In-Kind Donation Worth $______
Description of In-kind Donation:______
CONTACT PERSON: (Name &Title) ______
ADDRESS: ______
E-MAIL:______PHONE: ______
Make Checks Payable to: Cristina Elena Guzman
Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and Miss Liberty Bell Scholarship Organization
Mail completed form and payment by March 4th, 2018 to:
CEG Performing Arts Academy c/o Cristina Elena Guzman
684 North Broad Street -2nd floor - Philadelphia PA 19130
Miss Bucks County, Miss Montgomery County, and Miss Liberty BellScholarship Pageant / 1
684 North Broad street – 2nd floor Philadelphia PA 19130 - 215-681-3094
Email: Website: