Mathematics Teaching Plan
______to______, first term (2A)Class ______
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / EvaluationNumber / 2N1
3-digit numbers / 1.Recognise 1 to 100 through counting activities, reading and writing numbers.
2.Understand the concept of the units place and the tens place.
3.Be able to count in groups of 2, 5 and 10. / 1.Enable pupils to read and write 3-digit numbers.
2.Enable pupils to understand the place values of 3-digit numbers.
3.Enable pupils to compare 3-digit numbers. / Module 1
3-digit Numbers / 1
3-digit numbers / 1. Develop an understanding of the number 100 through counting.
2.Develop an understanding of 3-digit numbers through reading and writing.
3.Recognise the place values of 3-digit numbers.
4. List the numbers in order.
5.Compare and arrange 3-digit numbers according to the instructions. / 3 / •abacuses
•number cards
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.3-digit numbers
2.How do we read and write 3-digit numbers?
3.Lottery tickets
4.Arranging the numbers in order
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2A,
Activity ─Arranging number cards
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 1
Workbook: Unit 1
1.Enable pupils to count in groups of 50 and 100.2.Enable pupils to estimate the quantity of objects. / 2
Counting activities / 1.Learn how to count in groups of fifty.
2.Learn how to count in groups of hundred.
3.Learn how to estimate the quantity of objects. / 3 / •coins
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Counting ice cubes
2.Jigsaw puzzles
3.Soft toys
4.In a ball pond
Class Activities:
Find the values of coins through counting.
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 2
Workbook: Unit 2
Summary / Test on Concepts
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Number / 2N2
Addition and subtraction (II) / 1.Perform basic addition up to 18.
2.Understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.
3.Perform addition and repeated addition up to two places.
4.Solve problems involving addition and repeated addition up to two places. / 1.Enable pupils to perform addition up to two places, including repeated addition of three numbers.
2.Enable pupils to perform addition up to three places, including repeated addition of three numbers (without carrying).
3.Enable pupils to solve problems involving addition up to three places and repeated addition of three numbers (without carrying). / Module 2
Addition / 3
Addition (1) / 1.Perform addition up to three places, including repeated addition of three numbers (without carrying).
2.Solve simple problems involving addition up to three places (without carrying). / 3 / •abacuses
•number sentence cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Beautiful lanterns
2.How do we calculate?
3.In a fruit shop
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 3
Workbook: Unit 3
1.Enable pupils to perform addition up to three places, including repeated addition of three numbers (carrying once).2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving addition up to three places and repeated addition of three numbers (carrying once). / 4
Addition (2) / 1.Perform addition up to three places, including repeated addition of three numbers (carrying once).
2.Solve simple problems involving addition up to three places (carrying once). / 3 / •abacuses
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.In a pond
2.In a forest
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 4
Workbook: Unit 4
1.Enable pupils to perform addition up to three places, including repeated addition of three numbers (carrying twice).
2.Enable pupils to solve problems involving addition up to three places and repeated addition of three numbers (carrying twice). / 5
Addition (3) / 1.Perform addition up to three places, including repeated addition of three numbers (carrying twice).
2.Solve simple problems involving addition up to three places (carrying twice). / 3 / •abacuses
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Peter's stickers
2.Reading corner
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2A,
Activity ─How many stickers are there?
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 5
Workbook: Unit 5
Summary / Test on Concepts
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Measures / 2M1
Length and distance (III) / 1.Recognise the unit of length ‘centimetre (cm)’.
2.Measure and compare the lengths of objects and distance between objects using the unit ‘centimetre (cm)’. / 1.Enable pupils to recognise the standard unit
‘metre (m)’.
2.Enable pupils to measure the lengths of objects using metre rulers and centimetre rulers.
3.Enable pupils to choose the appropriate measuring units.
4.Enable pupils to find the lengths of their own body parts and use their body parts as ‘ever-ready rulers’. / Module 3
Metres and Centimetres / 6
Metres and centimetres / 1.Introduce ‘metre (m)’.
2.Make a metre ruler and do measuring activities.
3.Learn how to record the lengths of objects in a single unit.
4.Measure long lengths using a tape measure and a trundle wheel.
5.Record the lengths of objects and distances between objects in appropriate measuring units.
6.Estimate the lengths of objects and distances between objects with ‘ever-ready rulers’. / 6 / •20-cm rulers
•metre rulers
•trundle wheels
•tape measure
•Classroom Learning
- Activity 1
- Activity 2
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.What is metre?
2.Making your own metre ruler
3.Recording lengths in single units
4.In a basketball court
5.Choosing the right measuring units
6.Measuring objects using body parts
Class Activities:
1.Make a metre ruler and use it to measure the lengths of objects.
2.Classroom Learning 2A, Activity 1 ─Measuring activity in a basketball court
3.Classroom Learning 2A, Activity 2 ─Measuring objects using body parts
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 6
Workbook: Unit 6
Summary / Test on ConceptsIntegrated Exercise 1 / Assessment 1
Shape and Space / 2S2
Angles (I) / Recognise straight lines and be able to draw and make straight lines. / 1.Enable pupils to recognise angles.
2.Enable pupils to compare the sizes of angles.
3.Enable pupils to draw angles using rulers. / Module 4
Angles and Right Angles / 7
Angles / 1.Introduce angles.
2.Compare the sizes of angles intuitively.
3.Learn how to draw angles.
*4.Combine the four angles of a quadrilateral. / 2 / •objects that can be used to make angles
•craft paper
•Classroom Learning
- Activity 1
- Activity 2
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.What is an angle?
2.Comparing the sizes of angles
3.Drawing angles
Class Activities:
1.Classroom Learning 2A, Activity 1 ─Comparing the angles of triangles
2.Classroom Learning 2A, Activity 2 ─Putting the angles of four-sided shapes together
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 7
Workbook: Unit 7
*Advanced Learning Centre:
Let's put the angles together
*This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / EvaluationShape and Space / 2S2
Angles (I) / 1.Enable pupils to recognise right angles.
2.Enable pupils to identify right angles from the other angles.
3.Enable pupils to draw right angles. / Module 4
Angles and Right Angles / 8
Right angles / 1.Introduce right angles.
2.Learn how to make right angles. / 2 / •objects with right angles
•paper fan
•craft paper
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.What is a right angle?
2.Making right angles
Class Activities:
1.Make different angles using a straw.
2.Fold a piece of craft paper to make a right angle.
3.Make different angles with a paper fan and a door.
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 8
Workbook: Unit 8
Summary / Test on ConceptsShape and Space / 2S2
Angles (I) / 1.Perform basic subtraction up to 18.
2.Understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.
3.Perform subtraction up to two places (without borrowing).
4.Solve simple problems involving subtraction up to two places (without borrowing). / 1.Enable pupils to understand the relationship between addition and subtraction.
2.Reinforce pupils' ability to perform subtraction up to two places (without borrowing).
3.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving subtraction up to two places (without borrowing). / Module 5
Subtraction / 9 Subtraction (1) / 1.Revise the relationship between addition and subtraction.
2.Revise subtraction up to two places (without borrowing).
3.Solve simple problems involving subtraction up to two places (without borrowing). / 3 / •cubes
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Addition and subtraction
2.At a party
3.At Cherry’s birthday party
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 9
Workbook: Unit 9
1.Enable pupils to perform subtraction up to two places (with borrowing) and subtraction of three numbers.
2.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving subtraction up to two places (with borrowing) and subtraction of three numbers. / 10 Subtraction (2) / 1.Perform subtraction up to two places (with borrowing) and subtraction of three numbers.
2.Solve simple problems involving subtraction up to two places (with borrowing) and subtraction of three numbers. / 3 / •abacuses
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.How can we do subtraction?
2.On a farm
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2A,
Activity 1 ─Let's tell the stories
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 10
Workbook: Unit 10
*Problem-solving Training Camp
Summary / Test on Concepts
*This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / EvaluationShape and Space / 2S1
3-D shapes (II) / 1.Recognise prisms, cylinders, pyramids, cones and spheres intuitively.
2.Recognise triangles, quadrilaterals, pentagons, hexagons and circles intuitively.
3.Recognise squares and rectangles intuitively. / 1.Enable pupils to identify prisms and cylinders.
2.Enable pupils to know the faces of prisms and cylinders.
3.Enable pupils to make simple prisms and cylinders. / Module 6
3-D Shapes / 11
Prisms and cylinders / 1.Identify prisms and cylinders intuitively.
2.Recognise the faces of prisms and cylinders intuitively.
3.Develop a preliminary understanding of the properties of prisms.
4.Recognise cubes and cuboids through activities. / 4 / •3-D models
• plasticine balls
•3-D objects
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.In a fridge
2.Tidying up the blocks
3.Recognising prisms and cylinders
4.Making prismsr
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2A,
Activity ─Making prisms
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 11
Workbook: Unit 11
1.Enable pupils to identify pyramids and cones.2.Enable pupils to know the faces of pyramids and cones.
3.Enable pupils to make simple pyramids and cones. / 12
Pyramids and cones / 1.Identify pyramids and cones intuitively.
2.Recognise the faces of pyramids and cones.
3.Develop a preliminary understanding of the properties of pyramids. / 4 / •3-D models
• plasticine balls
•3-D objects
•Classroom Learning
- Activity 1
- Activity 2
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Treasure hunt
2.Recognising pyramids and cones
3.Making pyramids
Class Activities:
1. Classroom Learning 2A, Activity 1 ─Tracing the faces of 3-D shapes
2. Classroom Learning 2A, Activity 2 ─Making pyramids
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 12
Workbook: Unit 12
Summary / Test on Concepts
Integrated Exercise 2 / Assessment 2
______to______, first term (2B)Class ______
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / EvaluationNumber / 2N3
Basic multiplication / 1.Perform basic addition and repeated addition.
2.Count in groups of 2, 5 and 10. / 1.Enable pupils to understand the concept of multiplication.
2.Enable pupils to write repeated addition as multiplication. / Module 1
(2, 4, 5. 8 and 10) / 13
Learning about multiplication / 1. Understand the concept of multiplication and the relationship between repeated addition and multiplication.
2.Learn how to solve simple problems using multiplication. / 3 / •cubes
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.What is multiplication?
2.How many legs are there?
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 13
Workbook: Unit 13
1.Enable pupils to perform the multiplication of 2.2.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 2. / 14
Multiplication of 2 / 1.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 2.
2.Solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 2. / 3 / •cubes
•number cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.How many ears are there?
2.Animals near the river
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 14
Workbook: Unit 14
1.Enable pupils to perform the multiplication of 5 and 10.
2.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 5 and 10. / 15
Multiplication of 5 and 10 / 1.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 5.
2.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 10.
3.Solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 5 and 10. / 4 / •cubes
•number sentence cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.How many fingers are there?
2.How many beads are there?
3.Looking for leaves
4.Riding bicycles
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 15
Workbook: Unit 15
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Number / 2N3
Basic multiplication / 1.Enable pupils to perform the multiplication of 4 and 8.
2.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 4 and 8. / Module 1
(2, 4, 5. 8 and 10) / 16
Multiplication of 4 and 8 / 1.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 4.
2.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 8.
3.Solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 4 and 8. / 4 / •cubes
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Wind chimes
2.Yummy octopuses
3.Let’s calculate
4.An insect house
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 16
Workbook: Unit 16
Summary / Test on Concepts
Measures / 2M2
Time (II) / 1.Tell time in terms of ‘o’clock’ and ‘minutes’.
2.Draws hands of a clock according to the time given.
3.Report duration of time required for different activities using ‘hours’. / 1.Enable pupils to tell time in terms of ‘o’clock’ and ‘minutes’.
2.Enable pupils to know the duration of 1 minute.
3.Enable pupils to tell the duration of time for different activities in terms of ‘hours’ and ‘minutes’. / Module 2
Telling Time / 17
Telling time / 1.Develop the concepts of ‘hours’ and ‘minutes’.
2.Learn to tell time in terms of ‘o’clock’ and ‘minutes’.
3.Tell time from digital clocks.
4.Investigate the duration of time for different activities. / 4 / •big clock
•small clock faces
•Flipping Clocks
•digital clock
•Classroom Learning
- Activity 1
- Activity 2
- Worksheet 1
- Worksheet 2 / Learning contents:
1.Learning about ‘hours’ and ‘minutes’
2.Digital clocks
3.Doing activities
4.A day trip to the Big Buddha
Class Activities:
1. Classroom Learning 2B, Activity 1 ─How long is 1 minute?
2. Classroom Learning 2B, Activity 2 ─How long does it take?
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 17
Workbook: Unit 17
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Measures / 2M2
Time (II) / 1.Enable pupils to know that there are 24 hours in a day.
2.Enable pupils to distinguish between ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘noon’ and ‘midnight’. / Module 2
Time / 18
Time in a day / 1.Learn that there are 24 hours in a day, and the notation of ‘morning’, ‘afternoon’, ‘noon’ and ‘midnight’
2.Tell time in terms of ‘a.m.’ and ‘p.m.’. / 3 / •clocks
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Time in a day
2.Going to school
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 18
Workbook: Unit 18
Summary / Test on Concepts
Integrated Exercise 3 / Assessment 3
Number / 2N3
Basic multiplication / The basic concept of the multiplication of 2, 4, 5, 8 and 10. / 1.Enable pupils to recognise the commutative property of multiplication.
2.Enable pupils to find products using the commutative property of multiplication. / Module 3
Interesting Multiplication / 19
Interesting multiplication / 1.Learn the commutative property of multiplication.
2.Explore the pattern related to the commutative property of multiplication in a multiplication table. / 3 / •cubes
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.The ladybirds’ troop
2.A multiplication table
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 19
Workbook: Unit 19
Summary / Test on Concepts
Number / 2N3
Basic multiplication / 1.Perform basic addition and repeated addition.
2.The basic concept of the multiplication of 2. 4, 5, 8 and 10.
3.Solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 2. 4, 5, 8 and 10.
4.Find products using the commutative property of multiplication.
5.Understand the properties of 0. / 1.Enable pupils to perform the multiplication of 3 and 6.
2.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 3 and 6. / Module 4
(0, 1, 3. 6, 7 and 9) / 20
Multiplication of 3 and 6 / 1.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 3.
2.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 6.
3.Solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 3 and 6. / 4 / •number sentence cards
•number cards
•Classroom Learning
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Counting the hand bells
2.Counting the ants
3.Looking for honey
4.Having a picnic
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 20
Workbook: Unit 20
Date / Week / Dimension / Learning unit / Previous knowledge / Teaching objectives / Module / Unit / Learning targets / Periods / Resources / Activities / Tasks / Assessment / Evaluation
Number / 2N3
Basic multiplication / 1.Enable pupils to perform the multiplication of 7 and 9.
2.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 7 and 9. / Module 4
(0, 1, 3. 6, 7 and 9) / 21
Multiplication of 7 and 9 / 1.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 7.
2.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 9.
3.Solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 7 and 9.
*4.Investigate the number pattern of the products of the multiplication of 9. / 4 / •cubes
•number cards
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.How many days are there?
3.Shopping at a supermarket
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2B, Activity ─
Complete the picture
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 21
Workbook: Unit 21
* Advanced Learning Centre:
The Marvellous 9
1.Enable pupils to perform the multiplication of 0 and 1.
2.Enable pupils to solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 0 and 1.
3.Enable pupils to know the characteristics of the multiplication table. / 22
Marvellous 0 and 1 / 1.Develop the basic concept of the multiplication of 0 and 1.
2.Solve simple problems involving the multiplication of 0 and 1.
3.Consolidate pupils’ understanding of the multiplication table. / 3 / •multiplication table
•Classroom Learning
- Activity
- Worksheet / Learning contents:
1.Having a barbecue
2.A painting lesson
3.The interesting multiplication table
Class Activities:
Classroom Learning 2A, Activity ─
Turning a wheel
Follow-up exercises:
Textbook: Exercise 22
Workbook: Unit 22
Summary / Test on Concepts
*This section is optional for teachers according to their pupils’ ability and teaching schedule.