Lynden Canada Day Meeting
June 21, 2010
Present: Harry Droogendyk, Lee Park, Rob Groves, Marian Brisco, Ross Welton, Angela Toplinski, Olivia Colquhoun, Janice Muranyi, Shauna Topp, Annette Rhodes, Rosie Brooks, Anne Bassett, Bronka Ridley, Sharon Clugston, Tony Ascroft, Harold Kuret, Norma Leegstra, Emily Kuret, Bert Jonkman, John Pepper.
7:35 pm¼ Meeting began with a welcome from Harry.
Motion to adopt the minutes made by Rob Groves, Seconded by Annette Rhodes¼ Carried
Committee Reports:
Activities & Entertainment:
- There was a discussion about 2 of a kind playing in the afternoon for a fee of $400. It was decided to not have a band and possibly have music playing in the afternoon. Emily Kuret was to come up with some suitable material.
- Turkey Rhubarb is going to be playing on the main stage in the afternoon.
- Rumbleshack is going to be playing in the evening at the south end of the soccer field. Rob Groves had offered up one of the float wagons from the parade as a stage. Rob to also provide a generator to accommodate their electrical needs.
Antique Vehicles:
-Flyer and poster being distributed.
-Tony is making up dash plaques.
-Rob Groves to supply 3 fire extinguishers.
_ 2 volunteer’s required from 10:30 till 1:00 on July 1.
- All set, Rob and/or Anne Bassett to track down citizenship trophy.
Children’s Games:
-Rob Groves to contact the fire department regarding use and set-up of their tent.
-A table and a couple of chairs required for face painting.
_ 4 volunteer’s required from 12:50 till 2:00 on July 1.
-4 nominations have been received. John Scott - Citizen of the year
-Val Robertson - Lifetime Achievement award.
-John Pepper ordered the same as last year minus the curtain. A motion was put forth and passed to spend another $1,000.00 towards the fireworks. John was going to try and order more fireworks.
- fireworks to be delivered Friday Jun 25th, sorted Tues Jun 29th at 7:00, helpers welcome
- Permits have been received from the City of Hamilton.
Food Booths:
-Harry and Peter have had discussions with the City regarding food permits, all appears to be in order.
- Candy Floss vendors (Ted and Susan Wallace) have been confirmed.
-Candy Floss, Drinks and Ice Cream to be set-up at back of building. Hydro required for Candy Floss.
- Rob Groves to supply 2 freezers, one for ice cream and one for freezies.
-Harold to pick-up Water and deliver to Sharon.
-Tim Brokking volunteered to pick-up ice and deliver to Coop and Park. Grounds to have a bin at the coop for the ice.
_ 4 volunteers required between 11:00 and 3:00 on Canada Day.
Government Grants:
-$4,200.00 received from the Federal Government.
-Coop has given permission to use their parking lots.
-Rob requested $400.00 float for Grounds.
- Hydro required for Candy Floss
-Harold had talked with Jon Winkelmolen regarding ground level storage, Jon thought he may be able to come up with something.
-Rob to arrange for 1 port-a-potie on parade route and 3 others for park as well as a separate hand washing station.
-Cow Patty bingo to be set up at back diamond.
-All committee’s that require set-up assistance from the grounds committee are required to be at a meeting on June 30, 2010 at 8:30 AM to go over park layout and requirements.
-Rob to contact Winkelmolen’s to see about tent for prize area, may need to contact Wilma Lobezoo from horticulture regarding the tent as last year it was left over from the garden tour.
-Fence along the west border of the park to be done by Paul this year.
-Rob to provide EMT poles for event signs.
- Harold talked with Hildrian Farms re wagon for stage, Harold to pick-up.
_ June 30 12 volunteer’s required from 8:00 AM till 4:00 PM, lunch will be provided.
_ July, 1 4 volunteer’s required from 9:00 AM till 12:00 Noon to man the barricades on the parade route.
_ July, 1 2 volunteers required for grounds maintenance from 12:00 Noon to 3:00 and from 6:00 to 9:00
_ July 2 12 volunteer’s required from 8:00 AM till 2:00 PM, lunch will be provided.
Headquarters Tent:
-Sharon to Supply cash box and float.
-T-shirts to be sold at a cost of $5.00/children’s sizes and $10.00 for adult sizes (Cost of shirts was $5.00/children’s $5.40/adults)
-Map Required for event activities.
_ 1 volunteer required from 10:30 till 3:00 on July 1.
Opening Ceremonies:
Linda Davies has agreed to singing Oh Canada
Parade and Bands:
-Harry Droogendyk nominated for parade marshal.
-31 entry forms received, 3 bands, 6 commercial entries and 13 organizations so far
-Wood decked hay wagon required for steel drum band. Rob Groves has Talked with Winkelmolen’s, one will be available
-Dignitaries in the works.
-3 judges have been arranged.
-Lee Park to walk with student volunteers handing out candies and taking donations. 3 volunteers required for each side of the street.
Parking & Admission:
-Rick Davies will organize parking volunteers.
-Norma Leegstra had secured a few adult volunteers to help out with Parking
- Gate receipts for the afternoon and evening to be kept separate.
-Annette Rhodes will help at gate after parade. Will take donation pail to headquarters in case any one else wants to donate.
- Road closure signs are in place.
-Insurance certificate has been received.
-Recycle bins have been ordered from City.
-Insurance forwarded to Road closure, all conditions have been met and confirmed.
-Right Reaction has been booked again as the first aid provider. Meal vouchers to be issued to the provider’s.
-Insurance and fee has been delivered to the City for park rental.
-Tony Ascroft has produced the mailer, Don Archer to distribute on his route, Canada Post for the rest
- Harry to make event listing sign for Headquarters
- Signs has been delivered to Hwy 5 & Lynden Road, will remain up after Canada Day in case rain delay is needed for fireworks..
-Various media outlets have been contacted.
Raffles / Draws:
-Lots and lots of prizes so far.
- Sharon to supply tables for draw area.
_ 4 volunteer’s required from 12:00 till 3:00 on July 1.
- new signs have been picked up and they look good.
-On clean up day no signs are to be removed from the fence till Annette gives the all clear.
-Tony Ascroft¼Approx. $8,000.00 collected so far.
Call sheets were distributed to contact sponsors we have not yet heard from.
-Connon Nursery wishes to donate live goods. Bronka will contact them.
-Bank balance is approx. $18,278.73.outstanding deposit of $4,200 from grant and another $1,600 from Sponsors.
-Norma Leegstra has gone through the minutes and reviewed the committee’s needs for volunteers and has secured 15 volunteers for the day before and the day after (8:30 Am start time) and 25 volunteers for Canada Day (8:00 AM start time).
New Business:
-CDC Web Link ¼ please refer to time lines, and update if required ___
-Club Lucy to sell glow sticks
-Wireless mic and stand has been purchased.
-Carried Forward - Flyers were proposed to share the budget numbers with our sponsors, to show where the monies are spent and thank them for their continued support. Still pending¼
-The City of Hamilton Has decided to post pone the by-law enforcement fee’s for this year, we will have to keep on top of this as it will affect us in the future.
-The subject of incorporation was raised by Tony Ascroft, We may want to investigate further.
Meeting adjourned: 8:45 pm.
Our last meeting is July 12th at 7:30 at the Lions' Den.
Please make EVERY effort to attend this meeting, your input is needed_
Your community is grateful for your efforts