Mrs. Elersic Henry’s Course Syllabus

Global History and Geography

Welcome to my class. I look forward to an exciting year of learning. History is a fascinating subject, and I hope that you will enjoy learning about the people and events that shape our world as much as I do. In order for us to begin our learning adventure together it is important that you know what is expected from you in order to be successful in this course. The following syllabus will provide you with this information. Please keep this syllabus in the front of your binder at all times.

Contact Information

Mrs. Rachel Elersic Henry


Please visit my Forestville teacher website for course information, homework assignments, notes, and classroom news. To access my site, visit the Forestville School District web page at Please check the site often for information and to contact me.

Graded Assessments

·  Participation

·  Homework

·  Weekly document quizzes

·  Quarterly Final Exams

Homework Policy

·  Homework is to be turned in on the day it is due and at the beginning of class.

·  Unexcused late homework will not be accepted after two days.

·  If absent, you must make up your work within two days of returning to school for full credit.

Make Up Work Policy

·  Students are expected to complete all assignments. Not making up work missed will negatively impact a student’s overall average.

·  It is the student’s responsibility to make up any notes or missed assignments due to an absence.

·  When a student returns to class after an absence they are responsible for checking the Missing Work Log and completing the assignments listed.

·  If students are absent, they are still responsible for completing each pre-assigned project, essay, assignment, etc. by their original due date or the day that students return to school (if the due date has passed).

·  Global 9 Only: Students in Global 9 will be eligible to request to retest once per quarter. Students must complete the request form in the student information center (in room 311) and show proof of three activities that improved their understanding. If they are approved, they will be able to replace their test score with their retake score. Requests are granted at the discretion of the teacher.

Classroom Expectations

All students are expected to follow the classroom expectations listed below:

1.)  Arrive to class on time and be seated in your assigned seat by the time the bell rings.

2.)  Arrive to class with all necessary materials-homework assignments, writing utensil, etc.

3.)  Pay attention in class. We will use the entire class period for learning. Socializing with peers, sleeping, completing homework for another class, or other non-class related activities are not allowed.

4.)  Use appropriate language and behavior at all times. Treat all members of our classroom community with kindness and respect. Be mature.

5.)  Respect my property. You are not to touch anything that does not belong to you without permission. This includes our seating areas, classroom technology, craft materials, posters, memes, etc.

Consequences for Violating Classroom Expectations:

If a student fails to follow the above classroom expectations I will verbally remind them of the expectation they did not meet and document our conversation. If a student does not begin to meet our classroom expectations, their parents/guardians will be notified and it may result in a write-up. For serious violations of classroom expectations students will be immediately removed from the class and sent to the Principal’s office

Rewards for Following Classroom Expectations: _

Our classroom is full of interactive and fun activities and academic discussions. It is very difficult to continue this learning style when one or several students have difficulty following the necessary procedures. Your reward for following our classroom procedures and meeting expectations is the ability to continue to learn in this way. If at any time it becomes necessary to change the learning and teaching style in this room, the teacher has it at her discretion to do so. You, the students, determine through your behavior and actions, the type of lessons, activities, and projects we are going to complete this year.

Student/Parent signatures:

I read Mrs. Elersic Henry’s Course Syllabus and understand all class requirements and expectations:

Student: ______

Parent: ______

Units we will complete in Global History and Geography

Global 9
Unit 1: Methods of Global History
Unit 2: World Belief Systems
Unit 3: Ancient Civilizations
Unit 4: Classical Civilizations
Unit 5: Empires I
Unit 6: Middle Ages
Unit 7: Renaissance and Reformation
Unit 8: Empires II
Unit 9: Age of Exploration
Unit 10: Absolutism
Global 10
Unit 1: Enlightenment
Unit 2: Revolutions and Reactions
Unit 3: Industrial Revolution
Unit 4: 19th century Nationalism
Unit 5: Imperialism
Unit 6: World Wars
Unit 7: Rise of Communism
Unit 8: Post WWII Nationalism
Unit 9: Recent World Conflicts
Unit 10: Important Global Issues