LSU College Readiness and Dual Enrollment Program

for Mathematics … 2013-2014

In order for a high school teacher to participate in the LSU College Readiness and Dual Enrollment Program for mathematics, the high school math teacher must become “certified” by participating in an eight-day summer workshop at LSU and committing to at least an additional 20 hours of independent work between the two four-day workshop segments. Teachers will need to attend all 8 days of the workshop and meet all of the workshop requirements in order to be “certified.” In addition to the 8-day workshop needed for certification, Dual Enrollment (DE) teachers must attend a one-day workshop in late July and a half-day workshop in early January.

The following courses available for dual enrollment are …

·  Math 1021 College Algebra and Math 1022 Trigonometry paired with high school Advanced Math

·  Math 1431 Business Calculus for a high school math elective

·  Math 1029 Contemporary Math paired with high school Discrete Math

Other math teachers at a school with a teacher participating in our DE program are eligible* to attend the

8-day workshop and become “certified” in a specific course. Other math courses available to specialize in at the summer workshop are as follows: 6th Grade Math, 7th Grade Math, 8th Grade Math, Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II, Advanced Math without DE, and AP Calculus

At the workshop teachers will …

·  be taught how to appropriately use web-based technology to redesign course delivery and improve student learning outcomes and how to effectively use the online learning system MyMathLab at an advanced level

·  be given access to courses in MyMathLab developed by Louisiana teachers correlated to the LCC GLEs and the CCSS and become intimately familiar with the content of a specific course

·  attend sessions focusing on the CCSS and the PARCC assessments

·  have an opportunity to observe LSU math classes, work with students in the LSU Math Lab, and network with other teachers from around the area working in the College Readiness and Dual Enrollment Program

There is no fee for the workshop (other than on-campus parking), but seating is limited. Individual schools/districts will be responsible for providing hardware for their students to access the web and for purchasing MyMathLab access codes for their students. A one-year account for the MyMathLab online learning system used to deliver the content can be purchased through the LSU College Readiness and Dual Enrollment Program at the discounted rate of $40 per student per year. Tuition for each 3-credit-hour DE course is offered at the reduced rate of $300 per student per semester.

*DE teachers will automatically be accepted as workshop participants until all seats in the workshop are filled. In addition, for each 10 DE students anticipated to participate at a particular school, one additional teacher from that school will automatically be accepted as a workshop participant until all seats in the workshop are filled. If the workshop does not fill by April 15, additional teachers from those schools with a DE teacher will be accepted into the workshop in the order in which the applications were received until all seats in the workshop are filled.

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