Sustainable Hill Country
This template once completed and signed off will meet the requirements of a Works Plan to treat Overlay 3A land as required under Section 6.10 of the PartOperativeCombinedRegionalLand and District Plan [Combined Plan]. The Combined Plan requires that Overlay 3A areas of land be either treated with effective tree cover by 1 July 2011, or a Works Plan be developed and certified by the same date.Treatment of Overlay 3A areas may require planting and/or reserve fencing to extend beyond the Overlay 3A land, for instance to include all of an eroding feature or an eroding catchment. All such planting is part of a Works Plan.
A Works Plan should also outline any maintenance work planned for already established or planned tree plantings; such as thinning, selective or clearfell harvesting and re-planting.
If you are unsure how to fill in any sections of this Works Plan, or if you would prefer to work with Council on this from the start, Council Soil Conservation staff would be only too pleased to assist.
Property Name:
Legal Description:
(see Rates Assessment)
Valuation No(s):
(see Rates Assessment)
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Sustainable Hill Country WORKS PLAN
Proposed Tree / Shrub Establishment
Note: Tree Establishment to Treat all Overlay 3A Land is Required by 2021
Year / Paddock Name or Number / Plant Material Type / Species / Clone / Establishment Area / Number Trees / Shrubs / Livestock Protection[of establishment] / [Seedling / ‘A’/ pole / stake / reversion / other} / e.g. Poplar,
Radiata Pine / e.g. Veronese / (ha) / (or spacing if this will be uniform) / [Conventional fencing (m) / electric fencing (m) / Netlon type sleeves / Dynex type sleeves / stock exclusion without fencing / other]
Year / Paddock Name or Number / Plant Material Type / Species / Clone / Establishment Area / Number Trees / Shrubs / Livestock Protection
[of establishment] / [Seedling / ‘A’/ pole / stake / reversion / other} / e.g. Poplar,
Radiata Pine / e.g. Veronese / (ha) / (or spacing if this will be uniform) / [Conventional fencing (m) / electric fencing (m) / Netlon type sleeves / Dynex type sleeves / stock exclusion without fencing / other]
Year / Paddock Name or Number / Plant Material Type / Species / Clone / Establishment Area / Number Trees / Shrubs / Livestock Protection
[of establishment] / [Seedling / ‘A’/ pole / stake / reversion / other} / e.g. Poplar,
Radiata Pine / e.g. Veronese / (ha) / (or spacing if this will be uniform) / [Conventional fencing (m) / electric fencing (m) / Netlon type sleeves / Dynex type sleeves / stock exclusion without fencing / other]
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Is any Overlay 3A Land NOTproposed for treatment by tree establishment?
If any Overlay 3A Land is NOT proposed for treatment by tree establishment, please give reasons why it is considered to be:
Already Treated:
Wrongly Mapped:
(Although Overlay 3A land has been mapped or checked by walk-over surveys at sometime, there may still be a few areas that are wrongly mapped)
Estimated Cost (GST exclusive) for Each Year:
Year / Estimated Cost(s)Do you intend to apply to the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry for an East Coast Forestry Project grant to assist in meeting tree / shrub establishment costs?
Name plant pests (if any) that could hinder tree / shrub establishment:
Plant pest control measures:
Name animal pests (if any) that could hinder tree / shrub establishment:
Animal pest control measures:
Nature, extent, estimated timing of maintenance work planned for Overlay 3A areas (such as thinning, selective or clearfell harvesting, re-planting):
OVERLAY 3A PHOTOMAP(S) ATTACHEDShow on Photomaps and on the Legend:
Relevant existing fencing.
Relevant paddock names.
Plant material types.
Establishment boundaries.
Where tree / shrub planting spacing is variable, density by number of symbols and location (e.g. X equals 25 ‘A’ poles).
Fencing to exclude some or all classes of livestock.
Overlay 3A areas considered to already be treated.
Overlay 3A areas considered to be untreatable.
Additional land areas adjacent to Overlay 3A areas to be planted.
Thinning/selective tree harvesting/clearfell harvesting proposed.
Landowner RepresentativeSignatureDate
Contact Phone No:
Certified pursuant to Clause of the PartOperativeCombinedRegionalLand and District Plan.
District ConservatorSignatureDate
Note Any deviation from this Works Plan will require prior variation and endorsement by the District Conservator, Gisborne District Council.
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