The Honorable (Legislator’s Name)

PA House of Representatives or PA Senate

P.O. Box (Legislator’s Box Number)

Harrisburg, PA17120

Dear Rep. or Senator (Last Name)

(If you didn’t attend the rally) I was unable to attend the rally in support of state funding for the arts on Tuesday, July 14. Hundreds of supporters of the arts came to the Capitol to offer their strong support for continued funding for the arts through the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts (PCA).


I missed seeing you at the rally in support of state funding for the arts…


Thank you for taking the time to meet with me after/before the Save the Arts Rally on Tuesday, July 14, 2009.

Statewide, more that 1,000 arts organizations, programs and project employ more than 36,000 people. These are real jobs that support families all over the state. Spending by arts organizations exceeds $1 billion dollars in Pennsylvania. Arts organizations attract tourists from all over the world as well as millions of visits by our fellow Pennsylvanians. Each of these visits represents additional spending on transportation, meals, hotel rooms, gifts and souvenirs that helps keep the local economy vibrant. Arts organizations spend locally leveraging nearly $1 billion dollars in additional spending.

The arts employ a wide range of skills and professions including electricians, carpenters, designers, union and non-union stage hands, ushers, security guards as well as the thousands of artists and administrators who make the arts possible and accessible throughout Pennsylvania. Artists and arts events draw people back into our cities and communities. The arts build a sense of community while they help keep our downtowns vibrant. Often the arts organizations are the most powerful magnet to bring people into our cities, large and small. State support for the arts is vital to the continued health of an industry that is already under extreme pressure from the impact of the economy on philanthropy and consumer spending.

Artists and arts organizations provide valuable services to our schools, often with free or reduced fee programs that bring our children to world-class events, otherwise unavailable to most of them. The PCA also has a large arts in education program that supports twelve local partners who deliver services, such as artists in residence, to schools throughout the state. The arts are a powerful tool for enhancing education of our youth, motivating young people and offering real career opportunities for the 21st century creative economy.

State funding for the arts is a sound investment of public funding for an industry that returns so much in quality of life and competitive advantages to our citizens and our economy.

I urge you to voice your support with your caucus and your appropriations committee and to vote for a state budget that includes significant funding for the arts and the PCA.

Thank you.