Woodcroft First School

Pupil Premium Statement

The Government believes that the Pupil Premium funding, which is additional to the main school funding, is the best way to address inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and those children who are not. Pupil Premium Funding is used to tackle disadvantage in order to reach the pupils who need it most.

Schools are currently given Pupil Premium funding of £1,300 per pupil for those whose families who have registered for FSM. This includes any child who has been registered for FSM at any point during the past 6 years. The children of members of the armed forces are also entitled to this funding. Schools also receive £1,900 for each pupil who has been looked after for 1 day or more; has been adopted from care or has left care under a special guardianship order, a residence order or a child arrangement order.

The money is given to schools to support them in enabling all pupils to reach or exceed the nationally expected level for their age. Each school may decide how best to use the funding. They are held accountable for how it has been used to support pupils from low income families.

Often parents are concerned that there is a stigma attached to being seen as a ‘low income’ family. At Woodcroft, all matters regarding free school meals and pupil premium are treated confidentially. The key purpose of our Pupil Premium funding is to enable all the pupils to reach their full potential. We work with our families and colleagues to make sure everyone involved with the child has high aspirations. We ensure pupil premium children are well represented and have a voice on our school council and eco committees.

We recognise that barriers to achievement take a variety of forms and will do whatever it takes to support a child, both in and out of the classroom. We use all our resources to ensure that every child has an equal opportunity to become an empowered learner. In order to achieve this we offer our children a wide range of opportunities, we always make sure these are accessible for everyone.

Pupil Premium Expenditure 2015 / 16
Number of pupils and pupil premium grant (PPG) received for the academic 2015/16
Total number of pupils on roll / 212
Total number eligible for PPG / 19
Amount received for the academic year 2015/16 / £25080
At Woodcroft, what are our key strategies to close the attainment and progress gaps for FSM and Pupil Premium Pupils?
Maintain a rich, exciting and engaging creative curriculum offer for all
School focus on developing communication, speaking and listening at all ages and levels
Continued focus on writing, developing the skills to produce sustained and extended pieces of work
Continued focus on securing basic skills in maths and providing extended opportunities to use maths skills
Rigorous tracking of all pupils across the school on a termly basis using the school’s new system
All underperforming FSM / PP pupils are identified for specific intervention programmes and receive additional teacher led support in maths and litercy
Nature of Support 2015/16
Support / Proposed Impact / Funding Contribution from PPG / Impact
1. Creative, enriching curriculum
Enrichment days
Subsidised Class trips
Workshop and Theatre performances
Free places given to after school enrichment clubs
Use of specialist staff: Art, Music, PE[after school coaching]
Renewal of reading books and books for themes in classrooms
Lunchtime clubs in reading, colouring and art. / Pupils have a rich bank of experiences to support ideas for creative writing.
Pupils are able to develop interests and talents outside of the school curriculum
Pupils experience high quality teaching in a wide range of subjects
1 to 1 sessions for specific individuals
Pupils have access to good quality books to read
Pupils develop communication skills and confidence as speakers. There is an expected positive impact on ideas for writing and for pupils to feel confident to explain their thinkingin all subjects
Pupils have opportunities to enhance their creativity at lunchtime [Activities requested by the pupils] / £3580
2. Targeted Support
Tailoring each intervention to suit individual pupils
Small group support
Pupil premium booster groups with senior teaching staff
Speech and Language Therapy support with TA’s attending appointments with pupils at the clinics. / Development of good learning behaviour and skills
Accelerated progress in reading
Accelerated progress in writing
Accelerated progress in maths
Increased understanding of vocabulary in maths
Increased use of an extended vocabulary in writing to support the development of extended and enhanced pieces of work / £5000
[This category costs more than the cost allocation listed here. The balance of costs for this category ispaid from school delegated budget]
3. Well-being Support
Nurture groups
Lunchtime activity groups / Pupils learn how to self-manage their learning behaviour
Pupils gain life skills
Pupils have strategies to manage their feelings / £1700
4. Staff Training
In house training for Support Staff
Regular staff training in delivery of the curriculum
Specific training to enhance skills of staff to needs of pupils
[FFT, BRP, Cued articulation]
Staff training towards renewing Heathy School Award
SMSC development
Staff training in First Aid, Asthma, Epi pen
Staff training in Attachment Disorder / Staff understand barriers to learning and how to adapt strategies to support individual needs
Funding is used effectively and is shown to have an impact on planning for SMSC and pupils work and attitudes show positive responses. / £1800
[Costs exceed the allocation listed here. The balance is paid from the school delegated budget]
5. Extending School Support
Subsidised Year 4 school residential at Standon Bowers
Subsidised music support
Free/ subsidised after school activities
Resources provided to ensure all pupils are involved in after school opportunities / Pupils are healthy, are able to make good choices and understand the importance of maintaining good health
Pupils are introduced to new experiences and feel enabled to pursue them
Pupils have access to enrichment opportunities out of school to extend learning emotionally, in personal safety and in academic terms / £13,000
Pupil premium 2016/17
Governors and the school leadership team will discuss the impact outcomes at the end of 2015/16 when analysis is complete. This will inform decisions on targeted pupil premium spend in 2016/17.