LSIS Blueprint Trials 2010/11
Would you be interested?
In 2009, whilst researching and identifying examples of effective practice in the delivery of CLIAG (Careers Learning, Information, Advice and Guidance), LSIS identified the Careers Blueprint as worthy of further investigation. This competence approach to career learning developed in Canada and Australia, and now being trialled in Scotland had been on the horizon for a while and many professionals in CLIAG have taken an interest in the approach. As part of exploration process LSIS produced a guide to the Careers Blueprint. The publication Career learning for the 21st century: the career blueprint – a competence approachis available to download from the LSIS website.
The approach was successfully trialled in six volunteer organisations. All the trial sites reported benefits for their learners and staff as a result of using the approach.
In 2010/11 we are looking for a further 30 trial sites to explore the implementation of the Blueprint on a wider scale. Each trial participant will be fully briefed on their objectives and the standard and ad hoc reporting requirements. Guidance will be given on which objectives to cover in the trial (see potential objectives below) and an action research model will be used to gather evidence and data.There will be an initial briefing in London on12 July 2010followed by help with action planning. Support will be provided throughout the trial via telephone and site meetings. To make this happen we are looking for participants who have an interest in the Blueprint and who also have the availability to become involved. As the Blueprint is an all age framework we are looking for volunteers from all parts of the learning and skills sector, HE and schools. If you are interested in applying to be a trial site please complete the form below and return to by Friday 9 July 2010.
Some of the aims of the Blueprint
- The use of competencies as a basis for curriculum planning
- The design, development , evaluation and revision of career education programmes, projects and resources;
- The development of career management competencies across the provider curriculum;
- The development and evaluation of career information products;
- The planning, provision and evaluation of employment/career advisory services;
- The development of individual career portfolios
- The development of locally determined standards;
- The development of individual career portfolios.
- Influencing policy makers and specifying outcomes
- Facilitation of service consistency, particularly between services
- Challenging assumptions, creating a common lexicon
- Establishing a career development culture
Benefits of involvement in the Blueprint trial
- At the forefront of a new and different approach
- Learner focused activities
- Realising potential by developing learner and staff competencies
- Opportunity for CPD
- Identify improvement opportunities and realise wider organisational benefits
Likely commitment required from participants
- Attendance at briefing on 12 July 2010, London
- Set up organisational activities, meetings or events to trial the approach from August/September to early February 2011
- Attend/ host an interim visit
- Complete written progress report and evaluations with support
- Attend de-briefing on 4 or 11February 2011
CLIAG Blueprint trials 2010/11 expression of interest form
Yes, I am interested in becoming a Blueprint trial site.
Job Title:
Type of Provider e.g. WBL, ACL, Offender Learning, FE, Sixth Form College, primary or secondary school, specialist college, connexions, nextstep, HE, voluntary sector, 14-19 partnership, other etc:
Age group of your learners:
Do you have any initial ideas on what you would use the Blueprint approach for and who you might involve from your organisation?
Please return your completed form to by 9 July 2010