Minutes, TLAC meeting, October 19, 2007
Present: Alan Beauchamp, Barb Coleman, Keith Ellis, Bob Marlor, Rachel Nye, Judy Puncochar, Kathy Saville, Carol Strauss
I. Additions to agenda (Kathy): lockdown browser; new policy on short-term courses
II. Adoption of Agenda: motion Barb, second Carol
III. Amendments to minutes of Sept 6, 2007 (Kathy): re issues of WebCT support for blogging and ABC Online Teaching website (amended minutes to be distributed).
IV. Reports, Updates
A. Provost Koch is out of town, thus her scheduled visit today postponed to December.
Judy has compiled a packet for her, incl the TE poster, conference grants update, final report 06-07, budget 07-08. Think if there’s anything else we might add.
B. Budget: Marcus sent a report: initially $10,000; after carryover of a $750. bill that came through after the close of the 06-07 fiscal cycle, the balance was $9,250. Judy reports that $200+ was spent on the TLAC session at the UNITED conference.
V. Discussion Topics:
A. TLAC Monthly Teaching Engagements
The poster is out, and how beautiful it looks! Many thanks to Keith (and to his students for postingacross campus)!!
1. Past : (Judy) UNITED session very well attended and can be viewed on
media site live—see link on UNITED website
Outcome: panel members from other UP colleges and NMU to continue discussion
of a support system for Native American and African American students at Bay De Noc and Gogebic community colleges to continue studies at NMU.
2. Present: the ASL session (Opportunities for Research, Publication, Additional
Funding) is taking place today (!) at 10:00
3. Future:
a. Plagiarism (Nov 6): contact person was Dave Powers, but he is on sabbatical
leave; contact Keith with any questions.
b. Also upcoming this semester: Strategies for Managing Large Classrooms
(Nov 12, 5:00, LRC 235A, Al Beauchamp)
c. Winter 08
(1) Those planning the winter sessions should (1) establish dates/times, and reserve rooms; (2) develop title and blurb for winter poster.
Send to Keith ()
Feb: Jill Leonard / Kathy Saville
March: Marcus Robyns / April: Carol Strauss
(2) Academic Affairs is willing to support Magna Webinar—should be added to winter TE schedule.
d. Linking TEs with AQIP projects. Possibilities: Scholarship (turning the scholar-
ship of teaching into research); Online learning; “Greener.”
Think particularly on how Greener relates to T&L. Keith: view the website
e. Evaluation form for TEs distributed by Judy; remember to bring a supply
to your TE.
B. TLAC Grants
1. Conference grants subcommittee members Rachel and Bob reported that there were 11 submissions, high quality of the proposals; the two top ranked were those by Susan Goodrich and Carol Strauss.
a. (Marcus) Submitters were not always clear re plan for dissemination of information.
Suggestion: selection criteria should be included in the application description.
b. (Bob and Rachel) How to better include newer faculty? Importance of their getting to
attend conferences on teaching as they’re getting immersed, yet difficulty for them to
compete, given the current criteria for selection. Discussion on criteria wording.
Decision: wording to remain as is for time being, to be revisited subcommittee to consider this issue when reviewing proposals. Rubric for selection to be put onto
TLAC website so all understand criteria.
c. Timing: should it be changed, e.g., October proposals for conferences taking place up to a particular date (March?) and March proposals for later conferences?
2. Excellence in Teaching
Again, thanks to Keith for designing the poster re nominations! It’s been posted
around the campus and is in the Northwind. Mary Jane Tremethick (one of last year’s recipients) will contact subcommittee members Barb, Keith, Rachel re the packets.
C. Online courses
1. Security: Kathy would like to reinforce that all laptops have a lockdown browser (by Respondus) loaded into them, and that part-time students can download it from the ACS website. It provides a higher level of security, and no printing can take place while on.
2. Short courses—new policy
Following two years of discussion, the registrar’s office has agreed to allow students in
short-term courses (usually half-term courses) to continue to access WebCT in order
to view their grades as entered into WebCT by faculty (i.e., not the registrar’s system)
3. Observations of / evaluations of online courses by other faculty or administrators
Kathy can give faculty or admin access as a “guest student.” The instructor need only
send Kathy an e-mail requesting the guest account.
4. Evaluations of online courses by students
Question: How to increase the number of evaluations in online courses??
D. Good of the Order
- 500+ attendees at the History and Demonstration of Indigenous Dancing session organized by 15-year old Cheryl Sagitaw and performed at UNITED by
12--15 year olds. Can be viewed via MediaSite Live on the UNITED website.
- Lilly North Conference (Kathy): dynamic conference in every way; sessions can eventually be viewed on the Lilly North website; Kathy won a book!
- Carol has published a book, several years in the making: Early Feminists and the
Education Debates; some historical relevance to T&L (!)
Next meeting: Friday, November 9, 8:30, Whitman Commons
Respectfully submitted, Carol Strauss