2017 Fundraising Policy
The following procedure will be followed for the 2016Basketball Season. Each player who participates with the ECHS Basketball Team will be responsible for the following program.
Each player will be responsible for earning/raising300 points throughout the summer and fall. These 300 points will cover all season and summer ball responsibilities. There will be certain benchmarks that players have to meet throughout the summer and fall. Those benchmark dates are below:
- July 28th, 2017 – 100 Points
- September 29th, 2017– 100 Points (200 Total)
- November 14th, 2017-100 Points (300 total)
There are several different ways that players can earn points to satisfy their requirement to the team.
Players may pay out for points. Points cost $1.00 each. Families may either pay in full or they can pay in payments by following the dates above.
Players may fundraise to earn points. Fundraisers are worth different amounts of points, so please refer to the descriptions below to see how points are earned.
Fundraiser A:Car Wash Dates TBD
Each pre-sold car wash is worth $20 or 20 points towards the player fee.
Fundraiser B: McDonalds Coupons
Each McDonalds coupon book are sold for $5. Each book sold contributes to 4 points or $4 towards the player fee.
Fundraiser C: T-Shirt Sale ending October 27, 2017
Players earn points according to number of t-shirts sold. Order and money due by October 27, 2017. T shirts will cost $15 and will earn 5 points or $5per t-shirt sold.
Fundraiser D: 50/50 Raffle at Rebel Madness on November 14, 2017
Players will earn points based off the number of total tickets that are sold. Tickets will be sold for $2 and players will get 1 point or $1 per ticket pre-sold.
Fundraiser F: Possible other Fundraisers
There is the possibility of other fundraisers that will be available depending on what the fundraising committee decides. The points for additional fundraisers will be determined by the amount of overhead that is necessary.
Other opportunities for points may be offered throughout the year. Opportunities will be announced to players IF they become available.
Points are due by the dates listed on this form. Any missing points will be counted as a dollar a point and a hold may be placed on the player’s records at school until the amount is paid to cover the remaining points. A hold means that no student grades, records, or diplomas will be released until the hold is handled. Also, no player will receive a uniform until all points are accounted for.All checks made out to ECHS and turned into Coach Darling.
Please understand this points system is in place to create an equal opportunity for all players. Throughout the year, we will still need help running the operations of our program.
Thank you for all of your cooperation and all you do for your son’s program here at ECHS!!!
Jake Darling – Head Basketball Coach
Matt Huntley- Athletic Director
Billy Hughes– Principal
I ______, have read and understand the fundraising points system for the 2017 ECHS Basketball Season. I understand that I will be held completely responsible for the points that are issued here. Players who do not have points by the final due date of November14th will not receive a uniform and will not be able to participate in basketball competitions until the points are paid in full. Players will be allowed to practice and remain on the team, but will not travel or compete with the team.
Player Name (Printed)Player SignatureDate
Parent Name (Printed)Parent SignatureDate