Agents Listed by Agency
Started September, 2010

loohan's Blog Index

Agents Listed by Agency
Started September, 2010

This is a list of some Satanists who area at least slightly prominent in the orgone, ET, patriot, or do-gooder movements of various sorts. And maybe a few Satanists that don't really fit into those categories, but not too many, for simplicity's sake.
A few are deceased.
I have listed them by agency where possible.
The old agent list is archived here.
NSA: David Wilcock, Wynne Free, Jeff Rense, Ward Churchill, Drunvalo Melchizedek, Carol Croft, Ken Adachi, Stewart and Janet Swerdlow, Ted Gunderson, Sherry Shriner, Greg Szymanski, Victor Thorn, Val Valerian, Art Bell, Don Bradley, Marijah McCain, James Casbolt, Bill Moyers, Brother Jonathan, Mark Davey, Laura Magdalene Eisenhower,
"Environmentalists": David Foreman, Howie Wolke, Ed Abbey, founders of Earth First!
CIA: Whitley Strieber, Alfred Webre, George Green, Chuck Norris, Neil Young (but not his satanist double who does some of his gigs), Mark Philips, John Birch, Mike Ruppert, Richard Boylan, George Noory, Bo Gritz, Fred Gunn, Nancy Lieder of Zetatalk, Graham Hancock, Robert Bauval, Michael Moore, Ann Coulter, Glenn Beck, Joe Vialls, Helga LaRouche (Lyndon's MPD handler), Professors Jim Fetzer and Steven Jones, founders of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, Steve Watson who works for Alex Jones. Max Keiser.
MI3: Sorcha Faal (actually several males and an occasional female contribute to this)
USN: Sensei Dennis of
Mossad:JK Rowling; she doesn't even write the books, so why is all this Mossad money going to an MS center in Scotland?
Chinese government:LouisFarrakhan
BelgianState Security Service: Paul Craig Roberts
Russian-Israeli Mafia: Yoko Ono
Jesuit: Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Mother Theresa (actually all these agencies and more, like Mossad, are under the Jesuits. Well, maybe not the Russian-Israeli Mafia. The Jesuits, including the Rothschilds, led by the Black Pope, are the most evil humans on Earth).
ET from NGC 4414: George Kavassilas (more info)
ETs from the Sombrero Galaxy: Michel Desmarquet and Tom J. Chalko (these latter 2 are not Satanists, but some other kind of black magicians)
Agency (if any) Unknown: (many are Freemasons) Orly Taitz, Esther Hicks, Amitakh Stanford, Joseph Chiappalone, Bono, Ernst Zundel, David Irving, Trevor James Constable, James DeMeo, Brian Desborough, Laurence Gardner, Jacques Vallee, Chris Everard, Zechariah Sitchin, Michel Desmarquet, Zahi Hawass, the "Dalai Lama" (an imposter; the monks who tested and recognized him as a child were all darksiders), Rigoberta Menchu, Ted Nugent (NRA poster child), John Muir, John James Audubon.
Pachauri, Gore, and most other high-profile proponents of anthropogenic global warming.
Moses, Mohammed. Gandhi was a Satanist British agent.
Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, Paul Newman and his widow.
John Lennon (Yoko was his MPD handler, but did he know who she worked for?)
"Laozu" Kelley and his friend Cesco -- high level masons in orgonite scene
websites: is run by CIA satanists paid by drug profits.
publications: The Nation is NSA-run (though most of the contributors are sincere)
Note that just because someone seems to be doing a lot of good, confronting The Establishment and putting out a lot of hard-hitting and empowering truth, etc., is no indication that they are not government Satanists!
Dr. Deagle says they let us know what they are doing to us because this gives it ritual value. Maybe that's the truth, or part of it. It may also be that they are somehow bound to obey some law to inform us what they are doing to us.
Of course, there may well be curve balls and disinfo thrown in.
For example, someone may put out a great deal of truth, but get it all mixed up with a racist agenda (e.g. John Birch). Then another CIA Satanist will come along, like Chip Berlet of the PRA and let people know how these crazy racist, gun-toting fundy anti-semites, etc. are a threat to "left" values. And some of the "right-wing" beliefs he ridicules are the very disinfo injected into "alternative" groups by the CIA and similar agencies.
Who is definitely NOT an agent? Some good people are often falsely accused.
If I've forgotten anybody that really belongs on this page somewhere, email me.

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Who Izzit Page
The Dark Side of Jessica Schab AKA Jessica Mystic
Species Status List
Oct. '09
The Mysteries of Earth's Moon
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The Triple Goddess
Grey ETs Definition Page (started Jan/10)
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Mar. '10
Apr. '10
May '10
June '10
July '10
Aug. '10
Sep. '10
The Qikxie People (started Sep/10)
Agents Listed by Agency (started Sep/10)
Oct. '10
Nov. '10
Dec. '10
Jan. '11

Loohan's blog for September, 2010

Sep. 3, '10: (7pm) On the evening of the 1st i got another 0.6" of rain, and last night another 0.1".
Bad chem cover a lot of the time.
Today i made another all-day gifting run, mostly to Conway again. Found several more towers. Busted the university a lot better than i had time for on my last run. Busted that CentralBaptistCollege a bunch more.
Chem cover was super bad.
Coming home through Greenbrier, i snapped pics of a couple supposed planes leaving "ordinary contrails":

I saw a lot of chemtrailus interruptus. Just ordinary jet traffic, Irma, go back to sleep. Nothing to see here.
Sep. 5, '10: (4:25pm) All day yesterday and so far today, nothin' but perfectly clear blue sky. Warm days, cool nights.
Increased rain chances mid to late week. Meaning, i expect heavy chem i the near future.
I just uploaded a page about the Qikxie people.
(6:15pm) Creepy black panthers in Europearticle.
I found a bunch in the Cannock, Staffordshire area of England. Especially in a 5-mile radius around the city center. Feels like 130 there. They don't seem jailable, so they must be physical. They have a bad vibe. In searching for their home galaxy, i found 2 places:

 The pic here, in the upper left corner. The galaxy marked 980703.

 Also, in this pic we have the galaxy on the left. That unsatisfactory pic is a thumbnail i got on a google image search, but clicking on it did not produce the regular pic.
Sep. 6, '10: (5:10pm) Well, the sky stayed pristine until small chem-clouds started rolling in around 1:30pm. Now i got chem-clouds as well as those clouds that look simultaneously real and fake.
I keep reading about Palin's home on LakeLucille, Wasilla, AK, so i thought i'd check out the area on the map. Had to clear out some demons, then the next DORy thing i noticed was Wassilla Assembly of God (map). Very DORy. I suspected this had to be her church. So i click on More Info and read "The church gained national attention in 2008 when United States presidential candidate Senator John McCain chose Alaska Governor Sarah Palin, an attendee of the church until 2002, as his running mate in the 2008 election." Surprise, surprise.
They have a site that lists their satanist staff.
My impression of Sarah has long been that she has had sex with some 3K men, as well as many women. About 1/2 the men were during her child prostitute days, and the other 1/2... well, somehow i keep seeing her as the naked party doll at illuminati "parties". She used to be very pretty.
Sep. 7, '10: (1:05pm) Been getting gentle rain. No wind, no thunder.
Satanic ring in SWMO: It has come to my attention that there is a DORy bunch of gay male satanists in the Neosho, Missouri area. There was alleged satanic activity in the Fort Crowder area in the 80s... supposed to be some caves/tunnels in the area behind Premiere Turbine where rituals were held, now closed off & owned by gov't.
Some items of interest:

 There is an Army vibe to many of these guys.

 Premier Turbine has 3 of the fellas working for it. One of them seems to be on close speaking terms with a guy at CIA in Langley.

 The center of this zip code (map) is DORy. A power spot, evidently. Demons are drawn to it.

 There's a house near Premiere with a bad vibe. I don't think this is a Premiere staff person, but 2 other coven members.

 2 more of them here.

 2 more here who may be transvestites.

 1 more here.

 2 more here.

 11 more here!

 1 more here.

 DORy ritual site here. There are also 2 ponds SE of there that have a bad vibe for some reason.

 There are tunnels here where we took care of 242 satanists last night.
(7:10pm) Got 1.8" of gentle rain. More chances for a bit in the near future.
I have been pouring a lot lately. My Tucson friend contributed 32(!) gallons of epoxy. I have been making awesome stuff, including a hefty item that is supposed to be a drought-busting CB. It went online a few days ago.
Sep. 9, '10: (9:30am) It's dark, drizzly, and sloppy outside. Got another 1.7" of rain, and the forecast says we could get another 1-2" today.
Got a new agent list up.
(1:05pm) Got another full 2" by noon, and now it's raining again.
I am fleshing out that agent list more, bit by bit.
I was just adding Helga LaRouche, and thought i'd look her up on Wikipedia. She has the CIA vibe, but she's German...
Hmmm, she studied at the Otto Sur Institute. Very nasty illuminati vibe. I suspect she was recruited there. I sense 5 CIA satanists there now. Probably as students, and i don't know if the administration is aware of them.
(1:55pm) Yeah, that is one DORy campus. I hope some German reader will walk the halls with test tubes full of agnihotra ash.
Here is a list of the DORy personnel. They do not seem to have a CIA connection, so i presume the CIA is "ripping off" talented students to work for them.
(3:10pm) Had another 1.2" by 3pm. That's 6.7" of gentle rain so far off this storm, Tropical Storm Hermine, which has caused flooding in TX.
It has stopped raining here for the moment.
Sep. 10, '10: (11:45am) Got another 0.15", bringing the total to 6.85". Chances of slight rain continue for the next few days. The sun has poked through, and the usual chem-clouds are on display.
Supposed to get up into the low 90s today. I anticipate extreme mugginess.
On July 15 i wrote about the Van Buren County Special School. Well, one of the bigwigs in the Capitol bldg is no longer listed on the gov site, and furthermore it feels like the staff at that school may have been replaced with normal people.
I have the impression that, of those 17 satanist staff, 7 are in training here.
The other 10? I had a time finding them. They were in a cloaked U base here in SWMO, along with 22 more gov't satanists.
(8:55pm) It did get up to 87F, but there was also a nice dry breeze in the afternoon.
Thorp is always telling me about an alleged evil race of physical dragons, and Anteran bat people, both of which are supposedly very dangerous. I never could feel them out, though.
Finally this evening i asked my good dragon wife Novz about them. In short order, i saw a silhouette of a bat-like head, and was able to latch onto the being. Likewise, i was able to dig into the lair of the evil dragons.
The Anteran bats seem to be in Galaxy Cluster CL1358. That big bright spot a bit above center.
The evil dragons are in a green pea galaxy. The one upper left in the pic.
No doubt these races are in many other locations as well, but these seem to be their main hives.
(10:05pm) Ha, i just figured out that Dr. Laura Schlessinger is a Jesuit agent! Honest to God. You read it here first.
Sep. 13, '10: (10:40am) Got another 0.4" early morning of the 11th.
Daily chem. This morning, a lot of semi-long trail segments being laid.
BTW, those 6" humanoids in ESO 69-6 that i mentioned on Aug. 20 were hitting me for a while last week. They would hit me with 3 transmitters at a time from their galaxy. I would direct my guys to knock out the transmitter bases. This happened numerous times, then they stopped.
I'll be happier when we mop up ESO 69-6, which also seems to be the main hive of the physical greys.
(1:10pm) The chemtrail segments have morphed into sylphed chem-clouds. Funny how almost nobody is interested in watching what goes on in the sky.
I think i have mentioned a couple times how the Muslim Brotherhood is largely filled with dirty soulless guys, tho non-satanist. I found this interesting:

The Muslim Brotherhood was long ago compromised by British intelligence. “The bottom line is that the Muslim Brotherhood’s success could not have been achieved without the approval of the British ruling establishment,” writes Peter D. Goodgame. The CIA was also interested in exploiting the Brotherhood. “According to CIA agent Miles Copeland, the Americans began looking for a Muslim Billy Graham around 1955… When finding or creating a Muslim Billy Graham proved elusive, the CIA began to cooperate with the Muslim Brotherhood.”

From this article, Ground Zero Mosque Controversy: A CIA Orchestrated Event.
(4:25pm) It always confounds me to watch a sprayer and not be able to detect any organic life or metal connected with the alleged plane, so sometimes i snap a bunch of pics hoping to catch some visual anomaly.
Here's one that went by a bit ago. Note how the trail is fading fast, despite the fact that it is some distance from Orgone Central. This is at 4X [correction: 5X] optical zoom maxed out (i think i need a camera with more optical zoom and/or resolution):

Here is a best-quality crop of the "plane". Maybe there's a simple explanation for why it bears a striking resemblance to this thing.
You can probably zoom in by hitting Ctrl +.
(5:15pm) To the right is the same pic, edited for size, focus, brightness, and color balance only.
(5:35pm) Here is the residence of a CIAtanist that Mordok spotted prowling around his house. He lives very close. In fact, he's there to keep tabs on Mordok. Must be pretty exciting.
(7:45pm) Lotta white-out.
That guy's boss lives here with 3 more male CIAtanists, and their 4 clueless(?) wives. And they work here. At this 2nd spot, we also have 1 male and 2 females in the long, narrow bldg, 2 males living in the south bldg, 1 male in the north building. All CIA satanists.
Sep. 14, '10: (3:10pm) Overcast all day except briefly to display chem-clouds. It drizzled all morning; got slightly over 1/10".
I was just looking at some electrical tape I just bought, and noticed it says "Low Lead". Lead? I did a web search and found info that electrical tape (and other PVC items) often contain lead and/or other toxic metals. Which can migrate to the surface.
To think of the copper-pipe wands I have wrapped with such tape...
Sep. 15, '10: (7:15pm) Heavy chem-clouds around here today.
Mordok has tracked down some majorly evil dude here in Rome. I think he's on the 2nd floor. It's a hotel. I think he may have been living there for 3 years now, and is a Jesuit.
Sep. 16, '10: (10:20am) Chem-clouds.
I was woken up during the night by lightning, thunder, and rain. Got almost 1/2".
I made a big breakthrough last night.
Elizabeth has long had 3 evil portals in her house. And my Tucson friend also had one; there was a room in her house that couldn't be used. The family experienced mental problems.
Well, last night i realized that these portals had to have been moved to these places after these ladies moved in -- to harrass them with. Hence, maybe i could move them, too. I moved them out and stuck them into an evil person. Not sure what the results will be to the person. They are to migrate into Obama when the time is right.
If you think you may know of an evil portal of this nature, e-mail me. I have not been able to move another evil portal that i presume is a naturally-occurring portal that has been in use by evil ETs. Only portals that have been put in places to persecute psychic individuals seem to be movable.
(11am) Someone i will be blasting tomorrow evening: the Great Whore of Alaska. According to the Iowa Republican Party site "It's not too late to make a reservation to see Sarah Palin this Friday night at Hy-Vee Hall in Des Moines. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m." That would be CST. (pic of the Hall)
(11:30am) Oh, here's another fine bunch: the Institute of Terrorism Research and Reponse, with offices in Philly and Israel. Advisors to Homeland Security on US domestic "terrorists" (article).
(4:35pm) I notice some people are blasting the Pope on his visit to the UK. Today is his 1st day of a 4-day visit.
I say "his" with tongue in cheek, for it is my belief that Ratslinger is long dead, and what we have is 3 of his clones. Only 1 is in the UK.
(5:05pm) I was just reading this article about the Gulf. It says