PRESENT: Cllr. B. Greenland
Cllr. T. Stone
Cllr. N. Krawiec
Cllr. K. Butters
Cllr. E. Rowett
Cllr T. Love
Cllr. G. Croft
Cllr. T. Woods
Cllr. A. McKinnell
Dist Cllr Siobhan Weller
APOLOGIES: Cllr. T. Kuzemczak and CountyCllr, Tony Bridges
MEMBERS OF PUBLIC: Nomembers of thepublic attended.
CODE OF CONDUCT: Councillors’ attention was drawn to the Code of Conduct.
The minutes of the previous Parish Council meeting held Monday,1st August 2016 were distributed to all Parish Council members and discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Butters and seconded by Cllr Love that they represented a true and accurate account of matters discussed. All agreed.
Cllr Rowett said that due to the holiday season no meeting had taken place with regards to the feedback comments. A meeting will be arranged for this month. The Clerk said she had written to the school in regards to the healthy food comment.
Cllr Greenland talked about dog foulingin the villageand said there are no concerns to report this month. This will still be closely monitored.
Cllr Greenland said he had the passive signs that need to be put up. Cllr Butters and Cllr McKinnell have offered to help him; a date has been made for Saturday, 10th September 2016.
Cllr Greenland said the defibulator had been installed and a training session had taken place. He would like to thank everyone who attended. A training session for CPR will also be arranged. The Clerk will take care of this.
A LED light will be fitted by the defibulator, with a dusk to dawn sensor. Cllr Butters will take care of this.
The Clerk she had written to the office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Lincolnshire to ask if they would be prepared to help with the cost to upgrade the CCTV at the village hall. We are currently waiting for a reply.
The Clerk said the new waste bins for the playpark had arrived and been taken to the playpark.
The Clerk said she had sent Andy Gutherson an email with regards to a Byelaw and to date has received no answer. The Clerk will talk to Paul Little regarding this.
Cllr McKinnell said that during the 1940’s weekend, the water heater was leaking and sometimes not working. Cllr Butters will take care of this.
The Clerk she had not heard anything with regard to the BestKeptVillage competition.
Cllr Greenland said he attended the Collaboration meeting for Local Parishes on the 23rd August. There are still many questions that have not been answered. ELDC report will go to full council meeting at East Lindsey. Cllr Greenland said he is still waiting for more responses. If you have not filled in your voting slip on the back of the newsletter, please do so.
The Clerk said that Mrs Joyce Erswell had won the “Grainsby, North Thoresby & District Amateur Horticultural Society”Trophy for the person or group who the residents feel has made an outstanding contribution to the village.
We would like to thank Mrs Erswell for all her hard work around the village. We would also like to thank all the residents who took time to vote. Second place was Mr Robin Kelly and 3rd place was Mr Dave Bedlow. Many more people were nominated.
It was decided to hold a Christmas fair in conjunction with the Christmas treeswitch on which will be on the 3rd December at 5pm. The Christmas fair will be on the 4th December. If anyone in North Thoresby would like a stall, please call Sandra Bunyan on 01472 811710.
The clerk said she is having a problem finding out who owns the fields by the footpath half way along from Grainsby to North Thoresby. There is a tarmac footpath but the hedge needs trimming back. If anyone can help, please call the clerk. (Sandra 01472 811710)
Electoral Review of Lincolnshire: Final recommendations.
WAG Leaflet.
Send to ELDC:
Mr G Standley, Barn rear of McColl’s Store, The Square, North Thoresby
Mr K. Keyworth, Westbrook House, Station Rd, North Thoresby.
Full Planning Permission Given:
Mr C Goodwin, Land at Westbrook House, Station Rd, North Thoresby.
The monthly accounts for July 2016, consisting of Bank Reconciliation/Receipts/Expenditures have been emailed to Parish Councillors before the meeting to review. These were discussed. It was proposed by Cllr Butters and seconded by Cllr Love that these be accepted as a true and accurate account of monies held at this time. All Agreed.
Cllr Krawiec said there was a large amount of heavy goods vehicles travelling throughNorth Thoresby and asked if a weight restriction could be put on the road. Cllr Butters said it was Staples Lorries going to North Coates airfield and no other route could be used. This only happens 4-6 weeks of the year.
CllrLove said there had been a report that children are taking a short cut from the playpark to the High St, using aresident’s garden as a shortcut where the fence needs repairing/replacing. Cllr McKinnell said he thought it was the playpark committee's responsibility and it was in the Memorandum of Understanding. He will send Cllr Rowett a copy of this.
Cllr Stone said he had reported potholes in Grainsby to Highways Dept. There is approx six of them measuring one foot by five inches each. Highways told him it would take 28 days to fix. He requested this be noted.
Cllr Greenland talked about the Green Waste Bin and the new charges for this service. The Parish Council did not receive any correspondence with regards to a proposed increase and the issued questionnaire. It seems the consultation was advertised on the web site and the local paper, the closing date was 29th August 2016.
These were the four options:
The first proposal involves retaining the current service and finding savings from elsewhere in ELDC’s budget.
The second proposal involves increasing the cost to an estimated £60 annual fee and retaining 25 collections per year.
The third proposal would mean paying £40 per year (fixed until April 2021) for just 21 collections per year, with reduced collections between mid-November and March.
The fourth proposal involves paying £35 a year for 21 collections, although the charge may be subject to an increase after 2017/18.
East Lindsey District Council Area Forum will take place on the 26th September 2016.
The next council meeting will be MONDAY3rd October 2016 at 7pm
This being the business transacted, the meeting closed at 08.23 pm.