Reviewer ______Date ______Student ______
(Adopted and adapted from Benenson, W., Borgia, E., and Steger, T., 2002)
Criteria / Does Not Meet Requirements /Meets Requirements
/Exceeds Requirements
Two new entries in each category / Rationales are superficial, typically limited to description and written in the third person.
Self-assessment is missing and/or lacks depth
Rationale does not explain how the artifact demonstrates the student’s growth.
Rationales or artifacts give a picture of performance limited to a particular setting and/or age group of children (This means reference is only made to knowledge gained in one class or in a single placement experience.)
Artifact is described, but comments are limited to what the student did rather what was learned. / Self-assessment reflects understanding of self.
Identifies areas of growth.
Provides insight into teacher thinking.
For each and every entry, student identifies growth by considering the following questions (Defines and elaborates purpose):
What have I learned?
(What did I know before?What do I know now?)
How did I come to know this?
In what ways have my beliefs, knowledge, understanding and/or practice changed?
What do I still want to learn, understand, or improve about my practice as a beginning teacher?
/ In addition to the Meets Requirements criteria,Self-assessment provides insight into the student’s “struggle” inherent in coming to a deeper understanding of the complexity of teaching and learning. This may occur through the consideration of professional learning related to:
Coming to an awareness of one’s implicit beliefs,
Dealing with inconsistencies between one’s beliefs and one’s practice, and
Finding a balance among numerous competing demands / complex issues related to teaching.
Student has identified:
Areas of growth,
A plan of action for future development,
Possible follow-up evaluation of their progress towards these goals, and
An understanding of the interaction between standards by making reference to the impact her/his learning in one standard has on his/her knowledge/performance in other standards.
Two new entries in each category / One or more entries are missing, incomplete and/or submitted late
Document(s) is (are) inappropriate to demonstrate a given area of growth.
Document(s) is (are) inappropriate for the given standard
Documents give a picture of performance limited to a particular setting and/or age group of children.
(This means reference is only made to knowledge gained in one class or in a single placement experience).
Additional Comments: / Each and every standard is numbered and written out completely on the first page/divider of every section.
Artifacts and rationales demonstrate performance over entire program to date, including ALL course work and clinical experiences.
Rationales clearly explain how the artifact documents the learning the student says has occurred.
Rationale answers the question, “What did I need to know, understand or be able to do in order to create, use, and/or evaluate this artifact?” and/or “What did I learn or come to understand as a result of creating, using, and/or evaluating this artifact?”
Rationales clearly explain how the learning (described in the rationale and demonstrated in the artifact) is related to the indicators of the given standard.
(Using exact language from the knowledge and performance indicators may help you do this.) / In addition to Meets Requirement criteria,
The use of compound artifacts enhances the documentation of professional practice and provides a complete picture of growth
Connections are made between separate entries and standards, creating a unified picture of growth
Presentation / Sections are not clearly separated
Items are misfiled
Pages are missing and/or damaged or sloppy
Cover page is incomplete
Mechanical errors
Graphics are decorative; “cute”
Graphics do not contribute to the overall presentation of professional competence.
Statements are repeated and / or rephrased.
Redundancy is evident in rationales and/or artifacts
Additional comments: (see reverse) / A three-ring binder is used.
Includes Table of Contents
Includes Cover Page with name, Core, Semester, Year.
Sections are clearly delineated
Sections are easily accessible
Professional appearance (pages are clear of stains, wrinkles, rips, hand editing, etc.)
Mechanically error free
Graphics are suitable for professional publication
Graphics enhance the content of the portfolio
Additional comments: (see reverse)
/ In addition to Meets Requirements criteria,Entire contents of the portfolio are obvious at a glance and easily accessible to the reader
Makes a visual impact
No mechanical errors throughout
Reader is invited to look further into the portfolio
Word choice and mechanics result in clarity
Word choice and mechanics result in conciseness
(Exceeding requirements for this section may involve some independent reading about portfolio presentation, in order to go beyond the information presented directly by faculty. You are encouraged to use the resource list provided.)
Additional comments: (see reverse)