Longbridge Deverill Parish Council
Minutes of the meeting of Longbridge Deverill Parish Council
held at the Parish Hall in Longbridge Deverill on
Monday 6th October 2014 at 7.30pm
Present: Councillors
Richard Baxter (Chairman), Graham Read (Vice Chairman), Ian Bell, Kevin Gray, Brian Marshall, Caroline Sawyer and Nigel Spreadbury-Clews.
In attendance: Parish Clerk Graham Connellan,and two members of the public.
Public question time
Mr and Mrs Graham from 38 Spring Cottage, The Marsh outlined their planning application and the reasons for the application.
Resolved: Noted.
14/077. Acceptance of apologies for absence
Resolved: None.
14/078. Chairman’s announcements
Councillor Baxter stated that he had conducted the Clerk’s annual appraisal, and would issue the results within the next 2 weeks. He also stated that, as Chairman, he had attended the licensing of the new Priest in charge at Corsley.
Resolved: Noted.
14/079. Dispensations and declarations of interest
Councillor Gray regarding the planning application at Center Parcs, and Councillor Spreadbury-Clews regarding the grant application for Crockerton Village Committee.
Resolved: Noted.
14/080. Exclusion of the press and publicStanding Order #1c
Resolved: Not required.
14/081. To approve the minutesas a true recordof the Full Council meeting held on 1st September 2014 (previously circulated) and as a correct LGA 1972 Sch 12 para 41(1)
Resolved: To approve the minutes as a true record. Proposed Councillor Read, seconded Councillor Marshall. Passed unanimously.
14/082. Matters arising
The Clerk went through the matters arising:
- Highways issues – Agenda item;
- Grant applications – Agenda item;
- Co-option of a new Councillor – Agenda item.
14/083. Planning applications for discussion
14/08411/FUL Center Parcs, The Red Way, Longleat
Proposal: New timber lodge to rear of existing Ranger’s lodge.
After much discussion it emerged that the lodge had already been built.
Resolved: It was agreed to approve this application. Proposed Councillor Spreadbury-Clews, seconded Councillor Read. Passed unanimously.
14/08450/FUL 38 Spring Cottage, The Marsh, Longbridge Deverill
Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and erection of single and two storey extensions.
Resolved: It was agreed to approve this application. Proposed Councillor Gray, seconded Councillor Sawyer. Passed unanimously.
14/02779/FUL Land west of Thornhill, Clay Street, Crockerton
Proposal: Conversion and extension to existing pool house to create new self-contained building – Planning Appeal
Resolved: It was agreed to reject this appeal. Proposed Councillor Spreadbury-Clews, seconded Councillor Read. Passed unanimously.
14/09052/FUL 137 Woodside Meadow, Foxholes, Crockerton.
Proposal: Construction of external extensions to form garage, store, study, wc and orangery.
Resolved: It was agreed to approve this application. Proposed Councillor Bell. seconded Councillor Gray. Passed unanimously.
(Please note: in planning matters the Council acts as the consultee of the Principal Authority(Wiltshire Council), the Principal Authority being the deciding body)
14/084. Planning Enforcements
14/00975/ENF – Ernies Yard, Bradley Road, Crockerton
Proposal: Unauthorised residential caravan site and associated operational development.
The Clerk explained that after considerable legal deliberations by Wiltshire Council (WC) there was no agreed owner of the site and that it was unregistered. He stated that WC had asked the site residents to put in a planning application, and this was expected to be received in the next two months.
The Clerk explained that WC had stated that Mr Medlicott had until October 22nd 2014 to comply with the enforcement order, and until October 30th to pay the resulting costs.
Hollow Hill Farm (caravan site opposite Glenville)
The Clerk explained that WC had informed him that the occupants were currently trying to be rehoused.
Resolved: Noted for all three.
14/085.Planning Decisions
The Council noted the following the information.
14/07736/FUL 89 Clay Street Crockerton
Proposal: Construction of a car port, landscaping of garden and decking - Retrospective Planning Application – Pending.
14/07847/FUL Center Parcs, Picket Post, Corsley
Proposal: 8no spa suites, spa lounge and linked corridor to existing Aqua Sana Building. – Pending.
14/06506/FUL George Court, Longbridge Deverill
Proposal: Proposed single storey lean-to extension to rear – Approved with Conditions.
14/086. Grant Applications
The Clerk outlined the following grant application:
Crockerton Village Community - a request for a grant for £300 to purchase a PA System and Karaoke machine.
The Clerk explained that there were sufficient funds remaining in the S137 (Grants) budget line to cover this request. There followed much discussion on whether the Council should fund a Karaoke machine. A resolution recommending a grant for £150 was proposed by Councillor Marshall and seconded by Councillor Gray, with an amendment recommending the grant of £150 for just the PA system, proposed by Councillor Read and seconded by Councillor Bell.
Resolved. It was agreed to approve the amendment for grant application for just the PA system. Passed with five votes for, none against and one abstention.
14/087. Parish On-Line Licence Renewal
The Clerk explained that this was the licence which allowed the Council to access the detailed OS maps. The Chairman asked if there was much use of the facility and whether there were other alternatives.
Resolved: It was agreed to renew the licence. Proposed Councillor Bell, seconded Councillor Marshall. Passed unanimously.
14/088. Accounts for Payment LGA 1972 s150 (5)
Resolved: The Council approved the payments listed below. Proposed Councillor Read,seconded Councillor Gray. Passed unanimously.
PaymentsSeptember 2014 HMRC PAYE Tax (Clerk)
September 2014 Wages LGA 1972 s111
September 2014 Travelling on council business LGA 1972 s11
April – September 2014 Office expenses
Parish On-Line annual licence renewal
September Interest / £31.90
14/089. Approval and signing off of Parish Accounts for September 2014
The Clerk went through the accounts up to 30th September 2014, and the budget versus actual for the first half year.
Resolved: The accounts were agreed. Proposed Councillor Marshall, seconded Councillor Bell. Passed unanimously.
14/090. 2015/16 Budget Estimates
The Clerk explained that the 2015/16 Budget would need to be agreed at the December Council Meeting and presented his initial suggestions for the budget lines for that financial year.
Resolved: It was agreed that all Councillors would forward their budget suggestions to the Clerk in time for the next meeting. Proposed Councillor Marshall, seconded Councillor Bell. Passed unanimously.
14/091. Co-option of a new Councillor
The Chairman updated the Council on progress and informed them that no candidates had expressed a formal interest. Councillor Spreadbury-Clews stated that he discussed the matter with Mr Peter, but he had declined due to personal reasons. Councillor Bell stated that he had given a form to Mr Whithey, and that he was still considering the situation.
Resolved: It was agreed that all councillors would try and encourage parishioners to apply for the vacancy. Proposed Councillor Sawyer, seconded Councillor Gray. Passed unanimously.
14/092. Highways Maintenance
Councillor Bell informed the Council that the planned resurfacing of the A350 from the Hill Deverill junction to the southern Crockerton Junction would be carried out in 2015, despite the work being undertaken on the A350 in October 2014. He also stated that there was a proposal to change the Sand Street junction, and that as soon as he had more information he would let the Council know. The Chairman thanked Councillor Bell for all the work he has done on this issue.
Councillor Sawyer stated that she had leafleted all households in the Sand Street area regarding the proposed Speedwatch campaign and had received a good response. She was now waiting for a response from Jacquie Abbot regarding equipment etc.
Councillor Read stated that he had received a complaint from Sutton End.
Resolved: Councillor Spreadbury-Clews agreed to investigate.
Councillor Sawyer asked who was responsible for the overhanging vegetation on paths. Resolved: Councillor Bell agreed to raise this matter on the Longbridge Deverill Community Day.
Councillor Read mentioned the lack of progress on addressing the Sand Hill Lane potholes.
Resolved: Councillor Bell said that he had raised it with Imogen Dallimore but would raise it again.
14/093 Parish Plan
Councillor Spreadbury-Clews reportedthat inputting the data was progressing, with other Councillors taking over some of the work, and that it should be completed in early November.
Resolved: The Chairman thanked all those who are helping and supporting Councillor Spreadbury-Clews.
14/094. Meetings for Councillors to consider attending
6th November at 14:00Warminster Area BoardWarminster Civic Centre
Resolved: Noted.
14/095. Warminster Area Board Meeting
Councillor Sawyer gave an update on the last WAB. She explained that there was still a considerable amount of money available for grants, but there needed to be matched funding for these grants. She also explained that the Police Messaging service was still in its infancy, and that Mike Davidson was willing to come to talk to parishioners; she suggested that this could be at the Annual Meeting.
Resolved: Noted
14/096. Flood Plan for Winter 2014-15
Councillor Sawyer stated that in spite of last winter’s heavy rain, only two properties were flooded, and said that if the drains and ditches were kept cleared, this would reduce the risks. She also stated that she had prepared a letter as per last winter, and suggested that something should be written in the Parish News.
Resolved: The Clerk agreed to produce a note for the Parish News.
14/097. Autumn Litter Picking Day
Councillor Read outlined the plans for the October 12th Litter Pick. Two teams would meet at 10:00, the Crockerton team at the Bath Arms and the Longbridge Deverill team at the George, with approximately 12 people in each team.
Resolved: Noted.
14/098. Parishioners’ Correspondence
Letter received from Col W F Shuttleworth regarding planning application 14/07736/FUL.
Resolved: Noted.
14/099. Correspondence
The Clerk outlined the correspondence since the last meeting:
Army Basing Monthly Newsletter
Salisbury Plain Newsletter.
The Clerk explained that these newsletters were now available on the website.
Resolved: Noted.
14/100. Parish Clerk’s Delegated PowersLGA 1972 s101.
The Clerk will give the Council details of any matters dealt with under his delegated powers since the last Full meeting.
Resolved: None required.
14/101. Notice of items to be taken into consideration at the next meeting
- Councillors initial 2015/16 budget proposals;
- Signing off the LDPC procedures;
- Date and format of the Annual Parish Meeting.
Resolved: Noted.
14/102. Items for Parish News and Notice Boards
None received.
14/103. Matters to Report
Resolved: None received.
14/104. Date of the next meeting
The Council agreed that Monday 3rd November 2014 is the date of the next Full Council meeting, to be held at 19:30.
The meeting closed at 20:40.