Examples of levelled questions and answers
Foundation Tier (basic):
Q How developed is Kenya compared to neighbouring countries in Africa?
AKenya seems to be a bit more developed than the other countries overall. Kenyas GNP is $1100, more than Tanzania, Ethiopia or SomaliRepublic. It has a lot of trade at $140 per person. 75% can read and write and there is 10,130 people per doctor. People only live to 49 years. This isn’t very long but longer than some of the other countries, but not the UK where people live to 76.
Level 4 The answer is short but correct. It is reasonably clear and supported with some data. The answer addresses the question by briefly comparing and giving some reasons. Spelling, punctuation and grammar include errors. Some geographical vocabulary has been used.
Higher Tier (developed):
Q How developed is Kenya compared to neighbouring countries in Africa?
A According to the data shown on the Resource Sheet, Kenya is more developed than neighbouring countries in Africa, such as Ethiopia, Uganda and Tanzania. For example, Kenya has a GNP of $1,100 per person, whereas Tanzania’s GNP is only $700 per person, which is much less. This is because Kenya is trading more ($140 per person compared to $61 per person in Tanzania). This means that Kenya is earning more money than Tanzania and therefore has more to spend on services such as healthcare and schools. Kenya has 10,130 people per doctor and 75% of the population can read and write. In Tanzania, there are 20,500 people per doctor (double the amount in Kenya) and the literacy rate is 67%, which is less than in Kenya. Also, on average, people in Kenya live four years longer than people in Tanzania. Compared to other countries in Africa, Kenya has a higher standard of living, although it is quite low when compared to MEDCs like the UK. It is a very poor country, but according to Source B, a lot of people in Kenya seem to have a decent quality of life. They live in spectacular countryside, help each other, have an interesting way of life and are friendly and cheerful. They seem to cope well with being poor.
Level 6 The answer is well written. It is structured, clear and supported with plenty of data. The answer addresses the question by comparing and explaining in detail. Spelling, punctuation, grammar and use of terminology are all excellent.