Location: The Axis, 10 Holliday Street, Birmingham. B1 1TF
Tel: 03000 130360.

Attending:Tim Landreth, Tricia Wellings, Beverley Sharpe, Jyoti Jaspal,Sarah Presswood, Nikki Flintham, Debbie Clarke, Andy Bent, Alison Beard, Christine Harding, Tim Hopkins,

Apologies: Dale Ramsay

Not attended: Liz Smith-Keitley, Matthew England,Penny Hustwick, Susan Berry, Anne Stevens

Resigned: Sue Bailey, Andy Matthews, Danielle Cassidy

  1. Welcome and Apologies
  • Tricia has removed several people from distribution list as they have not attended any meetings within the last few months, or sent apologies. LA to be contacted where we have no representation.
  1. Appoint Minute Taker
  1. Actions from Last meeting
  • Previous actions were mainly for Ofsted and prep for the open meeting.
  1. Report back from Open Meeting March 10th
  • Tim L commented that the feedback from the open meeting could have been better. Feedback included that attendees wanted more activities and different ways of being presented to. We will look at this for the next meeting.
  1. Feedback from Open Meeting (collated from evaluation slips)
  • Attendees did not want meetings on Saturdays
  • Attendees felt that communications before the event could have been improved.
  • Price was an issue for several people/value for money.
  1. Report back from Chairs Meeting in London March 20th
  • Meeting minutes to be distributed from Chairs meeting.
  • Other open meetings have high numbers and have guest speakers such as Alice Sharpe – this has helped numbers increase.
  • Tim/Trish have access to OBC website/FB page and are able to post about our events on here.
  • Discussion on changes to nominated person, can now delegate to a “suitable” person. The group felt we needed further clarification on this so that we can disseminate factual information.

Action: Tricia will send a communication to seek clarification from Ofsted on this point and others raised in point 8

  1. Steering Group Members
  • Welcome to Tim from Humpty Dumpty Nursery representing Staffordshire
  • As above several people to be removed from distribution list due to non-engagement.
  1. Ofsted Topics to be discussed
  • No HMI present at meeting.
  • Designated role to be clarified.
  • Discussion took place around photographing injuries on children- can Ofsted give us a definitive answer around appropriateness.
  • Question raised around suitable timings of 2year checks.
  • Tracking children’s attendance
  • Communications and emails – progress on updated systems
  1. Date for Next Open Meeting (s)
  • Friday 13th October- same venue however have more screens/use of microphone etc
  • Cap meeting to 200- 114 attended last meeting.
  • Format of previous meeting was ok but will change times and have no food

Action: Tricia to check out venue availability

  1. Speakers for Next Open Meeting (Ofsted and/or Others)
  • Story telling/engagement
  • Penn Green- centre of excellence
  • Physical activity
  • Update from Ofsted
  • Maths- moderating assessments

Action: Tricia & Tim to have a meeting to finalise agenda and then contact potentials for the Open Meeting

  1. Marketing of Open Meeting
  • Use LA’s to circulate plus OBC facebook page
  1. Ofsted Updates – No one from Ofsted Attending
  1. Date & Location of next Steering Group meeting
  • 12/09/17- 10.30am at The Axis Building
  1. Any other business
  • None raised