1. Introduction and rationale for the report

Section 175 and 157 of the Education Act 2002, sets out the responsibilities for the local authority, with regard to safeguarding children and young people in education.

This report reflects how Swindon local authority is working to meet these requirements and ensure children and young people are kept safe. It captures evidence, reported by individual schools and colleges in their annual safeguarding audit and summarises the work carried out by the Safeguarding Adviser for Education.

All schools and colleges, including academies are asked to complete a safeguarding audit, evaluating practice and outcomes from the previous academic year. The audit takes the form of a self-evaluation tool and a copy is returned to the Safeguarding Adviser for Education (SAE) during the autumn terms. The audit should be completed collaboratively, including the link governor for child protection and safeguarding where possible. Where an aspect of the audit is highlighted as needing development, actions are identified and feed into the schools’ / colleges’ development/improvement plans.

The audits also inform school and college monitoring visits which are completed by the Safeguarding Adviser for Education over a three year rolling cycle. During this visit a range of activities take place including:-

  • Pupil-conferencing
  • Safeguarding and child protection case file audit
  • Safeguarding walk of the school / college
  • Meeting with the link governor for safeguarding
  • Review of recruitment processes
  • Review of safeguarding policy and procedures
  • Review of staff safeguarding questionnaire (completed prior to the visit)

At the end of a monitoring visit the SAE will make a judgement about whether evidence seen from all of the above activities accurately reflects how well safeguarding requirements are being met and will identify actions to move the school or college forward. In some cases a second, follow up visit is arranged to monitor the school’s progress in addressing the actions identified.

Actions from this report inform the SAE’s workplan of priorities and inform the focus for future safeguarding briefings.

An action from last year’s audit was to develop the audit so that it could be used effectively by the colleges in Swindon. All three colleges, including Swindon’s University Technical College (UTC) have completed the audit and been able to use this information to inform action plan’s for safeguarding, going forward. Monitoring visits have taken place this year at Swindon College and the UTC.

2. Audit Findings for academic year Sept 2014 to August 2015

2.1 Policy and procedures

Following the publication of ‘Keeping Children Safe In Education’ in April 2014, this was subsequently updated and re-published in March 2015 and then again in July 2015. Safeguarding policies and procedures in schools and collegeshave had to be reviewed and updated more frequently than the annual requirementin order to reflect the new statutory requirements. Key additions included inclusion of information about the Prevent duty and changes to the requirements about transfer of records when a child moves school.

A continued priority for schools and colleges is to ensure that procedures are operationally sound and that staff are taking actions in line with the school / college policy, both at the point when a concern arises and when the designated safeguarding lead becomes involved.

2.2 Supervision

Notes of supervision are recorded. The remaining 29% report that supervision does take place but tends to be on an ad hoc basis and is not formally recorded.

2.3 Training

Awareness raising and training in relation to specific safeguarding issues

Child Sexual Exploitation

In 2015,every secondary school in Swindon, took up the offer of participating in performances of ‘Chelsea’s Choice’, aimed at year 8 pupils. The pupil referral unit also took part in this initiative.

1,500 children watched the production. There were 3 additional performances, at Swindon College, a session for 150 workers and volunteers, and a session for parents held at a children’s centre.

School / Number of students
Swindon Academy (Secondary) / 110
Lydiard Park Academy / 204
Isambard Community School / 113
Highworth Warneford School / 185
Churchfields Academy / 150
Nova Hreod School / 115
The Commonweal School / 216
Kingsdown School / 115
Dorcan Academy / 180
St Josephs Catholic College / 230
St Luke's / 35
Stratton PRU / 20
The Ridgeway School / 160

During this last academic year there has been work on-going in schools to raise awareness of CSE. 56% schools report that whole staff training has been completed, with the remaining 44% reporting that whilst formal training has not been completed there has been an awareness raising opportunity to highlight the indicators and those at greatest risk of CSE.

CSE training for school and college governors is scheduled to take place in February 2016 and it is hoped that this will equip governors with sufficient knowledge and understanding of CSE to empower them to challenge school leaders and managers about safeguarding children from the risks of CSE.

Female genital mutilation

During the summer term 2015, health professionals delivered a session at the safeguarding briefings about FGM and the indicators which could suggest that a child is at risk or has had FGM performed on them. Approximately 80% of education providers attended these briefings. In addition the LSCB produced a toolkit for professionals who work with children to offer a basic awareness of FGM. The profile of this toolkit was raised during these sessions. The SAE notes that schools are certainly much more aware of FGM and there is evidence from conversations with schools that DSLs are considering FGM as a possible risk much more than previously. Two cases where children might be at risk of FGM were reported directly after the FGM sessions.


During the autumn term 2016, sessions were run as part of the safeguarding briefings to equip DSLs and Head teachers with a basic understanding of the Prevent Duty (June 2015) and the role education must play in identifying children and families who may be at risk of being radicalised. The SAE recommended that online training (referenced within the DFE Prevent duty guidance) should be completed. 54% of schools have completed training with staff about the Prevent Duty. This session also included information about information which must be included in safeguarding policies and procedures and the role Governors can play to support with embedding the teaching and learning of ‘British Values’. A new section for resources in this area was added to Swindon schools online, where schools and colleges can find examples of good practice.

2.4 Record-keeping

All schools and colleges report that there is a system for clear and accurate recording of safeguarding , child protection concerns, actions and outcomes, including consultation with other agencies. Individual files are established once welfare concerns are recognised and each file has a chronology at the front. The majority of schools use the local authority chronology template. CP files are stored confidentially.

2.5 Online safety

Pupils / students are aware of online safety issues and are able to discuss in detail the steps they take to stay safe online (evidence from pupil-conferencing during monitoring visits). The challenge for schools is that many of those children spoken to do not apply the same rules when they are using technology away from school. The greatest issue is the number of children who report that they use technology in their bedrooms with little or no supervision for long periods of time. In an attempt to address issues like these schools offer internet safety evenings, however many schools report a very poor turnout from parents and carers at such events.

During the autumn term briefings 2015 , the ‘Schools’ Guide to Social Media’ (DfE) was highlighted as part of the materials produced to support education with addressing the Prevent duty.

The majority of schools report that they have an up to date online safety policy in place, aligned with local and national guidance and are registered with the self- evaluation tool ‘360 degree safe’ (as advised by Huw Ford – Online safety adviser). However only 33% report that they have re-visited their self- evaluation in the last 6 months.

2.6 Safer recruitment

There has been a greater focus on reviewing evidence of safer recruitment practices during monitoring visits this year, following a number of issues raised by individual schools about unsafe practice they have experienced as part of staff recruitment.

97% of schools report that recruitment and selection processes have been reviewed and are fully compliant with the South West Child Protection Procedure and Department for Education guidance and all interview panels include a member who has completed Safer Recruitment training. Schools and colleges continue to be signposted to the ‘Safer recruitment checklist’ which can be used when going through the recruitment process to ensure that all procedures are being adhered to. This is available on Swindon schools online.

3. Support for schools and colleges

  • 5 editions of the School safeguarding newsletter were distributed to all schools, academies and colleges.
  • Governor safeguarding training - 43 Governors have attended safeguarding training this year.
  • Monitoring of Ofsted school inspection reports (see section 5)
  • Monitoring of school/college attendance at child protection conferences and provision of a report.
  • Support and guidance offered over the telephone or via e mail in relation to child protection issues or concerns.

4. Pupil Voice

In Swindon, schools are given access to an online ‘Feeling safe’ survey. This is aimed at Year 6 children (10 and 11 years old) and Year 8 (12 and 13 years old) and asks questions about how safe children feel in school and how well their school educates them to stay safe. Pupil responses are fed back to individual schools alongside the cumulative data for schools to analyse and identify strengths and areas for improvement.

The challenge for schools is to make good use of this wealth of information and analyse what it tells them about the perception of pupils who attend their schools. Schools should also consider sharing the data with governors to equip them to ask questions about the effectiveness of safeguarding.

This year’s surveys were adapted to include questions about child sexual exploitation. This was an agreed action from the LSCB CSE sub group, with the aim of trying to establish how much information children are aware of in relation to CSE.

Additional questions for Primary survey:-

  • How well does your school teach you about healthy relationships?
  • Have you heard about child sexual exploitation?
  • If yes, where did you hear about CSE?

Additional questions for Secondary survey:-

  • Have you heard about child sexual exploitation?
  • Which of the following statements do you think is true about CSE?

It is a form of abuse

It can happen in a relationship between two people (boyfriend / girlfriend)

It involves gangs

It can involve grooming, using social media

The victims are always girls

  • If you or your friend were worried about CSE who would you talk to?

See appendix 1 for Primary results

See appendix 2 for Secondary results

5. Ofsted Inspections (Jan 15 to Dec 15)

Whilst safeguarding is no longer a stand-alone element of school inspections, it is a factor in two of the four separate judgements and the LA monitors the reports of all school inspections in Swindon.

Date of visit / Overall effectiveness / Leadership and management / Behaviour and safety
St Mary's / Dec-15 / 2 / 2 / 1
Millbrook / Sep-15 / 2 / 2 / 2
Haydonleigh / Jul-15 / 2 / 2 / 2
Kingsdown / Jul-15 / 3 / 3 / 2
St Leonard's / Jul-15 / 1 / 1 / 1
Peatmoor / Jun-15 / 3 / 3 / 2
Bishopstone / Mar-15 / 2 / 2 / 2
Catherine Wayte / Mar-15 / 2 / 1 / 1
King William St / Mar-15 / 3 / 3 / 2
Colebrook Infant / Feb-15 / 2 / 2 / 2
Hazlewood / Feb-15 / 2 / 2 / 2
Swindon Academy / Feb-15 / 3 / 2 / 2
Liden / Jan-15 / 2 / 2 / 2

Feeling Safe Survey – Primary Responses – Appendix 1

Primary Online Feeling Safe Survey - Autumn 2015
Swindon Borough Council
1984 Primary children completed the survey (aimed at Year 6 pupils aged 10 and 11), with 49 schools represented (82% of total applicable Primary schools).4 Year 6 children from Chalet special school completed some of the Feeling Safe questions (not online)

Question 2

Are you:
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Male / 50.1% / 994
Female / 49.9% / 990
answered question / 1984

Question 3

How old are you?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
10 / 73.1% / 1450
11 / 26.4% / 523
12 / 0.6% / 11
answered question / 1984

Question 4

Which one of these best describes you?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
White - British / 71.5% / 1418
White - Irish / 1.7% / 34
White - Traveller of Irish heritage / 0.4% / 7
White - Romany or Gypsy / 0.1% / 2
White - any other white background / 2.5% / 50
Mixed - White and Black Carribean / 1.2% / 24
Mixed - White and Black African / 1.0% / 19
Mixed - White and Asian / 1.4% / 27
Mixed - any other mixed race / 1.5% / 29
Asian or Asian British - Indian / 5.2% / 104
Asian or Asian British - Pakistani / 1.6% / 32
Asian or Asian British - Bangladeishi / 0.6% / 12
Asian or Asian British - any other Asian background / 1.2% / 23
Black or Black British - Caribbean / 0.4% / 8
Black or Black British - African / 1.8% / 36
Black or Black British - Other / 0.7% / 14
Chinese / 0.3% / 5
Any other ethnic background / 1.5% / 29
Don't know /Prefer not to say / 5.6% / 111
answered question / 1984

Question 5

Do you have a disability?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 4.4% / 87
No / 91.4% / 1814
Prefer not to say / 4.2% / 83
answered question / 1984

Question 6

How safe do you feel in school?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Very safe / 51.4% / 1020
Quite safe / 37.6% / 745
A bit unsafe / 6.4% / 127
Very unsafe / 1.1% / 22
Don't know / 3.5% / 70
answered question / 1984

Question 7

Do you have an opportunity to give your views on how well your school keeps you safe and make suggestions for improving safety?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
A lot / 38.7% / 768
To some degree / 27.2% / 540
Not very much / 18.0% / 358
Not at all / 5.5% / 109
I haven't had the opportunity to give my ideas / 4.5% / 89
I have chosen not to give my ideas / 6.0% / 120
answered question / 1984

Question 8

Which of these things do you often worry about? You can select more than one answer?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Being bullied / 36.6% / 727
School work and exams / 48.7% / 967
Friendships / 31.2% / 619
The way I look / 20.5% / 406
Being healthy / 16.1% / 319
Money / 9.8% / 194
My family / 22.4% / 445
Arguments in my family / 25.7% / 510
Being a victim of crime / 12.1% / 240
Something else / 8.3% / 164
Don't know / 8.6% / 171
Nothing worries me / 15.3% / 303
answered question / 1984

Question 9

When you are worried about something can you talk to your mum/dad/carer?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 68.6% / 1361
No / 5.0% / 99
Sometimes / 24.6% / 488
Don't know / 1.8% / 36
answered question / 1984

Question 10

If you were worried about something would you talk to someone in school? Who would you be most likely to speak to?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 10.0% / 198
Teacher / 49.1% / 974
Teaching assistant / 11.1% / 220
MDSA / 1.1% / 21
Parent helper / 3.5% / 69
The Head teacher / 6.0% / 120
No / 9.1% / 180
Don't know / 10.2% / 202
answered question / 1984

Question 11

Have you ever been bullied at school? If yes, when?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
No / 59.9% / 1188
Yes, in the last month / 6.5% / 129
Yes, in the last six months / 4.3% / 85
Yes, in the last year / 9.2% / 183
Yes, more than a year ago / 20.1% / 399
answered question / 1984

Question 12

How often are you bullied at school?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
I have never been bullied at school / 59.4% / 1179
I haven't been bullied for over a year / 24.0% / 477
I have been bullied a few times this year / 11.6% / 230
I get bullied every month / 0.8% / 15
I get bullied every week / 1.1% / 22
I get bullied most days / 3.1% / 61
answered question / 1984

Question 13

How well does your school deal with bullying?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Very well / 47.1% / 935
Quite well / 30.5% / 605
Not very well / 6.4% / 126
Badly / 2.3% / 46
Bullying is not a problem in our school / 8.3% / 165
Don't know / 5.4% / 107
answered question / 1984

Question 14

How helpful is the information and advice you get from your school about staying safe?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Helpful / 85.7% / 1701
Not helpful / 3.6% / 71
Haven't received any / 2.6% / 51
Don't know / 8.1% / 161
answered question / 1984

Question 15

How well does your school teach you about healthy relationships?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Helpful / 71.5% / 1419
Not helpful / 3.3% / 66
Haven't been taught about healthy relationships / 10.8% / 214
Don't know / 14.4% / 285
answered question / 1984

Question 16

Have you heard of 'child sexual exploitation'?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Yes / 38.0% / 753
No / 62.0% / 1231
answered question / 1984

Question 17

Where did you hear about child sexual exploitation? You can select more than one answer.
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
I haven't heard of it / 59.9% / 1177
On the news / 18.9% / 371
At school / 17.8% / 349
Talking to parents / carers / 8.0% / 157
Talking to friends / 5.3% / 104
Online / 4.5% / 89
answered question / 1965

Question 18

Have you ever had an alcoholic drink - a whole drink not just a sip? If yes, how many times have you had an alcoholic drink in the last 4 weeks?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
No, I have never had an alcoholic drink / 86.1% / 1709
Yes, I have had an alcoholic drink but not in the last 4 weeks / 6.7% / 133
Yes, I have had one drink in the last 4 weeks / 0.7% / 14
Yes, I have had two drinks in the last 4 weeks / 0.3% / 6
Yes, I have had three drinks in the last 4 weeks / 0.3% / 6
Yes, I have had four or more drinks in the last 4 weeks / 0.5% / 9
I don't want to say / 5.4% / 107
answered question / 1984

Question 19

Do you smoke? Select the sentence that best describes you.
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
I have never smoked / 96.8% / 1920
I have only tried smoking once / 1.4% / 28
I used to smoke sometimes but I never smoke now / 0.5% / 9
I sometimes smoke but less than one a week / 0.2% / 3
I usually smoke between one and six cigarettes a week / 0.1% / 1
I usually smoke more than six cigarettes a week / 0.1% / 2
I don't want to say / 1.1% / 21
answered question / 1984

Question 20

As you get older do you feel safer or less safe?
Answer Options / Response Percent / Response Count
Safer / 31.2% / 619
About the same / 38.1% / 756
Not as safe / 23.5% / 467
Don't know / 7.2% / 142
answered question / 1984

Question 21