Local Authority Residents’ Association Grant 2019
Name of Association: ______
Town in which located: ______
PPN No.______KCC Ref No: ______
How many houses are in the estate?______
How many houses does the group represent? ______
The purpose of this grant is limited to the maintenance of open spaces.
/Phone No.
/Email Address
Contact Person
Please enclose all documents listed overleaf.
Please sign the Grant Agreement Form overleaf
Closing date for Applications is Tuesday 12th March 2019 at 5.00p.m.
Grant Agreement Form
This a contract between your Resident’s Association and Kildare County Council. Please read the following carefully before signing and returning a copy of this contractual agreement.
On behalf of ______(association name)
We certify that information provided in this application is true.
We undertake to ensure that any grant awarded to us by Kildare County Council under this application will be used for the specific purpose of open space maintenance. Any monies unspent will be returned to Kildare County Council.
We understand that if the proposed works impacts on the works of any Department of Kildare County Council, they will be agreed in advance.
We will acknowledge the support of Kildare County Council in any publicity pertaining to the estate and submit proof of same. We will endeavour to tag Kildare County Council on any social media posts relating to the estate.
We agree that photos, submitted by us, may be used by Kildare County Council on its website, social media or otherwise in promoting the Grant Scheme. The necessary permissions will be obtained and retained by us in accordance with Data Protection legislation.
On completion of the open space maintenance, we undertake to submit documents as proof of spend incurred on this open space maintenance no later than 31st October, 2019 to Community & Culture Department, Level 7, Áras Chill Dara, Devoy Park, Naas, Co. Kildare.
We as a Resident’s Association, will secure all necessary insurances We understand that Kildare County Council shall not be liable in respect of any loss, damage or maintenance costs of any nature arising directly or indirectly from this application.
Kildare County Council, its employees or agents shall not at any time in any circumstances be held responsible or liable in relation to any matter whatsoever arising in connection with the maintenance of your estate.
We have read and are aware of Kildare County Council’s Privacy Statement. (Available at We are aware that information supplied by us is also subject to Freedom of Information legislation.
We confirm that we have included the following:-
1. Application form completed in full ( )
2. Signatures on form. Typed names will not be accepted ( )
3. A recent copy of your association’s bank statement ( )
4. Receipts for 2018 (if not already submitted) ( )
5. Minutes of 2018 AGM (if not already submitted) ( )
Signed for, and on behalf of, the organisation
A. ______Position ______Date ______
B. ______Treasurer Date ______
(Two signatories are essential – one of which must be the Treasurer of your group).