Position title: Sessional Trainer (Family Violence)

Salary: $45.71 per hour (9.5% superannuation guarantee paid by DVRCV)
$48.38 per hour if self-employed (invoice DVRCV)*

*See final page for further information on casual training payment.

Our organisation

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria (DVRCV) aims to prevent violence in intimate and family relationships and promote non-violent and respectful behaviour.

We work within a feminist framework with an understanding of the gendered nature of family violence. We work in partnership with other organisations with similar aims.

DVRCV receives core funding from Family Safety Victoria with additional income from a variety of government and philanthropic organisations.

We provide:

·  Initial support, information and referral to individuals and professionals looking for information on family violence and family violence services

·  Several websites with information for

o  people who have experienced or witnessed family violence, their friends and family

o  family violence workers, researchers, students and primary prevention practitioners

·  Training courses for professionals on a range of responses to family violence including primary prevention, intervention and long term recovery particularly focussing on the needs of marginalised groups

·  A specialist library that is open to the general public, with resources relating to family violence, sexual assault and child sexual assault

·  A quarterly newsletter with articles on current issues in family violence from workers and researchers in the field

·  A range of family violence related publications including pamphlets, kits and discussion papers

·  Advocacy and comment on policy initiatives, media campaigns, project development, law reform and best practice frameworks

·  Specialist projects to support the development of the family violence service system and address gaps in service delivery.

Position context

DVRCV is a major provider of family violence training in Victoria. The Centre provides training as part of its funding agreement with Family Safety Victoria as well as under tender and contract for a variety of audiences. DVRCV has developed a range of training programs, and continues to customise training for specific groups, as well as develop new programs as requried.

DVRCV training is delivered in both regional and metropolitan areas.

The DVRCV training team aims to provide a high quality integrated set of training programs with clear learning outcomes and a consistent message based on a feminist understanding of family violence. Programs are regularly reviewed to ensure that they incorporate current research and reflect good practice in working with women and children affected by family violence.

The training team meets regularly to discuss training programs and training issues and team members bring a range of skills and experience to the work of the team.

DVRCV is a Registered Training Organisation. It provides Domestic/Family Violence units of competency from the Community Services Training package as well as non-accredited training programs.


Reports to: Director Workforce Development but has regular contact with the Training and Scheduling Administrator.


1.  Delivery of training programs:

·  Deliver DVRCV training (including CRAF training) to participants from a wide range of backgrounds and organisations usually in a co-facilitation role.

Essential Selection Criteria

1.  Works within a feminist framework

·  Has a sound understanding of and investment in feminist principles.

·  Can describe how these principles inform their work and their interaction with colleagues and external organisations.

2.  Expertise in family violence and knowledge of its gendered nature

·  Understanding of the gendered nature of family violence.

·  Understanding of the dynamics and types of family violence.

·  Awareness of new and emerging issues in the area of family violence.

3.  Expertise or investment in issues of intersectionality

·  Understanding of how race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, ability and more change the dynamics of family violence.

·  Understanding of how a victim’s race, ethnicity, sexuality, age, ability and more affects their likelihood to experience family violence and receive appropriate care in response.

4.  Training, teaching or group facilitation skills

·  Ability to develop and deliver training programs, including in consultation with other agencies.

·  Ability to communicate professionally, effectively and clearly (written and verbal) and to tailor delivery to different audiences.

·  Capacity to engage an audience and use a variety of teaching aides and activities such as PowerPoint slides, group activities, whiteboard brainstorms and so on.

·  Can appreciate audience diversity and different approaches and views.

·  Capacity to interact with sensitivity and empathy even when under pressure.

5.  Teamwork and co-facilitation skills

·  Ability to effectively co-facilitate training with a range of colleagues.

·  Works co-operatively with colleagues to achieve team and organisational objectives.

·  Values collaborative endeavours as much as individual achievements.

6.  Professionalism and work ethic

·  Takes responsibility for healthy relationships with colleagues, relevant external contacts and training participants.

·  Takes pride in quality of work.

·  Completes projects in an efficient manner.

·  Takes responsibility for accessing support where necessary.

7.  Appropriate availability

·  Available at least one to two days per month for training and attendance at quarterly trainer professional development sessions.


·  Interest in regional training and capacity to stay overnight.

·  Holds current driver’s license.

·  Experience in direct service in the family violence sector.

·  Knowledge of the family violence sector.

·  Capacity to respond appropriately to challenging questions in a training environment.

·  Certificate IV in Training and Assessment, or willingness to undertake this training.

·  Experience in training, teaching or group facilitation.

·  Interest in family violence prevention

·  Interest in issues of gender equity

·  Interest in children and the effects of family violence on children

DVRCV has an Equal Opportunity Exemption to employ only women (A7/2011).

Further information on DVRCV Casual Training Payment

Payment is for:

·  Face-to-face training (full-day trainers have one half-hour unpaid break)

·  Set up at training (45 minutes)

·  Pack-up of training (30 minutes)

·  Preparation as required and agreed (usually one hour for CRAF training)

·  Travel time to and from DVRCV to venue

·  Flat rate compensation for overnight stays

·  If marking assessments: 30 minutes per assessment

Country Travel:

·  DVRCV will book and pay for accommodation and where possible meals.

·  A tax invoice/receipt will be required for reimbursement for meals or other incidentals (not including alcohol)


·  DVRCV car is available for travel

·  It may be negotiated for a trainer to take their own car however it will be at their own risk. Where agreed, DVRCV will reimburse 74 cents per kilometre for travel to and from DVRCV to venue.


DVRCV Position Description – Sessional Trainer August 2017