Field Test Survey Questions

The following scale is used unless otherwise specified:

·  Agree

§  Tend to Agree

§  Tend to Disagree

§  Disagree

Overall Experience in the Course

1.  Overall, I am satisfied with this course.

2.  I would recommend this course to others.

3.  Overall, the pace of this course was about right.

4.  Overall, the difficulty level of this course was about right.

5.  The workload for this course was manageable.

6.  The workload for this course was balanced from week to week.

7.  I have a positive attitude toward online learning at the end of this course.

8.  I have a positive attitude toward the content of this course.

9.  Overall, this course effectively presented the subject matter.

10. If you disagree or tend to disagree with any of the statements above, please help us understand your concerns by describing them here:

Quality of Online Learning Interactions

11. I am satisfied with the quality of interaction with the instructor.

12. I am satisfied with the frequency of interaction with the instructor.

13. I am satisfied with the quality of interaction with my classmates.

14. I felt supported and helped in this online learning environment.

15. The discussion forums helped keep me connected to the instructor and classmates.

16. The instructor effectively facilitated interaction in the online discussion forums.

17. The instructor’s general comments on forums helped me better understand various aspects of the topic of each forum.

18. The social forum helped build community within the course.

19. The video introduction to the instructor increased my comfort level with taking the course online.

20. If you disagree or tend to disagree with any of the statements above, please help us understand your concerns by describing them here:

Course Structure/Organization

21. The content of this course is well structured and organized.

22. The course site provided all the information I needed in order to successfully use the course.

23. The course site provided information about how I was to be evaluated.

24. I could easily find the resources in TRACS that I needed for completing the required activities.

25. The web pages for this course have a consistent format and organization that has aided my understanding of course content.

26. If I wanted to review a video, graphic, or activity after completing a lesson, it was easy to find the particular material I wanted to review.

27. If you disagree or tend to disagree with any of the statements above, please help us understand your concerns by describing them here:

Teaching and Learning

28. The course objectives were useful.

29. The grading rubrics were helpful.

30. I think that my understanding of the content was evaluated fairly.

31. My grades were provided in a timely manner.

32. I found the optional test review sessions prior to exams useful.

33. Studying for the weekly quizzes and mid-term exam helped me to better understand the content of the lessons.

34. The instructional materials in this course have clear examples in sufficient quantity to help me understand the material.

35. Graphs and other diagrams included in the course helped my understanding of course content.

36. I was able to complete the individual assignments without difficulty.

37. I was able to master the material in the assignments.

38. The instructor’s answers to my questions and feedback on assignments were timely.

39. The periodic review sessions provided by my instructor were helpful.

40. Periodic instructional or review sessions with the instructor would have been helpful.

41. The online discussion forums helped me to learn and understand the course content.

42. The questions I posted to the discussion forums were addressed appropriately, which helped me understand the course content.

43. The discussion rubric helped me understand what was expected of my posts to the discussion forums.

44. The instructor’s answers to my questions and feedback on assignments helped me better understand the course content.

45. The team activities helped me to apply and more deeply understand the content of the lessons.

46. My team and I were able to complete the team assignments without difficulty.

47. I liked participating in the team assignments.

48. I liked being able to select my team members.

49. If you disagree or tend to disagree with any of the statements above, please help us understand your concerns by describing them here:

Course Materials

50. Overall, about how much of the assigned textbook reading did you complete (1 = None, 2 = Some, 3 = Most, 4 = All)?

51. Overall, about how much of the online lessons did you use (1 = None, 2 = Some, 3 = Most, 4 = All)?

52. Overall, about how much of the lesson or chapter notes did you read (1 = None, 2 = Some, 3 = Most, 4 = All)?

53. Rate how textbook readings contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

54. Rate how journal articles contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

55. Rate how online lessons contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

56. Rate how mini lectures contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

57. Rate how videos contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

58. Rate how discussion forums contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

59. Rate how individual assignments contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

60. Rate how team assignments contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

61. Rate how quizzes contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).

62. Rate how exams contributed to your understanding of the course content (1 = low to 4 = high).


63. The instructions on how to take a proctored test were clear and helpful.

64. I did not have any problems finding a proctor for the exam(s).

65. The proctoring fees I had to pay to take exams were reasonable.

Adobe Connect

66. Approximately how many times did you use Adobe Connect during this course? (0, 1-4, 5-8, More than 8)

67. Approximately how many times did you watch previously recorded sessions? (0, 1-4, 5-8, More than 8)

68. The Adobe Connect sessions helped me learn and understand the content.

69. The Adobe Connect sessions helped create a sense of connection with my instructor and classmates.

70. If you disagree or tend to disagree with any of the statements above, please help us understand your concerns by describing them here:

71. Did you experience any technical problems with Adobe Connect? If so, what?


72. About how old is the computer you used most often for this course?

·  1 to 4 years old

·  5 or more years old

73. What kind of computer did you use most often for this course?

·  Macintosh OSX

·  Windows XP

·  Windows Vista

74. How does the computer you used most often for this course connect to the internet?

·  Dial up / modem

·  Not dial up / DSL, cable modem, etc.

75. Which browser did you use most often for this course?

·  Internet Explorer

·  Safari

·  Firefox

·  Other

76. Did you experience any technical problems? If so, what?

77. I am satisfied with the technical assistance I received when I had a problem.

78. The time it took for videos to launch and begin playing was generally satisfactory.

79. If you disagree or tend to disagree with the statement(s) above, please help us understand your concerns by describing them here:

Overall Comments

80. Write below what you liked MOST about this course.

81. Write below what you liked LEAST about this course.

82. Write below any SUGGESTIONS FOR IMPROVING this course.

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