Alpha Chi Mastermind Assassins Game: Mission Brief 2016
- All players are assigned 2 other players as targetsat a time.You must eliminate them. Simultaneously, 2 others are assigned to hunt each player! We keep playing until only 1 survives!
- Players seek to eliminate their targets by one of the following methods:
- Ping pong ball sniping. If you hit your targets with a ping-pongdeath-ball anywhere on their body, they are "sniped" and eliminated from the game.
- Paper “poisoning”--tape the "You have been 'poisoned' in the AX Mastermind Assassination Game!" card (supplied in your info packet) to the bottom of a plate, cup, or cafeteria tray. If your target eats or drinks from that item in front of witnesses, you have successfully eliminated him or her.
- Paper “bombing"-- Place the “Ka-Boom!” card (supplied in your info packet) in a box, envelope, inner cover of a book, inside of a doorway, etc. If your target opens the box, envelope, book, or door in front of a witness who can confirm the kill, s/he is eliminated.
- All participants must carry with them their secret AX code number (a slip of paper included in your packet.) Tuck it in your wallet or tape it to your student ID.
- Upon being eliminated, the victims must give their AX identification card with its identifying number to their assassin. The victors then email their victims' identification codes to Alpha Chi central’s e-mail address at . Upon verification, AX central will email the victor a new target, and the hunt continues. Victims will also be emailed confirming that they have been eliminated from the game.
- This process continues until there is only one remaining player. He or she is the victor!
- The winner will receive fabulous prizes! (TBA)
Some things to keep in mind:
- You will only be supplied with your targets' names; since you may or may not know your targets, it may be necessary to engage in some sleuthing to successfully identify your targets and plan how best to eliminate them.
- It is to your advantage that your target NOT be aware that you are hunting them. Secrecy is key to success.
- The only way to avoid assassination is to evade your hunters. You cannot use your pingpong death-balls or assassination cards to defend yourself; these items can only be used on your assigned targets (no one else in the game). Evasion is your only defense.
Important Rules!
- Safe Zones are off limits for kills. No kill "counts" in the following areas:
- Classrooms
- Personal dorm rooms (the target’s own room, not a friend’s).
- Chapel/CLW events
- Work areas/offices (i.e., any place where your targetsdo theirwork-study or job, etc.--but shooting them en route to or returning from that work area is fine)
- Doing anything that actually endangers students or damages campus property disqualifies you automatically.
- You will receive your first target assignment on October 19thbefore midnight, via email.
- Contact AX central at with any questions! We’ll be in touch with your mission instructions on your first targets and provide updates as you play.
- Don't irritate the AX sponsors or representatives by lawyering the rules and spoil-sportiness. If you annoy us, AX central reserves the right to assign you as target to 7-8 other players.