2016/17 UK

Tax Organiser

Use thisPersonalTax Organiser to keepallyourtax documents together andas a checklistof what toprovide tous atthe endofthe personal tax year. The 16-17 UK tax year runs from6thApril2016to 5thApril2017.

It probably helps…

1.To opena folder, place this atthe frontandfile allyour tax documentsbehind inanorganised manner.

2.If unsure,whether to include anything,putitinwithanexplanation.

3.If you need more space for any areas,please use a separate piece of paper.

PersonalInformation(returning clients can skip this section unless there are any changes)

Full name


Telephone NationalInsuranceNo UTR No (10 digits) Date of birth Male or Female


Date of marriage/civilpartnership Spouse/civilpartnerdate of birth

Are youliving inthe UK?YES/NO

Country(ies) of citizenship ______

Statement ofAccount

Please provide copies of any “statements of account”receivedfromHMRC.

Payments on Account

If you made any “payments on account” for the 16-17 tax year, please provide the amounts and dates paid

Interest Income

Please provide a certificate of interestreceivedfromeachsource in the year or bank statements or detailsof the interestreceived (gross, tax and net) makingclear ifany accounts are jointaccounts.

How many accountsdo youearn interestfrom intotal

If your interest certificates are not available, please list out your interest received details here:

Bank name / Account # / Gross interest / UK tax taken off

Dividend Income

Please provide all dividendvouchers for dividends receivedduringthe year.

How many differentsources do youreceive dividends from

If your dividend certificates are not available, please list out your dividend received details here:

Note: the UK dividend “tax credit” has been scrapped for 16-17 onwards, simply report the total amount of dividends received here.

Company name / Ref # / Total dividend received

Statepensionsand benefits

Enter the weekly amountof state pensionreceived duringthe year


If this startedduring the year,please provide the startdate

Please provide details of any other statebenefits receivedduringthe year andform P45U or P60U inrespectof any incapacity benefit or jobseekers benefitreceived…

BenefitAmount received intheyear

Pension Income

Please enclose a P60 for each pensionreceived duringtheyear and list the names of the payer(s) here:


Please provide details of your employers name andyour occupationalong withform P45 or P60 and tax codenotice:

Date employmentcommencedor ceased ifduring thetax year

If youare a director, isthe company,aclose company: YES/NO

Please provide a copy of your P11D withshowinganybenefitsinkind. Please provide details of anylump sumsreceived

Please provide details of anytaxdeductible expenses you incur personally withyour employment


Please indicate if you have hadincomefromself-employmentor a partnershipandthe nature of your trade.Please provide copies of accounts andany tax computations.

Land & Property

Note: the wear & tear allowance for furnished property has been scrapped for 16-17 onwards. However, you may instead claim the actual cost of replacing domestic items. A good summary is here: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/income-tax-when-you-rent-out-a-property-working-out-your-rental-income#dom-items

You can still claim for repairs and maintenance in the normal way.

Please provide details of rents receivedandexpenses incurred inrespect of let properties as follows:

Rental income received______

Rates, insurance, ground rents etc.______

Repairs, maintenance and renewals______

Costs of replacing domestic items______

Loan interest and other financial costs______

Legal, management and other professional fees______

Costs of services provided, including wages______

Any other property expenses (please describe)______

Is the property a holidayletting? (YES/NO)

Was any income tax deducted by your letting agent? (YES/NO) – if so please provide a copy of the income tax certificate.

Also - provide a certificate of any mortgage interest paid.


If you made any capital gainsduring the year suchas fromsale of shares, property etc. please providedates andamounts of cost,saleproceeds andincidentalexpenses. Please supply contacts/completionstatements.

Important- the rules for capital gains on the sale of UK property by non-residents have changed as of 6 April 2015. Please call our attention to any UK property sales made during the year.


If you made any pensioncontributionsto a personal pension,retirement annuity or free-standingAVC scheme (type),please provide details and identify those paidgross or netof tax.For new pensions takenout inthe year, please provide pensioncertificates.

PensionPolicy NoAmount PaidTypePaid

Companynetor gross


If youare entitledto any of the followingreliefs,please indicate: Blindpersons allowance

Other outgoings

Please provide details of any other relevantoutgoings. For example: Intereston qualifying loans – please provide interestcertificate

Venture CapitalTrustsubscriptions

Enterpriseinvestmentscheme subscriptions

GiftAid payments

Residence information

Please review the below questions carefully (also see new question below regarding employment gaps.)

If you no longer live in the UK, please provide the date you formally left the UK ______

Did you or your spouse/domestic partner leave the UK to work full time overseas? ______

List the countries you lived in for each year (April 6 to April 5):

13-14 ______

14-15 ______

15-16 ______

Did you have a home that you lived in (either owned or rented) outside the UK during 16-17? ______

Number of days physically present in the UKfor any reason during 2016–17 (count any days you were in the UK at midnight) ______

Number of days you spent working in the UK during 2016-17 (count any day you worked more than 3 hours) ______

Number of days you spent working outside the UK during 2016-17 (count any day you worked more than 3 hours) ______

Did you have any gaps in your non-UK employment during 2016-17? If so please provide the date(s) of any gap(s). ______

Does your spouse/civil partner, or child age under age 18 live in the UK? (Y/N) ______

Do you still have a home* available to you in the UK? (Y/N) ______

* You are considered to have a UK home if you have a place to live in the UK and it is available to you for a continuous period of 91 days or more during that year, and you spend one or more nights there during that year

Did you spend at least 90 days in the UK for either 14-15or 15-16 (Y/N)? ______

Bank information for refund

If you would like your tax refund deposited directly to your UK bank, please provide the following:

Bank name ______

Sort code ______

Account number ______

If a building society account, their reference for you ______

Anyother information

If there is any other informationatall thatyouthink may be relevant to the completionof your Tax Return, please provide details. This could include any other income of any kindsuchas gains onlife assurance policies,share schemes,foreignincome, trustincome or any other income of any kind.If in doubt,please providedetails.