Minutes of the leigh PARISH COUNCIL MEETING held in the Small Hall,
High Street, Leigh on Monday 1ST JULY 2013 at 8.00pm
PRESENT: Cllr C. Stratton-Brown (Chairman), Cllr D. Bennie, Cllr P. Croft, Cllr B. Doherty,
Cllr A. Johnston, Cllr G. Marchant (from 8.10pm), Cllr S. Smith and Cllr R. Swallow
APOLOGIES: Cllr J. Knock and County Cllr Pearman
IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs L. Kleinschmidt (Clerk) and District Cllr Cook
Open Session
Report by District Cllr Cook
District Cllr Cook reported that there is gloomy news from the Government as, for the year 2015-16, there will an average reduction in grant of 10% to local authorities, with another reduction likely in 2016-17. Sevenoaks District Council is likely to have a larger reduction as they have proved themselves to be efficient in previous years. Local authorities have been advised that if they keep their council tax unchanged they will receive a percentage increase in grant from the Government but in reality this is extremely hard for the councils as budgets are already tight for the provision of services. Cuts have already been implemented by sharing staff with Dartford Borough Council and it is difficult to find other areas where savings can be made. There will also be changes to some grants, such as the new homes bonus which in future may be distributed to local partnerships. The Government has announced new funding opportunities which, in effect, is a re-allocation of existing funding. The requirement for statutory notices that local authorities have to place in newspapers is being looked at as this is has a large cost. The Boundary Commission is looking at district/borough ward boundaries as some local authorities may have to reduce the number of district/borough members and those remaining would have to cover a larger ward area. Sevenoaks District Council has been advised that their application for improved rural broadband is through to the next round. Rents for social housing are going to rise in 2015-16 which is good news for the housing associations. (Cllr Marchant joined the meeting at 8.10pm). D.Cllr Cook advised that committees at SDC have been changed from May and she now serves on the Advisory Board which looks at the economic and business aspect. One discussion at this committee is the importance of retaining business and employment use in the rural area, and the committee will have a meeting with Alan Dyer to discuss how the planning department decide when change of use to residential is appropriate and whether more sites could retain their employment use.
(District Cllr Cook left the meeting at 8.15pm.)
Closed Session
43. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Knock, and his reason for absence was accepted by members. Apologies for absence were also received from County Cllr Pearman.
44. Declaration of Disclosable Pecuniary Interest and Non-Pecuniary Interest in respect of matters to be discussed
Cllr Bennie declared an NPI in item 59(i) – the grant application for the Scout Centenary event.
45. The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 3rd June 2013 were approved and duly signed. Proposed by Cllr Doherty, seconded by Cllr Croft and all were in favour.
46. To report on matters arising from the minutes not otherwise on the agenda – none.
47. Planning
i. to consider applications received
i. SE/13/01564/FUL: Priory Wood and land adjoining to the west of Scabharbour Road, Sevenoaks Weald - proposed access track, hard-standing, borehole and open (covered) woodstore on an agricultural plot of land.
Members objected to this application as it would appear to be a change of use from agricultural as the application is for a large vegetable patch and fruit/nut trees for personal consumption.
Cllr Doherty reported that, during the month, the Planning Committee considered the following:
ii. SE/13/01603/HOUSE: 21 Powder Mill Lane, Leigh TN11 9AR - demolition of existing single storey side and rear extension and erection of a single and two storey rear extension with roof-lights to side (southern) elevation and internal alterations. Members supported this application.
iii. SE/13/01435/HOUSE: 21 Well Close, Leigh TN11 8RQ - erection of single storey rear extension. Members supported this application.
ii. notification of planning decisions:
i. SE/13/01106/EXTLMT: 4 The Green Lane, Leigh, TN11 8QX – application to extend time limit of an extant planning permission approved under reference SE/10/00444/FUL – part demolition and alterations to existing police house, change of use for the formation of a new residential curtilage and erection of one new detached dwelling. Application refused as no contribution has been provided towards the provision of affordable housing.
ii. SE/13/01055/HOUSE: The Hollies, Greenview Avenue, Leigh TN11 8QT – erection of first floor rear extension. Application approved.
iii. SE/13/01237/HOUSE: Moorden Farm House, Moorden Lane, Chiddingstone Causeway TN11 8JD – demolition of existing corrugated metal clad garage and erection of a 2 bay traditional style oak framed garage. Application approved.
iii. to hear update regarding the complaint to SDC regarding Sevenoaks Boxing Club application
Cllr Stratton-Brown reported that he has sent a response to Dr. Pav. Ramewal, the Chief Executive of SDC, advising that the Parish Council will not be pursuing a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman.
iv. to hear update regarding the Cricket Club’s draft refurbishment plans for the Pavilion
Cllr Doherty reported that she, Cllr Stratton-Brown and the Clerk had a very productive meeting with Ian Bishop to discuss the Cricket Club’s refurbishment plans for the pavilion. Cllr Doherty re-iterated the Parish Council’s support of the Cricket Club and it was agreed that Ian would work with the Parish Council in drawing up appropriate plans for refurbishment. Ian is keen to explore the idea of a Sports Association. Cllr Swallow said that work to carry out minor repairs and improvements has started on the pavilion. He has discussed the proposal to form a Sports Association with the Rugby Club and it was felt that a Recreational Association might be more appropriate as there are other local clubs and societies that might benefit from being involved, such as the Produce Association. The Cricket Club is working hard at trying to get more people involved with the club, especially the school and teenagers. Cllr Swallow added that he has contacted KCC Landscape Services and there are things that could be done to improve the pitch for the football club but obviously there would be a cost implication. Cllr Swallow is following this up and will investigate further.
48. To consider action required for the Tonbridge to Redhill/Reigate Railway Line Steering Group
Cllr Swallow advised that the next meeting will be on Wednesday 4th September and it is hoped to hold the meeting in Leigh. Unfortunately Cllr Swallow will not be able to attend on this date and will try to re-arrange the meeting.
49. To hear update regarding the verge cutting contract 2013
The Clerk reported that KCC has advised that the visibility splay cut must be completed before the end of July and the second swathe cut must be done between the 1st September and the 15th October. Members asked the Clerk to enquire whether these dates can be changed as ideally the visibility cut should be done in the next couple of weeks and the second swathe cut done in early August.
50. To hear update regarding the Summer Family Fun Play Scheme
The Clerk reported that the Leigh play day is on Friday 23rd August, 2pm to 5pm. The Clerk reported that she has asked the Cricket Club whether they would be interested in providing refreshments as a fund-raising opportunity. In previous years, Play Place has provided the banner to advertise the event, this cost the Parish Council £50 for one banner. It has been agreed that the parishes will source their own banners this year, and the Clerk has been working with both Chiddingstone Parish Council and Penshurst Parish Council, and has ordered six large advertising boards (two for each parish) plus 500 A5 leaflets to be shared between the parishes. The school has agreed to distribute the leaflets to the children and will require 100 copies. This will cost £16. The two boards will cost £30, therefore the total cost is £46. Members approved the expenditure. The Clerk advised that she will try and book Jessica’s Hall in case of bad weather.
51. To hear update regarding the permissive path request at Knotley Hall
The Clerk reported that David Munn at KCC has advised that the landowner’s agents have responded with the amendments required to the Licence and works and these amendments are not controversial. David has now revised the draft Licence and Works Schedule to incorporate these changes and have sent them back to the agent for approval. Then the Licence will go to his manager for approval and signing/sealing. David advised that the only other point that needs addressing is that the landowners have asked KCC to meet their costs and David has agreed in principle, depending upon the level of costs involved.
52. To hear update regarding the Rural Broadband project
Cllr Swallow reported that SDC has successfully moved to the next round in the bidding process and it is hoped that there will be funding for villages in the area.
53. Environment
Cllr Croft declared a DPI in this item.
i. Mowing of The Green and other areas
· The Clerk reported that this was discussed with the Internal Auditor and it was recommended that regular reviews are made of the work carried out to ensure best practice. There is no criticism of the work carried out currently, but if the work is reviewed from time to time it protects both the contractors and the Parish Council. Members agreed that both Peter Croft and Brian Brooker should be asked to provide information on what areas they manage on behalf of the Parish Council, the cost of the regular work, plus what the additional cost would be for removing grass cuttings. Members agreed that it is essential that the contractors approach the Parish Council if they wish to undertake additional work, such as buying top soil and grass seed. It is appreciated that both contractors have the best of intentions but all expenditure must be approved by the Parish Council before the work is undertaken. Clerk to request copies of public liability insurance certificates.
· The Clerk reported that an email has been received from David Hutchins: “I, and many others, have noticed that when the Village Green and the grass on Church Hill are cut all the dead grass is then just left there to rot. In the case of the Village Green it spreads all over the pavement and walkways and then scatters onto the roads and takes an age to disperse. Can the PC please instruct the contractor to clear up the grass cuttings he has created and remove them as part of his contract. Just leaving them to spread everywhere makes these village areas a real mess, when the exact opposite should be the objective.” This matter was discussed last month and it was felt that it would cost too much to collect the grass. However, it was agreed that Peter Croft should provide a price as part of the review so that members can consider the matter properly. It was agreed that the Clerk should ask Landscape Services how much it would cost for a grass collector to be put on the gang mower and whether this is possible.
· The Clerk raised the issue of the visibility at the end of the path on The Green opposite the church, as raised by Chris Rowley, and members agreed that the matter of safety should be discussed with KCC ROW as it may be sensible from a safety aspect to stop the path.
ii. to consider applications for tree works
SE/13/01593/WTCA: Chilling House, High Street, Leigh TN11 8RH – application to fell large pear tree to near the ground. Cllr Croft reported that he has looked at this application and has no objection to the work.
54. Highways update
i. The Clerk reported that the following highway repairs will be carried out:
· Scabharbour Road between the Gaza Trading Estate and Priory Farm on 12th July
· Leigh Road from Stocks Green Road to Meopham Bank Farm on 27th July
Both stretches will have Surface Treatment work, taking one day to complete. This work will be carried out between 09.00 am and 19.00 pm.
ii. The Clerk reported that the water leak on the Hildenborough Road is still being investigated and the latest report from South East Water says that contractors have raised the fitting on an old abandoned supply pipe and this has been disconnected, and further overnight investigations using hydrophones have been carried out. Live correlations along the section of PVC main, starting from the junction at Rings Hill, have also been carried out. A mains repair in the verge will be done and a comparison water sample taken. Previous correlations peaking at the Hilden Golf Club identified an internal leak and this has now been repaired. South East Water has assured that their contractors will continue investigations until the leak is repaired.
55. Village Halls update – none.
56. Aged Persons Dwellings update
Cllr Croft reported that he has replaced the gate post at No.1 The Bungalows.
57. To report on correspondence received
The Clerk reported that lists of correspondence received have been circulated and drew members’ attention to the following items: