Literacy Mat: Year 7 Chemistry Theme 3 – Mixtures

Lesson 1: Pure and mixtures
Keywords: mixture, pure substance, particle, model
Sentence starters:
Three mixtures are ...
Three pure substances are...
A mixture is ...
A pure substance is ...
A model to show this is ...
This is a mixture because is shows the particles...
This is a pure substance because it shows the particles ...
My model shows ... / Lesson 2: Identifying mixtures
Keywords: mixture, pure substance, particle,
Sentence starters:
This is a mixture because...
This is a pure substance because...
To demonstrate whether the new substance is a pure substance or mixture I would...
My diagrams show the differences between mixtures and pure substances because ...
The most important mixture is ...
I think this because ...
The most important pure substance is ...
I think this because ... / Lesson 3: Dissolving
Dissolve, sugar, salt, sand, water,
Sentence starters:
When I.... I saw that ...
The substances that were soluble / not soluble in water were...
The factors that affect solubility are ...
These affect solubility by ...
I think increasing the temperature will...
I think this because ...
Also... / Lesson 4: Chromatography
ink, dissolve, solvent, solute, solution, chromatogram, water
Sentence starters:
We made a chromatogram by first... Then we ...
In chromatography a mixture will ...
However, a pure substance will...
Chromatography works by the ...
I think the crime pen was ...
I think this because ...
The chromatogram showed this by ...
I think Iodine can be used to show fingerprints because ...
I think this would work by ...
Lesson 5: Distillation
Separation, mixture, liquid, condense, evaporate
Sentence starters:
The kind of substances can be separated using distillation are...
During distillation the first
thing that happens is ...
Distillation can be used in real life for ...
These diagrams show that...
If I were on a desert island I would ... / Lesson 6: Separating mixtures
Keywords: magnet, tweezers, filter, evaporate, soluble, insoluble, solid, liquid,
Sentence starters:
This technique works by ...
To separate .... from .... the technique I would use would be ...
I would use this technique because...
Also the other techniques would not work because... / Lesson 7: Separating rock salts APP Planning
Keywords: equipment, risk, variable, fair test, control, range
hypothesis, method, investigation, experiment
Sentence starters:
The equipment I will use is ... I will use .... to ...
A risk in the experiment is ... I will manage this risk by ...
To make it a fair test I will need to control ...
I will control these variables by ...
First I will ... Then I will...
My plan will test the hypothesis because ...
The range of data is ...
This was chosen because ...
This range of data will test the hypothesis because ...

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