Name Laker ID#

Major Overall GPA Major GPA

Currently pursuing

______Associate Degree______Bachelor’s Degree

Number of semesters completed (to date) at Clayton State

Expected Graduation Date

Phone (to best reach you)



Note: Your signature above grants the Clayton State Women’s Forum the authority to verify any and all information related to this application. Also, by signing the application you are stating that you have completed at least one semester at Clayton State, have at least two semesters remaining before graduation, and have an Overall GPA of 2.8 or higher.

  1. Complete (type) all pages indicated for Women’s Forum General Student Scholarship, including short essay
  1. Identify evidence of financial need
  1. Assemble all parts of the application packet:
  • This cover sheet
  • Completed 2-page application form
  • Answer to SHORT ESSAY on separate document
  • Evidence of financial need such as copy of bill, Financial Aid Award Letter, employer information
  1. Submit application packet in hard copy form to

Nicole Harris

Office of Budget and Finance

Woodlands Hall, CSU EAST, Ste 124


5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Incomplete or late application packets will not be considered

Women’s Forum General Student Scholarship Application
Last 5 numbers of Laker ID

Employment Experience for Past Five Years (list most recent first)

Employer Position Start/End Dates Hours/Week

Financial Aid Received for Past Three Years

Type of Award Amount Number of Years Received

List Additional Financial Resources (contributions from family members or friends, personal fund-raising projects, sponsorships)

Women’s Forum General Student Scholarship Application
Last 5 numbers of Laker ID

Academic Honors

List your academic accomplishments (for example, undergraduate research; publications or presentations; membership in honor societies; scholarships or awards, volunteer tutoring) Include dates. Do not abbreviate names of organizations. Significant achievements made while in high school or at other colleges are acceptable.

Campus and Family Activities

List your participation in campus projects, family activities (that are not routine), on-campus organizations, or volunteer involvement.

Community Service

Briefly describe your participation in community projects or organizations.


On a separate piece of paper, write one or two paragraphs indicating why you need this scholarship and how you expect to use the funds. The essay should be no more than 200 words.

Women’s Forum General Scholarship Application Page 1

Attach additional pages if needed