Council 11615 News February 2006
Fr. A. Leo Abendschoen Council 11615
Overlea/Rosedale, MD February 2006
Council 11615 News February 2006
Grand Knight’s Message
January was an eventful month for the Knights of Columbus, and especially for the Fr. Abendschoen Council. On January 7th, we held our first successful monthly Cash Bingo, with hopes of many more to come. On January 14th, we participated in the local March for Life and mass at St. Ursula’s in Parkville. On January 23th, the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we observed the National March for Life in Washington, D.C. On January 26th, we elevated one of our Brothers to the 2nd Degree. And on January 29th, we united the local business community and our parishioners in a charity Bowl-a-Thon that raised money for the mentally disabled in our community. These were all signs of an active Council, and the kind of Council that I am proud to be associated with.
Now we go into February. On February 4th, we will conduct our second monthly Cash BINGO. Advance ticket sales for the February Bingo have already exceeded the advance sale that we had for January, so this is a good sign. We can all pitch in and make these BINGOs a success either by volunteering to sell tickets before and after the masses on weekends, by making time to work at the BINGO, by bringing in paying customers, or any combination thereof. We especially need Brothers who are still very mobile and agile to work the floor. Remember that we split the profits with the church, so every successful BINGO means more money in our Treasury to fund the projects that we wish to conduct, as well as an increase in the amount of donations that we are able to provide to the parish.
May God Bless You All !
Shawn Ruby
Grand Knight
Chaplain’s Message
Dear Brothers in Christ,
It is hard to believe that January has already come to an end. Where did the time go? Even though the days have been expectedly short, the mild temperatures that we have had thus far this Winter leave us with hope for an early Spring. Now we are into February. February is often thought of as the month of Love. Hearts, flowers, and candy are already abundant in the stores as merchants remind us to remember our loved ones on St. Valentine’s Day. In 496 A.D., Pope Gelasius set aside February 14 to honor St. Valentine. The Catholic Encyclopedia tells us that the popular customs associated with Saint Valentine's Day undoubtedly had their origin in a conventional belief generally received in England and France during the Middle Ages, that on 14 February, i.e. half way through the second month of the year, the birds began to pair. Thus in Chaucer's Parliament of Foules we read: “For this was sent on Seynt Valentyne's day Whan every foul cometh ther to choose his mate.” For this reason the day was looked upon as specially consecrated to lovers and as a proper occasion for writing love letters and sending lovers' tokens. Both the French and English literatures of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries contain allusions to the practice.
February will also be a month of preparation for the season of Lent. When we near the end of the month, we will begin to notice that the days will be getting longer, the temperatures will be getting warmer, and the first signs of re-birth in our earthly vegetation will appear. Think of February as the month that reminds us that our passage of time on earth is merely a rehearsal for the life that is yet to come – a wonderful life of eternity with God for those who follow in His way.
Faithfully yours in Christ,
Fr. William P. Foley
Dues Reminder
Council Dues notifications for the 2005-2006 Fraternal Year were mailed to you in December. This year’s dues are $30.00. If you have not remitted your dues as yet, please do so as soon as possible. Thank you.
Our thanks to Greg Fischer, Phil Giannino, Lou Kardos, Jason Karolkowski, Matt & Michelle Miklewski, Jim & Nancy Pierce, Bob Rogers, Shawn, Helen & Tiffany Ruby, Joe Schaum, Jr., Gary Sweet, Walt Wankowski, and Bill Zeller for helping to make our inaugural monthly cash BINGO a success. Thanks also to Mary Beth Simon of the Annunciation Ladies’ Auxiliary for giving us some pointers on set-up and sales. Advance ticket sales for the February 4th BINGO have already exceeded the previous month’s advance sale. This is our newest fundraising effort and we hope that you will all pitch in one way or another to help make it successful. The BINGO will be held on the first Saturday of every month at 7:15 pm in the parish hall. We are in need of Brothers to pitch in and work the BINGO, especially those who are still mobile and agile enough to work the floor. We also need Brothers to volunteer to sell advance tickets before and after the masses for two weeks prior to each BINGO date; and most important, we need you to promote this BINGO. If every member on our roster brought at least one or two family members or friends to be paying customers, our BINGO would be an overwhelming success. So please check and mark your calendars, and plan to join us in this monthly fundraising effort.
Knightly News
The next edition of the Knightly News will be published at the beginning of April. Keep in mind that we are looking for articles and pictures that show our Knights working in the community. If you’re involved in any kind of charity work, let us tell the community about it!
Bowling for the Disabled
On Sunday, January 29, 2006 our Council sponsored a Bowl-A-Thon, at the Brunswick Lanes, in Perry Hall, with proceeds to benefit the mentally disabled. Thanks to all who helped make it a success. Many thanks to the following persons and businesses who donated prizes and gift certificates:
Baltimore Ravens
Bennigan’s Restaurant - Golden Ring Center
Chuck E. Cheese – Bel Air, MD
Della Rose’s Avenue Tavern – 8153 Honeygo Blvd.
Every Hair in Place Hair Salon
Hazelwood Inn
Mars Super Markets, Inc.
Modell’s Sporting Goods – 1959 E. Joppa Rd
Panera Bread – Golden Ring Center
Vinny’s Café – Holabird Ave. , Dundalk
We will conduct our semi-annual Membership Drive Weekend on March 11 & 12 at Annunciation Church. Since we will have the large display in the back of the church that weekend, think of someone that you know personally who might make a great Knight, and plan to approach him. Nothing works better than a face-to-face effort. Some very good men have never joined because no one asked them to. Others might be turned off by the prospect that becoming a Knight requires a lot of sacrifice and personal time. Talk to them about your own experiences. Make sure they understand that being a Knight doesn’t have to be a burden. We will have printed information and Form 100s ready. And if you find someone who wants to join BEFORE the Membership Blitz weekend, that’s even better. Don’t hold off; do it now!
4th Degree Info
From Walt Wankowski, Deputy Grand Knight
Our 4th Degree Assembly – Archbishop Francis P. Keough – is looking for 3rd Degree Knights to move up to the 4th Degree. The next 4th Degree Exemplification will be held on Saturday, March 25, 2006 at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center in Hagerstown. You must be there by 11:00 am and the exemplification should be completed by 4:00 pm. Free entertainment is provided for the ladies during the Exemplification. There is also an optional evening banquet. If you are a 3rd Degree Knight, are or will have been a Knight for at least six months on March 25th, and are interested in taking the 4th Degree, we can now get up to a six month waiver. So please contact me at 410-866-6546 or . Applications must be in by March 5th and reservations must be made by March 13th.
Upcoming Ceremonials
For those of you who are looking to take your 2nd and/or 3rd Degrees, here is an updated list (as of Jan. 29th ) of scheduled ceremonials. These particular events are those which are within a 30 minute drive of Annunciation Church.
2nd Degree
Feb. 15 – Patapsco Council #1960,
Catonsville, MD
Feb. 16 – Dundalk Council #2942, Dundalk, MD
3rd Degree
Mar. 17 – Cardinal Gibbons Council #2521, Fullerton, MD
Apr. 8 – Dundalk Council #2942, Dundalk, MD
Ceremonials are subject to postponement or cancellation, and paperwork must be prepared for you by the Financial Secretary. So always check with Financial Secretary Bill Zeller or Deputy Grand Knight Walt Wankowski before proceeding to a ceremonial.
District Deputy’s Message
My Brothers All,
We are into the second half of the fraternal year. With that brings the urgency of insuring a successful council not only in terms of our participation in our council activities but also increasing our membership and retention
Membership and retention are the keys to our councils and Order viability. During the next two months we have scheduled two degrees – a first degree at Cardinal Gibbons on February 8th and a second degree also at Cardinal Gibbons on March 8th. The third degree for our District will be at Cardinal Gibbons on March 17, 2006. Those of you with first degree members, schedule them for the second degree on March 8th. As you get in new members look to the February 8th to get them their first degree. And don’t forget any second degree member who wants to take his third degree on March 17th.
During our recent District meeting each council present indicated they had firm plans for one or more membership drives or at a minimum was in the confirmation stages. If you need my help and/or the help of the State team, let me know and you will have it. Please, Brother Knights, provide whatever assistance you can towards the goals of your prospective councils.
By way of reminders, the Family of the Month program is alive and well in our District. Please keep sending in your honorees.
May 19, 20, 21, 2006 is the 108th Annual Maryland State Convention. All registration must be in by April 15, 2006. See me or your Grand Knight for applications.
May God Bless You,
Samuel Orlando
District Deputy 21
Mardi Gras
Annunciation parish will be holding it annual Mardi Gras dinner on Tuesday, February 28thin the parish hall. Volunteers are needed to cook and serve the meal. Any Brother who is available to assist should contact Jim Pierce at 410-687-6130.
Chapter Anniversary Ball
The Baltimore Chapter of Grand Knights will be sponsoring its Anniversary Ball honoring Past State Chaplain Msgr. Chester J. Mieczkowski, on Friday, February 24, 2006 from 7:00 to 11:00 pm at Columbus Gardens, 4301 Klosterman Avenue. Tickets are $34.00/person and include a deluxe open bar, dinner featuring tossed salad, chicken, ham, potatoes, green beans, and dessert, and dancing to the music of a DJ. Black Tie preferred; business suit acceptable. Reservations must be made by Feb. 16. Contact T. Gregory Crist at 410-747-0361
Plan Ahead
The 108th Maryland State Council Convention will be held on May, 19, 20 & 21, 2006 at the Princess Royale Oceanfront Resort in Ocean City, MD. The Convention is open to all 3rd & 4th Degree Knights in good standing. Prior to April 15th, the registration fee is $35.00. After April 15th it is $45.00. Wives and guests may also attend for $30.00 (late fee of $40.00). Minors under 17 are free. There are additional charges for the Saturday & Sunday Breakfast Buffets and the Saturday Evening Banquet. Room reservations at the Princess Royale are an additional expense. A golf tournament will also be held on the Thursday prior to the start of the convention. For more information on the State Convention, contact Shawn Ruby at 410-866-4932 or Walt Wankowski at 410-866-6546 / .
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