Page I-1



Table des matières / Page
AnnexeI-1 / Listedes pièces présentées par l'Argentine / I-2
AnnexeI-2 / Listedes pièces présentées par le Chili / I-5


ARG-1 / Law No.19.897 of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Chile
ARG-2 / Supreme Decree No.831 of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Chile
ARG-3 / Circular Letter No.292 of the National Customs Service of the Government of Chile
ARG-4 / Daily bread wheat prices quoted for various Argentine ports.
ARG-5 / Exempt Decrees No. 691/2003, No. 77/2004, No. 186/2004, No. 368/2004, No. 485/2004; No. 600/2004; No. 762/2004; No. 88/2005; No. 278/05; No. 466/2005; No. 569/2005; No. 706/2005; No. 873/2005; No.132/2006.
ARG-6 / History of application of the amended PBS, including No. of Exempt Decree, reference price, specific duties and rebates on ad valorem tariff.
ARG-7 / Chart: Relationship between the CIF price and the reference price during the period of application of the amended PBS
ARG-8 / Table: Relationship between of the CIF price and the reference price during the period of application of the amended PBS
ARG-9 / Table: Relationship between of the CIF price and the reference price from 1991 to 2003
ARG-10 / Chart: Relationship between the Chilean entry price under the amended PBS between March and May 2000 and the price that would have resulted if Chile had applied a minimum import price.
ARG-11 / Table: The amended PBS does not ensure that the price of wheat imports to Chile falls in tandem with world market prices.
ARG-12 / Chart: The amended PBS does not ensure that the price of wheat imports to Chile falls in tandem with world market prices.
ARG-13 / Table: The amended PBS does not ensure that the price of wheat flour imports to Chile falls in tandem with world market prices.
ARG-14 / Chart: The amended PBS does not ensure that the price of wheat flour imports to Chile falls in tandem with world market prices.
ARG-15 / Chart: Disconnection between the FOB price of Trigo Pan Argentino and the reference price established by Chile during the period of operation of the amended PBS.
ARG-16 / Table: Disconnection between the FOB price of Trigo Pan Argentino and the reference price established by Chile during the period of operation of the amended PBS.
ARG-17 / Chart: Disconnection between the FOB price of Soft Red Winter No. 2 wheat and the reference price established by Chile during the period of operation of the amended PBS.
ARG-18 / Table: Disconnection between the FOB price of Soft Red Winter No. 2 wheat and the reference price established by Chile during the period of operation of the amended PBS.
ARG-19 / Chart: Disconnection between the FOB price of Argentine wheat flour and the reference price established by Chile during the period of operation of the amended PBS.
ARG-20 / Table: Disconnection between the FOB price of Argentine wheat flour and the reference price established by Chile during the period of operation of the amended PBS.
ARG-21 / Table: Amount of specific duties that would have resulted if the present amended PBS had operated with the average prices recorded between 1986 and the present on the markets of concern for Chile.
ARG-22 / Chart: Amount of specific duties that would have resulted if the present amended PBS had operated with the average prices recorded between 1986 and the present on the markets of concern for Chile.
ARG-23 / Table: The amended PBS contains a formula that causes import duties to vary automatically.
ARG-24 / Chart: The amended PBS contains a formula that causes import duties to vary automatically.
ARG-25 / Table: Relationship between the FOB and CIF prices for bread wheat, Argentine port, transported by sea.
ARG-26 / Actual cases of wheat flour exports from Argentina to Chile, transported by land.
ARG-27 / Percentage variation of the FOB price for bread wheat and Soft Red Winter No. 2 Wheat from July 1986 to March 2006
ARG-28 / Table: Volumes and CIF prices of Chilean monthly wheat flour imports since 1991
ARG-29 / Table: Relationship between the FOB price of Trigo Pan Argentino and that of wheat flour during the period of application of the amended PBS


Pièces dans lesquelles l'Argentine a procédé à un ajustement temporel

Pièce / Ajustement temporel (OUI/NON)
ARG-10 / NON
ARG-11 / OUI, sur la base de la note de bas de page 104 relative au tableau I
de la communication de l'Argentine
ARG-12 / OUI, sur la base de la note de bas de page 104 relative au tableau I
de la communication de l'Argentine
ARG-13 / OUI, sur la base de la note de bas de page 108relative au tableau III
de la communication de l'Argentine
ARG-14 / OUI, sur la base de la note de bas de page 108relative au tableau III
de la communication de l'Argentine
ARG-15 / NON
ARG-16 / NON
ARG-17 / NON
ARG-18 / NON
ARG-19 / NON
ARG-20 / NON
ARG-21 / NON
ARG-22 / NON
ARG-23 / OUI, sur la base de la note de bas de page 104relative au tableau I
de la communication de l'Argentine
ARG-24 / OUI, sur la base de la note de bas de page 104relative au tableau I
de la communication de l'Argentine
ARG-25 / NON
ARG-26 / NON
ARG-27 / NON
ARG-28 / NON
ARG-29 / NON
ARG-31 / Table: ODEPA's record of wheat imports by origin (2004-2005)
ARG-32 / Table: SAGPyA's official FOB prices (July 2006)
ARG-33 / Table: ODEPA's price record of different wheat qualities since 1991
ARG-34 / Imports to Chile of different qualities of wheat (2004-2005)
ARG-35 / Insulation from international price developments: specific duties rise while international prices fall (graph)
ARG-36 / Insulation from international price developments: specific duties rise while international prices fall (chart)
ARG-37 / Answer to question 22: Extracts of the document "Historia de la Ley. Compilación de textos oficiales del debate parlamentario" to which Argentina refers in its first written submission
ARG-38 / Table: Reference price variation since the amended PBS is in force (December2003-August 2006)


CHL-1 / Law No. 19.897, published in the Official Journal on 25 September 2003
CHL-2 / Supreme Decree No. 831 of the Chilean Ministry of Finance approving the implementing regulations for Article 12 of Law No. 18.525, as replaced by Article1 of Law No. 19.897
CHL-3 / Article 63.17 of the Constitution of the Republic of Chile
CHL-4 / Article 65 of the Constitution of the Republic of Chile
CHL-5 / Law No. 19.193, published in the Official Journal on 16 January 1993
CHL-6 / Law No. 19.446, published in the Official Journal on 8 February 1996
CHL-7 / Simulation of the operation of the PBS (by number of weeks)
CHL-8 / Law 19.589 providing for a rebate on the tariff rate and introducing amendments to other fiscal and economic legislation. Published in the Official Journal on 14November 1998
CHL-9 / Table of wholesale prices for wheat and wheat flour
CHL-10 / Graph of wholesale prices for wheat and wheat flour
CHL-11 / Graph showing the relation between the price of wheat flour and the price of wheat
CHL-12 / Table: "Monthly prices" of wheat from the website of Argentina's Agriculture, Livestock, Fish and Food Secretary.
CHL-13 / Table: Wheat imports of Chile in 2002 and 2003 (ODEPA)
CHL-14 / Table of external prices "Trigo Pan" FOB Argentine ports; and
Table of official prices "Trigo Pan" – monthly averages. Both from the website of Argentina's Agriculture, Livestock, Fish and Food Secretary.
CHL-15 / Copy of "Historia de la Ley. Compilación de textos oficiales del debate parliamenario"
CHL-16 / Chart and Table: Wheat: Chilean wholesale market, Argentine Trigo Pan f.o.b., soft red winter No. 2 and entry prices. 16 December 2003 to 15 December 2005.
CHL-17 / Daily official prices of "Trigo Pan f.o.b. Argentine ports", by SAGPyA (July2006)
CHL-18 / Tables: Imports to Chile of wheat and wheat flour (2004 and 2005) (ODEPA). Imports according to country of origin (ODEPA). Monthly imports (ODEPA) (2004 and 2005). Quarterly imports (2004 and 2005).
