Fountain 7 Science

Mrs. Gilbert


I use a variety of technology platforms to interact with my students:

Schoolwires: My Schoolwires page has very basic information about the topics that we will be covering.

Edmodo: This is my main method of communication with students. Like the other members of the Fountain 7 team, I use the calendar feature to post tests and projects. This is the forum that students will use to submit most of their homework assignments. I use edmodo as an open gradebook. Students and their parents can see the student’s grades at all times. My expectation is that when your parents want an update on assignments and grades you will log in with them. If they still have questions or concerns, they are more than welcome to call or email me. Finally, I use edmodo as a communication device to send students messages.

Google Classroom: In an effort to reduce paper use, I am going to use Google Classroom to share labs with students.

Grading Policy

  1. Tests & Quizzes-

Tests will always be announced at least a week in advance. Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. After school review is available. Please come prepared with questions or areas that you would like to review. The homework assignment sheet acts as a study guide for the unit. The homework questions will be submitted using edmodo. You are expected to make corrections on the tests in red pen. Tests will be collected after your parent has signed them.

  1. Homework-

At the beginning of each chapter, an assignment sheet will be given out listing most of the assignments. Students will write these assignments in their team assignment pad. Homework should be handed in on time. Homework will not receive full credit if it is incomplete orlate. If you have an internet/power/edmodo issue, you should hand in a hard copy of your homework. The team homework policy for marking periods 1 & 2 is that late work will be accepted for reduced credit. In science, no credit will be given to homework, which is handed in more than one week after the chapter test. For marking periods 3 & 4, late homework will not be accepted.

There are a variety of ways that I make you aware of what homework has been assigned-assignment sheet, written on board in class,and on edmodo. Because of this, I never expect to hear you say –“ I didn’t know what the homework was.”

  1. Labs -

Lab is the best way to learn about living things in a practical way. Most lab equipment is very fragile and expensive. Caution should be used when handling equipment. It is most important to follow directions in lab situations.

  1. Class Effort –

Class participation is one way to let the teacher know that you understand the material. Participation includes contributing to class discussions, being attentive in class, behaving appropriately in class and bringing the necessary materials to class.

  1. Notebook-

A three-ringed binder is required. Your binder should have 5 sections- Do Now, notes, homework, labs and projects. One folder is required for test & quizzes. At the end of each marking period, students can clear out their science materials and leave them home. These materials are not to be thrown out.

Student Responsibilities

  1. Come to class on time
  2. Come to class prepared

Please bring a pen, paper, notebook and homework to class. You do not need to bring your textbook to class. Science books can be borrowed from my classroom or the library.

  1. Behave appropriately
  2. Take care of school property

Do not leave your garbage in the science classroom. Food, gum and drinks are not permitted in the science classroom. The safety equipment should not be tampered with. Always clean whatever lab equipment you were using and put it back in its proper place before you leave.

  1. Do not bring your backpack to class.
  2. Record all assignments in your assignment pad

Getting into the habit of recording each and every assignment in your assignment pad daily will help to insure that your assignments get done.

  1. Be responsible for work that occurs in your absence

When you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what went on in your absence. You can call a responsible friend, email me, check edmodo and/or speak with me directly upon your return.

Extra Help

If you do not understand something in science, please speak to me. It is your responsibility to seek extra help. I may invite you to stay after school if you are behind in your work or if I notice a lack of understanding. I will be available Tuesdays, Wednesdays & Thursdays for extra help. Please make sure to let me know that you are coming in order to avoid possible conflicts.

I enjoy teaching life science and I hope you will enjoy learning about it. Communication is the key to a good experience. I will try my best to express my expectations clearly to you. Please do not hesitate to communicate with me.

Please contact me at