Ref No / AP/B/5742
Title / BISHOP, John, St Stephen in Brannel, yeoman
Date of probate* / 7 Oct 1830
Description / No religious preamble
-  to wife Mary, his best bed complete, shelves and dressers as they stand with earthenware thereon, all other furniture belonging to them, the tea kettle, kitchen table frame and form, second best bed furnished, two chests which formerly belonged to her, half the victuals remaining in the house, the white horse and one of the milk cows (to be chosen by her), the dwelling house occupied by servant Joseph Tucker and four ‘land yards’ of ground adjoining, with a rick place and a road through the lane for her convenience, a field called Well Meadow. Also the tenement of Gunnabarn [Goonabarn, St Stephen in Brannel] and the keeping of one cow and one horse in the ‘course ground’ of the tenement for the whole of her life if the interest in the tenement continues so long; also the privilege of cutting and saving ‘two hundred of furze and two journeys of turf per year’.
-  Three promissory notes as follows: - dated 15 May 1810, 10 March 1814 and 5 November 1819, all for £30 each with interest.
-  Also a bellmetal pot or crock, bellows, ‘crickett’ [small stool] and chairs, half the wood and turf in his possession at his decease, last year’s hay from Well Meadow, all the geese and chickens, household furniture and clock and all other fowls.
-  To Margaret, wife of Jonathon Coad, formerly of St Stephen in Brannel, four pounds
-  to Ann, wife of John Phillips of the same parish, five pounds
-  to ‘faithful servant’ Joseph Tucker, seven pounds, the bay mare, implements of husbandry and second best cow.
-  All the above monies to be paid one year from date of decease.
-  The residue of the estate to William Roberts, son of cousin Elizabeth Roberts.
Executors: William Roberts
Signature of testator: John B Bishop
Witnesses: signatures of John Mellow, Phillip Mellow
Date of will: 5 May 1830
Date proved: 7 Oct 1830
Endorsement: Effects under £300,
No.266 P211,
Stamp £5

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