“Lasting Love”

The PBS Television Special

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Contact: Karen Inwood Somers



February 25, 2003

PBS Has A Hit Love Special

“Lasting Love” the PBS one hour television special is striking a cord with viewers across the country. This unique documentary celebrates the “secrets” of creating a loving, lasting relationship through the eyes of nine diverse couples that have been in their relationships for over 25 years.

The show debuted on PBS February 6th, 2003 and continues to run in multiple PBS markets throughout the year. Many PBS programming directors are re-airing “Lasting Love” due to the overwhelming response they have gotten from “Lasting Love” viewers. Here are some of the responses we have received at the web site:

At 1 am I accidentally (so there must be a God) turned on the TV and saw Lasting Love. I'm 44 and am about to get married to the man I dreamt of for years. Needless to say, I've been beset with a seemingly

never-ending sunami of doubt and panic. Your video was sooooooo encouraging and I would love to locate a copy. Thank you so much for this. I've passed on your site to one of my best friends. Thank you thank you thank you.

Best, Claire Olivia Moed

I was watching KVCR last night and stumbled upon your program "Lasting Love". What an absolute blessing. I believe it was just what I needed to see. The wisdom of people who have stuck out their marriages was wonderful. I am 24 years old and not married. I have been dating someone for a couple years now and this program is something he has to see. Thank you so much.

Leanna Fortune

“It is so easy to bail out of things in our disposable society, we forget sometimes that hard work and persistence do yield tangible rewards. You have created a wonderful, warm, humorous tribute to the human need for acceptance and love.”

Margo Machen

“I saw your documentary. It brought tears to my eyes just watching the love and joy that these couples shared, and how they have made their marriage work for so many years. I have been married for 21 years. My son is getting married this year, and I would love to give him a copy of this documentary on videotape, so he and his girlfriend can know the secrets of a wonderful relationship, and what each partner should be looking for in each other.”

Regi Johns

“I was flipping channels and saw the words "Lasting Love" in the corner of the screen. I made it right at the beginning and saw the whole show. What a wonderful show. I wish I could have seen it with my lasting love. I can't wait for her to see it.”

Billy Carmen

I am 54 and I am the sales manager of a local resort where I talk with about a dozen brides or grooms everyday regarding staging their weddings. I have found none of them looking in the direction of making a good marriage - only a dream wedding. Thank you for sending the message of what Lasting Love looks like.

Anne K. Auburn

Production company, Madison, Inc. is selling the Lasting Love Video through their website and via phone (818/346-9160). Producer/Director, Karen Inwood Somers is thrilled with the reception by PBS audiences for “Lasting Love”.

“I’m getting the most wonderful calls and emails everyday from viewers that have seen the show. Some of them have been married for many years and want to share the show with their children and friends. Other viewers are getting married and say that “Lasting Love” gave them real hope and insight. It calmed their fears and gave them some tools to work with instead of flying into their new marriages blind. That’s why I created the show in the first place. I was about to get married (for the second time) and needed some guidance to create a lasting loving relationship. Thanks to the advice the Lasting Love couples gave, I’m beating the national odds (65% divorce rate in the U.S.) and I’m still happily married” (Karen Inwood Somers)

For more information on the show please visit the Lasting Love website at


Contact: Karen Somers

Madison, Inc. 818.346.9160
