120 East Main Street

Ligonier, PA 15658

DATE: / /

We're conducting a survey with voters about your community and local issues, designed to assist in the development of a comprehensive plan.

We need to have a balance of men and women in this survey, and we also need to have young voters represented.

_1. Are you currently registered to vote in the Borough?

___ Yes

___ No

___ Undecided/Refused

_2. Overall, do you think the Borough of Ligonier is headed in the right direction, or, do you think that things are pretty seriously off on the wrong track?

___ Right direction

___ Wrong track

___ Undecided/Refused

_3. Thinking about the quality of life experienced by the residents of the Borough of Ligonier, including opportunities for recreational and cultural activities, the general appearance of the borough, as well as how you and your family generally feel about telling others that you live where you do, what overall rating would you give for the quality of life in Ligonier - would you give a positive rating of excellent or pretty good, or a negative rating of only fair or poor?

___ Excellent

___ Pretty Good

___ Only Fair

___ Poor

___ Undecided/Refused

_4. What do you LIKE the most about living in Ligonier?

___ Small Town Location ___ Good Place to Live

___ Safe-Low Crime Rate ___ Nothing

___ Quiet ___ Family Nearby

___ Friendly ___ Conservative

___ Family Friendly ___ Rural Atmosphere

___ Sense of Community ___ Clean

___ Good Schools ___ Other

___ Churches ___ Undecided

_5. What would you say is the single biggest problem or issue that the Borough of Ligonier must address?

___ High Taxes ___ Growth

___ Poor Roads ___ Cost of Living

___ Traffic ___ Not Diverse

___ Nothing ___ Too Conservative

___ More Business-Shopping ___ Planning

___ Public Education ___ Downtown

___ Parks & Recreation ___ Parking

___ Sewer Backup ___ Dog Restriction

___ Wasteful Spending ___ No Public Transportation

___ More Restaurants ___ Speeding

___ Unemployment ___ No City Leadership

___ Help for the Poor ___ Undecided

___ More Police

_6. Next, is a list of some of the problems and issues that may be of concern in the Borough of Ligonier. Which one problem or issue are you personally concerned about the most?

___ Providing economic development and jobs

___ Protecting the public from crime and drugs

___ Providing high quality borough services

___ Keeping borough taxes and fees low

___ Maintaining and improving streets

___ Providing public transportation for residents

___ More than one

___ Undecided/Refused

_7. Specifically, how would you rate the job that the Borough of Ligonier does in providing basic services, to its residents -- would you give Ligonier a positive rating of excellent or pretty good, or a negative rating of only fair or poor?

___ Excellent –Go to Question 8

___ Pretty Good –Go to Question 8

___ Only Fair –Go to Question 9

___ Poor –Go to Question 9

___ Undecided/Refused –Go to Question 10

_8. What stands out for you as the main reason why you gave the Borough of Ligonier an (Excellent/Pretty Good) job rating for providing borough services? -Go to Question 10

___ Snow Removal ___ Helpful

___ Good Services ___ Fast Services

___ No Problems ___ Nothing

___ Clean ___ Well Managed

___ Police ___ Parks

___ Communication ___ Schools

___ Fire ___ Entertainment

___ Spend Money Wisely ___ Other

___ Dedicated Employees ___ Undecided

___ Good Overall ___ Efficient

_9. What stands out for you as the main reason why you gave the Borough of Ligonier a rating of (Only Fair/Poor) job rating for providing services?

___ Not Helpful ___ Inefficient

___ Overcharged ___ Poor Sidewalks

___ Poor Leadership ___ Sewer Backup

___ Poor Public Transportation ___ Overspending

___ Unemployment ___ Undecided/Other/Refused

_10. When you think about the amount of services you receive from the Borough of Ligonier in return for the local taxes and fees you pay, do you think taxes and fees are too high, too low, or about right for what you get back in services?

___ Much too high

___ Somewhat too high

___ Somewhat too low

___ Much too low

___ Undecided/Refused

_11. Which of the following two statements comes closer to your view?

___ In light of the current budget situation in Ligonier Borough, it is important to maintain existing services and programs, even if it means having to pay higher taxes. [Go To Question 13]

___ In light of the current budget situation in Ligonier Borough, it is important to keep taxes as low as possible, even if it means reducing city services and programs. [Go To Question 12]

___ Undecided/Refused

_12. Which one or two services that are currently provided by the Borough of Ligonier would you eliminate in order to avoid any increase in taxes?

___ Snow Removal ___ Police

___ Street Cleaning ___ Elected Officials’ Salaries

___ Land Development ___ Town Hall Staff

___ Nothing ___ Street Lights

___ Parks ___ Holiday Activities

___ Borough Maintenance ___ Road Snow Removal

___ Road Construction ___ Borough Council

___ Undecided/Other/Refused

This is a detailed list of things municipalities do for their residents in addressing issues and problems. For each item, please indicate if you think the Borough of Ligonier is doing Enough in that area or, if More should be done. If Too Much is being done to address a problem, please say so.

Much Smwt Enough Too Und/

More More Much DK

_13. Fixing potholes, and maintaining borough streets ______

_14. Attracting and keeping businesses in the borough ______

_15. Controlling speeding cars in the neighborhood ______

_16. Improving the appearance and attractiveness of the

Diamond area ______

_17. Promoting the borough to attract residents ______

_18. Controlling traffic congestion in Ligonier ______

_19. Providing timely and effective snow and ice removal

from sidewalks ______

_20. Providing programs for senior citizens ______

_21. Offering quality parks and recreation opportunities ______

_22. Removing rubbish and other indications of blight ______

_23. Keeping residents informed about issues and events that affect the public ______

_24. Having parades, festivals and other similar activities

to attract people to downtown Ligonier ______

_25. Providing timely and effective snow and ice removal

from streets ______

_26. Maintaining street lights ______

_27. Providing quick response time to police calls and complaints______

_28. Providing clean and affordable drinking water ______

_29. Providing citizens with safe neighborhoods ______

_30. Providing effective fire protection ______

_31. Overall, how would you rate the job the Police Department does in performing its responsibility of enforcing the law and protecting the public - would you give the Department a positive rating of excellent or pretty good, or a negative of only fair or poor?

___ Excellent – Go To Question 33

___ Pretty Good – Go to Question 33

___ Only fair

___ Poor

___ Undecided/Refused – Go to Question 33

_32. Why did you give the police department a NEGATIVE job rating of (Only Fair/Poor)?

___ Not Visible ___ Dangerous

___ Speeders ___ Need Local Police

___ Drugs ___ Rude

_33. Overall, how would you rate the job the Ligonier Fire Department does in fighting and preventing fires, providing emergency medical services, rescue services or fire safety inspections - would you give the Ligonier Fire Department a positive rating of excellent or pretty good, or a negative rating of only fair or poor?

___ Excellent –Go To Question 35

___ Pretty good –Go To Question 35

___ Only Fair

___ Poor

___ Undecided/Refused

_34. Why did you give the fire department a NEGATIVE job rating of (Only fair/Poor)?

___ Disorganized

___ Slow

_35. In the past year, have you or another member of your household visited a Borough park or other Borough-owned facility?

___ Yes

___ No –Go To Question 39

___ Undecided/Refused -Go To Question 39

_36. Overall, how would you rate the job the Borough of Ligonier does in maintaining parks and providing recreational opportunities to its citizens -- would you give the borough’s parks and recreation efforts a positive rating of excellent or pretty good, or a negative rating of only fair or poor?

___ Excellent

___ Pretty good

___ Only Fair

___ Poor

___ Undecided/Refused

_37. Which Ligonier park or other facility did you or another household member most recently use? [WRITE IN PARK/FACILITY NAME]

_38. When you or another household member visits a park, what activity do you normally engage in the most?

___ Kids’ Playground ___ Family Events

___ Walking/Hiking ___ Basketball

___ Baseball/Softball ___ Bible Study

___ Picnic ___ Tennis

___ Music ___ Undecided

___ Relaxation

_39. If Ligonier Borough placed a proposal on a future election ballot to increase property taxes to provide additional funding for improving or expanding parks in the Borough of Ligonier would you be in favor of increasing your property taxes for this purpose or would you oppose a property tax increase for the purpose of expanding or improving parks in the borough?

___ Strongly Support

___ Somewhat Support

___ Somewhat Oppose

___ Strongly Oppose

___ Undecided/Refused

_40. Overall, how would you rate the job the Borough of Ligonier does in ensuring citizen access to public transportation - would you give the borough's efforts at providing its citizens access to public transportation a positive rating of excellent or pretty good, or a negative rating of only fair or poor?

___ Excellent

___ Pretty good

___ Only Fair

___ Poor

___ Undecided/Refused

_41. Are there any improvements that you believe the Borough of Ligonier should spend tax dollars on to support?

___ Nothing ___ Concerts

___ Roads ___ Library

___ Street Lights ___ Public Transportation

___ Activities ___ Holiday Décor

___ Restaurants ___ Aesthetics

___ Undecided

42. In the past year, have you or has anyone else in your household contacted any office or department of Ligonier Borough?

___ Yes, respondent

___ Yes, someone else

___ Yes, more than one

___ No one contacted an office or department of the Borough -Go To Question 50

___ Undecided/Refused -Go To Question 50

_43. What was the office or department that you most recently contacted?

___ Town Hall ___ Maintenance

___ Planning/Zoning ___Fire

___ Borough Council ___ Police

___Mayor ___ Clerk

___ Public Works ___ Undecided

___ Treasurer



_44. Did you call (office/department named in Q. 43), write, e-mail, or visit their office in person?

___ Call

___ Write

___ E-mail


___ Undecided/Refused

_45. How satisfied were you with the response that you got from that department - very satisfied,

somewhat satisfied, somewhat dissatisfied or very dissatisfied?

___ Very Satisfied

___ Somewhat Satisfied

___ Somewhat Dissatisfied

___ Very Dissatisfied

___ Undecided/Refused

_46. How often do you visit downtown Ligonier?

___ Daily

___ 1 or 2 times a week

___ 1 to 3 times a month

___ 3 to 6 times a year

___ 1 or 2 times a year

___ Never ------Go To Question 48

___ Undecided/Refused ------Go To Question 48

_47. What is the main reason you visit downtown Ligonier?

___ Shopping ___ Car Show

___ Groceries ___ Walking

___ Work There ___ Family Events

___ Live There ___ School

___ Banking ___ Undecided/Refused

___ Library

_48.What one or two activities or things do you think are needed the most to improve downtown Ligonier?

___ Nothing ___ Park

___ More Shopping ___ Fix Traffic Patterns

___ Restaurants ___ Farmers Market

___ Concerts ___ Public Transportation

___ Festivals ___ Fix Roads

___ Parking ___ Art Galleries

___ Aesthetics ___ Other

___ Sidewalk Sales ___Undecided/Refused

_49. Are there any specific types of businesses you would like to see locate in the borough?

___ Nothing ___ Anything

___ Restaurants ___ Bookstore

___ Clothing ___Teen Activities

___ Fast Food ___ Grocery

___ Bar/Pub ___ Sporting Goods

___ Movie Theater ___ Coffee Shop

___ Retail ___ Dry Cleaner

___ Ice Cream Shop ___ Drug Store

___ Music Store ___ Undecided/Refused

_50. Where would you say you get most of your information about Ligonier Borough government?

___ Local Media (i.e. Ligonier Echo, Tribune Review, Latrobe Bulletin)

___ The Borough’s Web Page

___ The Borough’s Facebook Page

___ Attending Borough Council Meetings

___ Comments from friends/word of mouth


___ Undecided/Refused

Finally, there are a few questions for statistical purposes only.

_51. How many years have you lived in the Borough of Ligonier?

___ 5 years or less

___ 6 to 10 years

___ 11 to 15 years

___ 16 to 25 years

___ Over 25 years

___ Entire life

___ Undecided/Refused

_52. How many school age children, age 18 years or younger, are living in your household?

___ One

___ Two

___ Three or more

___ None/No children


_53. Could you please tell me in what year you were born?

___ 18 to 29 years (1982-1993)

___ 30 to 40 years (1971-1981)

___ 41 to 49 years (1962-1970)

___ 50 to 55 years (1956-1961)

___ 56 to 64 years (1947-1955)

___ 65 years and over

___ Undecided/Refused

_54. What is the last grade or level of schooling you completed?

___ lst to 11th grade

___ High school graduate

___ Non-college post high school (technical training)

___ Some college

___ College graduate

___ Post graduate school

___ Undecided

_55. How often do you visit the Ligonier Borough web site

___ A lot

___ Some

___ Only a little

___ Not at all

___ Undecided/Refused

56. Would you describe yourself as owning your home or do you live in your current residence as a renter or a tenant under a lease?

___ Homeowner

___ Renter/Leaseholder

___ Undecided/Refused

_57. Which of the following categories does your total yearly household income fall into --- including everyone in the household?

___ Under $15,000

___ $15,000 to $30,000

___ $30,000 to $45,000

___ $45,000 to $60,000

___ $60,000 to $75,000

___ $75,000 to $100,000

___ Over $100,000

___ Retired

___ Undecided/Refused

_58. Sex of respondent

___ Female

___ Male

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