Life Spirit Healing- Client Questionnaire-101

Name ______Date______



Occupation______Age ______

In case of emergency please call______Phone #______

Client health history: To provide the most therapeutic service please answer or check what applies to you. Headaches______Allergies ______Back Problems______Injuries______

Photo-Sensitive Medications? Such as Doxycyline, Tetracycline, Retin A, St. Johns Wort?______Other-Medications?______Blood pressure high/low______Cancer______Cysts_____Tumors_____, Stroke______Do you Bruise easily?______HIV______epilepsy____ Diabetes______Heart Disease______Recent surgery______Muscle, bone, joint Problems______Aches and Pains? ______Do you Smoke?______Wear Contacts______Have Hearing aids______Pregnant______How many months______Any other health conditions______Have you used Light Therapy before?_____What kind______

Do you sleep well?______Sensitive to blinking lights?______Massage: Do you like soft touch or deeper touch?______Due to injury or sensitivity, etc., is there any part of your body that you would prefer I not work on?______Sensitive to Essential Oils?_____ Any other health conditions______Doctor,Chiropractor,Acupuncturist you are seeing?______

Ever Hypnotized before? ______What for? ______

How did it go? ______

(There are many different types of hypnotherapists with different styles and what may not work at one time can work at another time. Each person and situation is different.)


Please check any of the following conditionsthat mightapply to you:

Clinical depression, ___phobias, ___panic attacks, ___psychosis___ schizophrenia,___anorexia, ___bulimia, ___alcoholism, ___drug dependency

Other conditions, please describe: ______


Family Background______

Significant Other/Children______

Spiritual Beliefs / Philosophy that can assist you in transforming your issue: ______


Past: How long has this been happening? When did it start? What was going on when this started? How often has this recurred? Did anyone in your family feel the same way? Did something happen when you were young that felt like what you’re going through now?




Present: What’s going on in your life today? How is this affecting you now? (work, sleep, health, mood, relationships) Describe how it feels - emotionally and/or in the body.






Future: What would you like to accomplish? What would you like to do instead of this? What would it be like for you to have accomplished this? What are your goals for this session and over the next few weeks, or in general?



How would you know you were successful? What would be different in your life?_


Visualization: Beautiful/relaxing/safe place in nature for you: ______


What relaxes you? ______

______Who can I thank for referring you; or how did you hear about me? ______