Stakeholder workshop

on the

Global Partnership and Means of Implementation for the Post-2015 Framework

Organised by the European Commission in cooperation with the European Economic and Social Committee

28 November 2014


The coming months will see intensified debates on the Global Partnership and the Means of Implementation for the post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals and the Commission would welcome a continuation of the dialogue with civil society and local authorities. As part of its ongoing policy development on the Global Partnership, the Commission is consideringa Communication setting out its vision and proposals. Means of implementation, issues around monitoring, accountability, and review and data and indicatorsare likely tobe important elements. We would like to hear your views on the range of issues that should be included in the Global Partnershipas well as your views on the EU's approach. The following exploratory questions are meant to stimulate thinking, but do not feel constrained by them.

1.Global Partnership

  • What do you see as the main elements of a Global Partnership narrative?
  • Within a universally applicable agenda, how do we differentiate?
  • How might the global partnership best stimulate progress?
  • How can the global partnership integrate the three dimensions of sustainable development?

2.Means of Implementation

  • What policy measures can best promote implementation of the sustainable development agenda at national level (e.g. fiscal incentives, internalising externalities, removing harmful subsidies, environmental accounts, labour standards)?
  • What innovative global measures or partnerships could gain international agreement as part of the package?
  • How do we promote sound and coherent policies at all levels?
  • What measures at national and international level(e.g. policy, regulatory etc.) could promote the effective mobilisation and use of domestic resources for sustainable development, including measures to address tax evasion and illicit flows?
  • How can the international business community best support the new global agenda?
  • What measures can best promote more international public finance from all sources, including south-south providers, and its use in line with the agreed development effectiveness principles?
  • What existing international agreements or commitmentscan be built on (international finance mechanisms, transparency mechanisms (including for South-South flows or private sector finance) multilateral environmental agreements, 10YFP, international voluntary schemes, etc.)?
  • What policy measures at national and international level can best promote sustainable private investment, including FDI?
  • What institutional set-up can best promote effective implementation at national level?
  • What scope is there for further reform of global economic governance?

2.1Trade-related issues

  • What are the key domestic trade-related reforms and actions that need to be part of the agenda?
  • What can be done to promote an open international trade system in the interests of poverty eradication and sustainable development?
  • How can emerging economies and the most advanced developing countries be encouraged to engage more in providing Duty Free Quota Free access for LDC products?
  • What else can we do to promote trade in sustainable goods and services?
  • What measures on aid for trade should be included?

2.2Science, technology and innovation; knowledge and expertise sharing

  • How can we move from north-south transfers to a level partnership among countries at all levels of development based on the co-development, adaptation and uptake of research results and knowledge?
  • How can scientific, technological and research cooperation be strengthened?
  • How to make better use of existing technology transfer mechanisms (e.g. FDI or national R&D expenditure)rather than create new ones?

2.3Other questions

  • What additional national and global measures can be proposed to build capacity for sustainable development?
  • How can the positive effects of migration be better harnessed for sustainable development?
  • Any other innovative global measures or innovative public private partnerships that could gain international agreement as part of the package?

3.Monitoring, accountability, and review framework

The post-2015 agenda will set goals and targets that are global in aspiration and universal in application. Progress will depend on countries working in partnership and upholding their commitments. The Global Partnership needs to include a framework for monitoring, accountability and review, which monitors progress, attributes that progress to actions, and motivates and inspires further action.

Accountability primarily rests with national governments, but stakeholders (e.g. private sector, NGOs, civil society) will also have roles to play in delivering the agenda. The framework for accountability, monitoring and review thus needs to operate at nationaland at international (global and regional) level and involve representatives from all stakeholder groups.

  • What are the necessary elements of a monitoring, accountability and review system? Which existing mechanisms would you consider as best practice?
  • How do we ensure the goals are universally applicable, and yet allow for differentiation according to national contexts in accountability, monitoring and review, at different levels?
  • How frequent should reviews be at the different levels? And how detailed?
  • How could the multi-layered accountability, monitoring and review framework be resourced?

3.1Data & indicators

Effective monitoring, review and accountability depend on reliable data and indicators of progress that can be compared between countries and/or regions. Progress reports should be based on open, unbiased, reliable and timely data, gathered at the national level. To support this we need to improve data availability, improve data quality, and make use of a broader range of data. National capacity for creating and analysing data also needs to be strengthened.

  • What new types of information are most important for monitoring progress on sustainable development?
  • How can stakeholders and beneficiaries be better involved in data collection and monitoring?
  • What role can the EU play in improving global data availability and reliability or in supporting the data revolution?