Lexington One Habits of Scholarship Rubric

Responsibility / Proficient (3) / Emerging (2) / Needs Improvement (1)
Completes tasks and assignments on time. / I complete tasks and assignments on time. / I sometimes complete tasks and assignments on time. / I rarely complete tasks and assignments on time.
Revises work for quality and perseveres until successful. / I revise work until I have a high quality product with attention to accuracy and detail. / I sometimes revise work until it meets standard. / I rarely revise work to meet standard.
Citizenship / Proficient (3) / Emerging (2) / Needs Improvement (1)
Listens to and respects the perspectives of others. / I seek and value multiple perspectives and am able to find solutions during conflicts. / I sometimes listen to and respect the perspectives of others. / I rarely listen to and respect the perspectives of others.
Collaborates with others. / I contribute to the efforts of the group in order to reach common goals, consensus, or compromise. / I sometimes contribute to the efforts of the group. / I rarely contribute to the efforts of a group.
Communicates clearly and appropriately. / I communicate my ideas digitally, verbally, or in writing with careful attention to what’s appropriate. / I sometimes communicate my ideas appropriately and clearly. / I rarely communicate my ideas clearly or appropriately.