MGSA 8U Rules

MGSA will adhere to the ASA rulebook with limited exceptions. Below are clarifications to the 8U division:


  • Bases are set at 55 feet. Pitching plate is set at 30 feet.
  • Start of game is first pitch to opposing batter
  • Game is 55 Minutes
  • There is no run rule in 8U. Game is played until the time is up.
  • Number of players to start or continue a game is 8. If there are only 8 players, one out will be taken when the 9th player position comes up in the order.
  • Umpires will stay and call a 30 minute game if a team does not have the minimum of 8 players
  • Coaches should call time out to discuss issues with the umpires or other coaches by approaching them respectfully.
  • Parents and non‐coaching staff working in the dugout or sitting in the bleachers are not allowed to address the umpires regarding rules or game situations except to thank them following the game.


  • Teams bat until they have scored 5 runs or made 3 outs.
  • All players present must be in the batting order. A player arriving after her original first turn at‐bat must be added to the end of the lineup.
  • All players must have a helmet with a chin strap
  • Continuous foul ball on final pitch
  • For the ball to be considered fair, it must travel past the arc that will be drawn 6 feet from the outside edge of each batter's box.
  • If a batted ball hits the coach pitcher, the result is a dead ball, and the pitch is replayed.
  • No bunting. No walks.
  • An injured player or player that must leave the park for personal reasons is removed from the batting lineup and not considered an out. An injured player may re‐enter the lineup in her original position. Coaches are expected not to abuse this rule.


  • Coach will pitch six ball or 3 swings whichever happens first.
  • Coaches must pitch with one foot on the rubber when the ball leaves the coaches hand.
  • Pitched balls must have a flat trajectory.
  • Once the ball is hit, the coach who is pitching must move off the field of play.


  • 10 players are allowed on the field at a time. If there are extra players, they should rotate in and sit no more than one inning.
  • Player pitcher must have 1 foot in circle no closer than rubber
  • Infielders may not be closer than 10’ inside bases
  • Play with 4 outfielders. Player’s feet must be at least 15 feet beyond the base lines. Umpire’s discretion.
  • No infield fly rule. No dropped 3rd strike. No look back rule.
  • Two coaches may be in the outfield grass, behind their players, while on defense.
  • Catchers are expected to assume a crouching position behind home plate.


  • One step lead off on release from pitcher (A runner that takes more than one step may be called out.)
  • Runner can only score from 3rd on hit, not on the throw. Runner on 2nd or 3rd can only advance prior to throw. Runner can score if she has rounded 3rd before the throw unless forced.
  • On balls hit to the infield, a batter or runner ‐ at her own risk ‐ may attempt only one extra base on an overthrow. A runner may not attempt an additional base on a second overthrow.
  • On balls hit to outfield, runners can continue to advance until the ball is controlled by an infielder inside the baseline. An outfielder cannot run the ball inside baseline to stop play.
  • No stealing. Batters and runners advance only as a result of a hit ball.
  • Injured base runners may be replaced by the teammate who made the most recent out.

MGSA 10U Rules

MGSA will adhere to the ASA rulebook with limited exceptions. Below are clarifications to the 10U division:

  • All players must have a helmet with a chin strap
  • Start of game is first pitch to opposing batter
  • Run rule is 15 after 3 innings, 12 after 4 innings, and 8 after 5 innings
  • Umpires will stay and call a 30 minute game if a team does not have the minimum of 8 players
  • No infield fly, dropped 3rd or look back
  • Kid pitch, but coach takes over after 4 balls, assumes the count. There is no bunting or stealing while coach pitches.
  • Play stops when ball is in the circle in possession of pitcher
  • Bases are wide open on overthrows
  • No stealing home