My Constitutional Scrapbook
Objective: Students will become more familiar with the U.S. Constitution. Furthermore, students will be able to understand and explain how the Amendments apply to their everyday lives. Your mission, if you choose to accept, is to pick the 10 most important Amendments to you and create a scrapbook page for each of the 10 Amendments.
Scrapbook set-up:
1. You need a cover page with the title “My Constitutional Scrapbook” and your name, class day and period.
2. You need a table of contents page listing the names of the Amendments you choose and the list of corresponding page numbers that the Amendment appears on.
1. Amendment I…………… 2
2. Amendment V……………..page3
3. Amendment VIII…………..page4
***the Amendments need to be listed in numerical order****
3. On each page you need:
a. The title of the Amendment (use Roman numerals)
b. 1 sentence minimum direct quote from the constitution
c. A picture, drawing, or photo that represents that particular Amendment.
d. A two sentence minimum personal declaration statement. Explaining why that Amendment is so important to you.
e. The page number
f. The date
**All writing must be typed in order to receive full credit**
4. Due Date _______________________________
100 point project
You will lose 20 points every single day that the project is late!!!
5. On each page you will earn points for overall aesthetics (appearance) and neatness.
*so be sure to keep this in mind while creating your scrapbook*
This is an individual project that will be completed outside of the classroom. Your project will be unique to you and it will not look exactly like another students’ (if it does that is plagiarism and you will earn yourself an F and will not be given the opportunity to redeem yourself)
I am here to help you with your project before school at 7:00 and after school until 2:50.
You will need to reference the U.S. Constitution to get the direct quotations, you may borrow a copied version of the constitution or use an online version. Do a Google search for US constitution. Then pick a quality and trustworthy site, like the national archive. GOOD LUCK!