Vocabulary Lists 19 – 21

List 19

  1. aborigine – n. native, first inhabitant; The aborigines had no immunity against the

diseases brought by invaders

  1. adroit – adj. clever, skillful, deft, dexterous; She is adroit at handling problems, she always seems to know what to do.
  2. altruism – n. thoughtfulness, unselfishness, philanthropy, compassion; The

mother’s sacrifice for her son was the purest act of altruism.

  1. animosity – n. ill will, hostility, enmity, hatred,antagonism; We put aside our

animosity so we could work together.

  1. apposite – adj. fitting, appropriate, apt, timely, decorous; His essay on patriotism contained some very apposite quotations from famous people on the subject.
  2. bourgeois – adj. conventional, middle-class, respectable; They were a rich, boring,

bourgeois family.

  1. cerebration – n. thinking, using the brain; The scientific experiment was on

unconscious cerebration and the effects on the body.

  1. coadjutor – n. helper, assistant, colleague, co-operator; He was appointed coadjutor to the president to advise on foreign affairs.
  2. concomitant – adj. accompanying, involved, attendant,associated, concurrent; An

improvement in facilities led to a concomitant improvement in morale.

  1. corroboration – n. confirmation, making certain, supporting, checking; The

teacherwould need corroboration from someone else before believing the


11. culpable –adj. much to blame, deserving of censure,deserving of reproach, guilty;They held her culpable for the accident.

12. dichotomy – n. division into two contradictory parts,split, pair, dualism;Literature often explores the dichotomy between good and evil.

13. dotage – n. mentally feeble usually because of old age,senility, second childhood;

He is in the stage of his dotage where he has trouble remembering things.

14. enigma – n. puzzle, mystery, riddle, dilemma,something obscure or inexplicable;

To his friends he was always something of an enigma.

15. fecundity – n. production, fruitfulness, prolific-ness; The fecundity of crops

pleased the farmers.

List 20

16. flamboyant – adj. showy, florid, flowery, bombastic, ornate, full of exaggerations; The flamboyant gestures of the conductor distracted the crowd.

17. forté – n. (pron. Fór-tay)strong point, specialty, what one excels in, field; Dancing was her forte; she was the best at it.

18. gamut –n. scale, range, extent, field, scope; She experienced the full gamut of human emotions, from laughing to sobbing uncontrollably.

19. hypothetical – adj. theoretical, logical, conjectural; She gave a hypothetical situation to explain her point.

20. impetus – n. energy of motion, push, stimulus, impulse; His discoveries have given impetus to further research.

21. inchoate – adj. just beginning, rudimentary, early stageof development, incipient; When I first met him, I had inchoate feelings of affection for him.

22. indolence – n. laziness, inertia, relaxed inexertion; Students have a general feeling of indolence early in the morning.

23. innocuous – adj. harmless, mild, bland, uninjurious; The small dog was so innocuous I was not frightened by its relentless barking.

24. invidious – adj. offensive, unjust, unfair; The boss made invidious distinctions between employees.

25. licentious – adj. immoral, lewd, libertine; My grandmother felt the reality show was corrupt and licentious in nature.

26. maimed – v. disabled, mutilated, crippled; The attack killed 16 people and maimed several more.

27. meretricious – adj. false, flashy, specious, deceptive; The flamboyant earrings and colorful skirt gave the outfit a meretricious look.

28. nadir – n. rock bottom, low point, the depths; The discussion reached its nadir when people resorted to name calling.

29. nexus – n. binding force, link, tie, connection; The nexus for all of us is our association with Valencia High School.

30. nonentity – n. nobody, person of no influence,unnoticed person; Bill was so quiet he was almost a nonentity at the meeting.

List 21

31. obviate – v. prevented, made unnecessary, avoided; The new medical

treatment obviates the need for surgery.

32. opulent – adj. luxurious, sleek, affluent, wealthy,abundant; He owned

an opulent mansion filled with art and antiques.

33. paucity – n. insufficiency, lack, scarcity; The paucity of money in my

bank account made it difficult to go shopping.

34. petulant –adj. bad-tempered, peevish, irritable,sulky; She was

petulant and fussy as she blamed everyone else for her problems.

35. placid – adj. still, calm, tranquil, composed,self-satisfied; Her placid

disposition made everyone calm and relaxed.

36. profligate –adj. wasteful, careless, extravagant, dissolute; She was

very profligate in her spending, purchasing things she did not


37. puissant – adj. strong, mighty, potent; Cesar Chavez was a puissant

advocate for rights of minorities.

38. querulous – adj. peevish, fretful, nagging, complaining, petulant; My

querulous friends ruined the trip with their constant complaining.

39. recondite – adj. complicated, difficult to grasp,concealed, hidden,

abstruse; Calculus is a recondite subject for someone who

struggles in math.

40. retinue – n. escort, entourage, suite; A celebrity’s retinue handles

certain tasks such as scheduling appearances and her hair and


41. salient – adj. noticeable, outstanding, important; The most salient

characteristics of a successful student are perseverance and


42. saturnine – adj. grave, morose, taciturn; The men awaiting

interrogation by police shared a saturnine silence.

43. sonorous - adj. deep, rich, resonant, impressive; The sonorous

waterfall could be heard from a considerable distance.

44. spurious – adj. false, fake, counterfeit, imitation; A spurious Picasso

painting would not fool an art expert.

45. succulent – adj. juicy, pleasant, delicious; The succulent watermelon

was delicious on the hot, summer day.

46. torpid – adj. sluggish, inactive, lethargic, benumbed; The torpid sloth

refused to budge off the tree branch.

47. turbid – adj. muddy, cloudy, muddled, in turmoil; The pool water was

so turbid the swimmers would not go in.

48. uxorious – adj. fond of his wife, demonstrative towards his wife; The

uxorious man gave his wife flowers every day.

49. virago – n. a scolding, ill-tempered wife, shrew; Cinderella’s

stepmother was the epitome of a virago, she only set out to make

Cinderella’s life difficult.

50. voluble – adj. talkative, glib, loquacious, verbose, garrulous; The

voluble politician was never at a loss for words.