Lesson 11 One Language or Many?
Mari, Mike, Lisa, and Hideki are discussing the topic 'GlobalCommunication' on TV.
Mike:I feel the biggest problem facing the world today is the lack ofcommunication.
Mari: You'reright. That's why, in my opinion, everyone on earth should speak the samelanguage.
Hideki: I'm not sure I agree with you. Are you suggesting that we allneed to learn acompletely new language?
Mari : Yes, we need a new language in addition to our native languages. Right now, there's no language we all share, so it's not surprisingthatthere is so much misunderstanding between nations.
Mike:I agree with Mari. A new language isneeded. English is already used as aninternationallanguage, but the newlanguage shouldn't beEnglish, I feel. That would give an unfairadvantage to native speakers of English. What we really need is a completely new language.
Lisa: I see your point. But wouldn't your plan be very expensive? It would mean changing the educational system in countries allover the world.
Mari: It would be expensive, yes. But there would also be manyadvantages. For example, we could transfer technological skills more easily.
Hideki:I think Mari and Mike's plan might cause more harm than good. It could weaken our native languages and cultures.
Mike: Well, let me just ask you this. Would you prefer to live in aworld where people in different countries can't easily talk to each other, or in a world where there is greater communication andunderstanding?
Lisa: I don't think that's a fair choice!
Unknown words & Phrases
Answer the following questions in English
- What is the biggest problem in the world for Mike?
- Which language is already used as an international language?
- What is an advantage with a new language introduced?
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Two high school students wrote a report on the TV program on pp.122-123.
Karen's opinion
Mari thinks cooperation is the most important thing.
That is exactly how I feel. Our own language is important, of course, but I personally think that it is also important for people to be able to communicate with people in other countries. If we all were able to speak the same language, we would begin to feel that we are part of an international community. Others might disagree, but I feel that we should think of all the people in the world as members of the 'human family.' Since we all belong to the same 'family,' shouldn't we all be able to speak to each other?
I would enjoy living in a world like that where that was possible. I would not need translations to enjoy the songs, books, and movies of other countries. Traveling would be much easier than it is now, too. I could have pen pals in various countries and we could visit each other during summer vacations. For reasons like these, I favor Mari's view.
Unknown Words & Phrases
Answer the following questions in English
- If we all were able to speak the same language, what would you do?
Reading ( 1・2・3 ) 組 番 名前
Daisuke's opinion
I strongly disagree with Mari. First of all, I do not think her idea would really solve the world's problems. People do not agree with each other just because they speak the same language. I think kindness and patience are more important than being able to speak the same language.
In Hideki's opinion, using an international language might weaken individual languages and cultures in the world. I agree with him completely. Each of the world's cultures is precious, and anything that weakens these cultures would make the world a much poorer place. We need to do all we can to protect the world's cultures.
I think international communication could be improved without creating a newlanguage. What is really needed is a feeling of true sympathy toward other people and a spirit of cooperation and generosity. If we all had a spirit of cooperation, an international language would not be necessary.
Unknown Words & Phrases
Answer the following questions in English
- What is more important than speaking the same language?
- To protect the world’s culture, an international language is necessary? Is it true or false?
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