Faculty Forum minutesMay 11, 2016

Faculty Forum minutesMay 11, 2016

President– Dieter Steklis- Started the meeting from Tech Park at 10:05

PRESENT: Arnold, Stephen; Brown, Brandy; Citera, Barbara;Czerkawski, Betul; DeLalla, John; Denno, Linda; DiRoberto, Kyle; Erickson, Kathy; Johnson, Chris; Kralovec, Etta; Lunsford, Laura; Lutes, Todd; Mapp, Eric; McGee, Inger; Orozco, Rick; Parra, Ada; Sanderson, Chris; Seder, Laurie; Steklis, Dieter; Straight, Ryan; Tesch, Aaron; Torres, David; Trevino, Sandee; Wittman, Romi; Xu, Li; Shockey, Jim.


GUESTS: Bechtold, Sara; Hull, Ellen; Imholt, Clint

Agenda Item / Discussion Notes / Action / Person/s
Approval of Minutes / Minutes to be edited / Todd Lutes
Dean’s Report: / There will be 3 search announcements coming out today. Thank you to everyone who served on the committees.
Jim had a final meeting with Gail Byrd. Everything that came out of the meeting was what Melissa Vito has said. Ways to bring more students in. Possibility to offer freshman and sophomore courses. This is on the table for discussion.
Secondary Education will be going through their review with the Department of Education. Teacher Education completed their review this year with flying colors. Their next review will be in 6 years.
Congratulations to Li Xu. She has been promoted to full Professor. / Jim Shockey
Associate Dean’s Report: / Congratulations to 12 students that were acknowledged at the last scholarship awards.
Congratulations goes out to Kyle. She was awarded the Folger’s grant.
Ryan thank you for your work with this year’s capstones.
Grade appeal committee did an outstanding job.
Thank you to Betul for all your years of service to UAS as Program Director.
Barbara presented Laura Lunsford and Dieter Steklis with a plaque. To show appreciation for their past and present service as the President of Faculty Forum. / . / Barbara Citera
Standing Committee Reports & Action Items:
Curriculum / Technology- The new testing center is up and running. There will be laptops or tablets coming in to use.
Personnel- Betul and the committee had recommendations that were suggested. To move the process along so the committee can do their job more efficiently. Recommendations were submitted electronically. Discussion followed with what is needed to be submitted. Todd voiced that perhaps a workshop is needed for a better understanding of the process. Suggested to present the workshop at the October or November FF.
Motion:To approve the recommendations as is and let the committee work on the recommendations and wording.
Curriculum- Report submitted electronically.
Consent Motion: To approve the curriculum item for LDRV 491. / 19 – Yes, 2 – No, 2 – abstentions. Motion passed
Motion passed unanimously / Chris Johnson
Betul Czerkawski
Kyle DiRoberto
Undergraduate & Graduate Reports / Undergraduate- No report
Graduate- No report / Todd Lutes
Rick Orozco
Fullbright Scholar / Electronic CV and Fullbright plan were circulated ahead of time.
Motioned: To extend an invitation to Anna-Leena Riitaoja to come to UAS. / Motion passed unanimously / Rick Orozco
Foundation presentation:
Clint Imholte / The President of the University South Foundation Clint Imholte was present with Rose Susekindin Sierra Vista. Clint gave a slide presentation introducing the Foundation and an overview of the support to UA South and faculty. Discussion followed on what faculty see the needs are for support.
Todd Lutes and Chris Johnson were charged with working with the Foundation to develop a process for requesting funds.
Election results: / Committee chairs were nominated and voted on electronically .
The new chairs are: Personnel- Inger McGee, Curriculum- Kyle DiRoberto, Technology- Aaron Tesch. / Todd Lutes
New business: / No report
Adjournment: / 12:04pm

University of Arizona @ Sierra Vista Prepared by Deb Hoeft, Reviewed by Dieter Steklis