European BusinessTravel Form
Travel by staff and postgraduate students to Europe is generally low risk. The purpose of this form is to provide a record of business travel for each Unit in case of a national emergency or other incident to an individual traveller e.g. assault, accident or medical emergency. This form should be used for travel to the European Economic Area for low risk business activities e.g. to attend meetings or conferences. If the reason for travel is higher risk e.g. fieldwork a risk assessment will still be required for the work activities. Undergraduate should not use this form and instead use the travel risk assessment form regardless of their destination.
Name / Staff/ studentnumber / Unit / Telephonemobile & landline / E-mail
University and/or personal
Add more rows for additional travellers
Emergency Contacts
Insurance /- Emergency claims –Chubb Assistance: +44 (0) 207 895 3364 (policy numbers:64811697 –PG students and staff)
Selective Travel Management / Routine - 028 9044 2071 (8.30am- 6pm) Emergency - +44 7720 593700
British Embassy
Please note for staff/ students who are not UK nationals please enter your own Government embassies in this section.
In Country Emergency Services
In country guides or local contacts during trip
(Address/ e-mail/ mobile/ landline)
Newcastle University
- Line manager/ supervising academic/office
- Security +44 (0) 191 208 6817 (24 hours)
European Health Insurance Card (if UK or European citizen) / I have applied for a EHIC card prior to travel ☐
Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) Travel Advice
What is the FCO travel advice for your destination(s)? For trips with more than one destination please tick all the levels of travel advice which apply.
FCO advice categories / Copy of web link to FCO travel advice / Destination CountryPlease name all destination countries
☐Advise against all travel
No staff are permitted to travel to these destinations.
☐Advise against all but essential travel
Staff may travel but the full risk assessment formshould be completed and must be approved by the Pro Vice Chancellor.
☐No specific travel restrictions but readFCO travel advice before travelling
If travel and accommodation has been booked using Selective Travel Managementor one of our preferred group travel agentsthe traveller only needs to complete the ’Summary of Travel’ and ‘Meetings and Events’ sections on the next page.I confirm I have booked using Selective Travel Management or approved group travel agents☐
Summary of Travel Please provide a summary of your work activity/ project/ research which requires you to travelDeparting Flight
Date / From (country & city) / Flight Number / To (country & city)
Add additional lines as necessary
Accommodation (hotels/ apartments/ hostels etc.)Check in date / Check out date / Name & address / Website
If accommodation changes whilst ‘in country’ please update this form & share with School/ Institute ASAP
Meetings/events/ research or fieldwork locationsDate(s) / Description of activity / Venue/ location/ telephone
Add additional lines as necessary
Return FlightDate / From (country & city) / Flight Number / To (country & city)
Completed by:
Name: / Date:The completed European business travel form should be e-mailed to your line manager to provide an audit trail. A copy of the form should be retained by the traveller/ their line manager and a central location e.g. shared drive maintained by Unit office in case of emergency outside normal hours.
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Version: 1 / Owner: AM / Approved by: OHSS / Date of creation: 06/2017 / Review Date: 06/2022