ASME/IEEE RVTIS Abbreviations/DefinitionsVersion 20
Descriptionmeaning of the abbreviation
TRBindicates if the abbreviation appears in the TRB Glossary
Usageindicates the standard using the abbreviation (bold “F” indicates first usage).
ABBREV. / Description /TRB
AAR / Association of American Railroads / N /F
AASHTO / American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials / N / FACSES / advanced civil speed enforcement system / N /
/ XAGT / automated guideway transit / Y / X /
Ah / ampere hours / N /F
/ X / XANSI / American National Standards Institute / N / X /
/ XAPI / applications interface / N /
APTA / American Public Transportation Association (formerly American Public Transit Association) / N / X /F
/ X / X / X / XAREMA / American Railway Engineering and Maintenance of Way Association / N / X /
/ XASCE / American Society of Civil Engineers / N / X / X /
/ XASME / American Society of Mechanical Engineers / N /
ASTM / American Society for Testing and Materials / N / X /F
/ XATC / automatic train control / Y / X / X /
/ X / X / XATC / advanced transportation controller / N /
ATCS / advanced train control systems / N /F
ATO / automatic train operation / Y / X / X /F
/ XATP / automatic train protection / Y / X / X /
/ X / X / X / XATPM / automatic train protection manual / N
ATS / automatic train speed / N /
/ XATS / automatic train stop / Y /
ATS / automatic train supervision / N / X / X /F
/ XAWG / American Wire Gauge / N /
AWS / auxiliary wayside system / NBC / battery charger / N / X
BTE / bench test equipment / N /
CBTC / communications-based train control / N /F
/ X / X / XCENELEC / European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization / N /
CFR / Code of Federal Regulations / N /F
/ XDARPA / Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency / N /
DBDD / database design description / N / FDBMS / database management system / N /
DMU / diesel multiple unit / Y / X /F
DOT / United States Department of Transportation / Y /F
/ XEIA / Electronics Industry Association / N /
/ X / XEMC / electo magnetic compatibility / N / X
EMI / electro magnetic interference / N / X /
EMU / electric multiple unit / N /F
EN / European Norm / N /F
ESD / electrostatic discharge / N /F
FFT / functional fault tree / N /F
FHWA / Federal Highway Administration (of the DOT) / N /F
FMEA / failure modes and effect analysis / N /F
FRA / Federal Railroad Administration (of the DOT) / Y /F
/ X / X / XFTA / Federal Transit Administration (of the DOT) / N /
/ XFTA / fault tree analysis / N /
GPS / global positioning system / N /F
GUI / graphical user interface / N /F
HEP / head end power / NHRI / highway rail intersection / N / X
HRV / heavy rail vehicle / N /
HVAC / heating, ventilating and air conditioning / N /F
ICD / interface control document / N /F
ICEA / Insulated Cable Engineers Association / N /F
IEC / International Electrotechnical Commission / N / X /F
/ X / X / X / X / X / X / XIEEE / Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers / N / X /
/ X / X / X / X / X / X / XIPC / Institute of Interconnecting and Packaging Electronic Circuits (now called Association Connecting Electronics Industries, but continuing the use of the abbreviation) / N /
ISO / International Standards Organization / N / X / X /F
/ X / XISO-OSI / International Standards Organization – Open Systems Interconnection / N /
ITE / Institute of Transportation Engineers / N /F
/ XITS / intelligent transportation system / N / X /
IVPS / intermediate voltage power supply / N /F
LCD / liquid crystal display / N / X /F
LED / light emitting diode / N / X /F
/ XLSB / local sensor bus / N /
LRV / light rail vehicle / Y /F
/ XLSB / least significant bit / N /
LVB / local vehicle bus / N /F
LVPS / low voltage power supply / N / X /F
/ XMDS / monitoring and diagnostic system / N / X /
MIL / military (related to US Department of Defense standards and other documents) / N /F
ML / multi-function-vehicle bus to local sensor bus / N /F
MTBE / mean time between event / NMTBF / mean time between failure / N /
MTBFF / mean time between functional failure / N /F
MTBHE / mean time between hazardous event / N /F
/ XMTTR / mean time to repair / N /
MTTRS / man time to restore service / N /F
MU / multiple unit / N /F
MUTCD / Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices / N /F
MVB / multi-functional vehicle bus / N /F
NEC / National Electrical Code (also known as NFPA 70) / N /F
NEMA / National Electrical Manufacturers Association / N / X /F
/ XNFPA / National Fire Prevention Association / N / X /
Ni-Cad / nickel-cadmium / N /F
NMT / network management / NNOAA / National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration / N /
NRTL / nationally recognized testing laboratory / N /F
NTCIP / national transportation communications for intelligent transportation system (ITS) protocol / N /F
O&SPA / operational and support hazard analysis / NOSI / open system interconnect / N /
PCMCIA / Personal Computer Memory Card International Association / N /F
PD / process data / N /F
PDM / process data marshalling / N /F
PHA / preliminary hazard analysis / N /F
PTU / portable test unit /F
PV / presentation variables / N /F
PWM / pulse width modulation / N /F
RF / radio frequency / N /F
RFC / request for comment / N /F
ROSIN / railway open system interconnection network / N /F
RTP / real time protocols / NSAE / Society of Automotive Engineers / N / X /
/ XSCI(s) / software configuration item(s) / N /
SCM / software configuration management / N /F
SCMP / software configuration management plan / N /F
SDD / software design description / N /F
SHA / safety hazard analysis / NSNVT / standard network variable type / N /
/ XSOC / state of charge /
SPMP / software project management plan / N /F
SQA / software quality assurance / N /F
SQAP / software quality assurance plan / N /F
SRS / software requirements specification / N /F
SRTM / software requirements traceability matrix / N /F
SSHA / subsystem hazard analysis / N /F
SSIHA / subsystem interface hazard analysis / Y /F
SSn-FTA / subsystem fault tree analysis / N /F
SSPP / system safety program plan / NSTP / software test plan / N /
STPr / software test procedure / N / FSTR / software test report / N / F
SUM / software user manual / N / F
SVD / software version description / N / F
SVP / safety verification plan / N /
SVVP / software verification and validation plan / N /F
SVVR / software verification and validation report / N / FTIA / Telecommunications Industry Association / N /
TCN / train communications network / N /F
/ XTCP / transmission control protocol / N /
TCRP / Transportation Cooperative Research Program / N /F
TCS / train control system / N /F
TNM / train network management / NTRB / Transportation Research Board / Y / X /
TWC / train-to-wayside communications / N /F
USP / user datagram protocol / N /F
UIC / Union International des Chemins de Fer / NUL / Underwriters Laboratory / N / X
UNS / unified numbering system (for metals and alloys) / N /
UTC / coordinated universal time / N /F
V & V / verification and validation / N /F
VOBC / vehicle on-board (master) control / N /F
WTB / wire train bus / N /F
Wordword being defined
Statusstatus of definition
A - approved by ballotNA - Not applied but developedP - published in a standard
Definitionmeaning for the word
TRBindicates whether the word appears in the TRB Glossary
D – differentM – modifiedN – noY - yes
Usageindicates the standard using the definition(bold “F” indicates first usage).
Word /Status
/RT-1 (P)
/RT-2 (P)
Acquirer / P / See IEEE Dictionary. / N /F
actual weight / P / The measured weight of a finished, ready-to-run vehicle; the tare weight. Synonym: empty weight. / N /F
active diagnostics / Diagnostics based on observed conditions and the results of commanded test routines. / N /F
active grade crossing warning system / P / The flashing –light signals, with or without warning gates, together with the necessary control equipment used to inform road users of the approach or presence of trains at a highway-rail grade crossing. / N /F
adhesion (coefficient of) / P / During rolling contact, the ratio between the longitudinal tangential force at the wheel-rail/running surface interface and the normal force. / N /F
advanced preemption and advance preemption time / P / Notification of an approaching train is forwarded to the highway signal traffic controller unit or assembly by railroad equipment for a period of time prior to activating the railroad active warning devices. This period of time is the difference in the maximum preemption time required for highway traffic signal operation and the minimum warning time required for railroad operations and is called the advance preemption time. / N / Fadvanced transportation controller / P / A complete electrical device mounted in a cabinet for controlling the operation of a variety of functions within the roadway subsystem as defined in the National Intelligent Transportation System Architecture Version 3.0.
NOTE – For the purposes of this standard, a highway traffic controller shall also be considered as an advanced transportation controller. / N /
aging factor / P / A quantitative factor expressing the degradation in the ability of the battery, due to usage, to deliver electrical energy under specified conditions such as, but not limited to, operating ambient temperature, cycling, depth of charge, and maintenance practices.NOTE – This is based on experience, application (cycling/float service), and charging parameters. / N /
/ Xalertness function / P / A device or system that monitors the operator for signs of incapacitation, usually by requiring movement or response to take place within a prescribed period of time. / N /
ambient temperature / P / See IEEE Definitions. / N /X
anticlimber / A structural member located at each end of the vehicle, used to engage the anticlimber of an opposing or other coupled vehicle to resist relative vertical travel between the two carbodies during a collision. In articulated vehicles, the articulation system is designed to act as an anticlimber. / N /F
/ Xanti-telescoping plate / A single structural member that spans the full width of the carbody at the top of the end frame, which is attached to the roof rail and the tops of the collision and corner posts, and designed to transmit the collision and corner post top reaction loads to the carbody sides. / N / F
apparatus / P / A device or system of devices that performs a distinct function within a basic operating unit, including a device or system of devices whose principal function is data communications. / N /
apparatus interoperability / P / The ability of any specific apparatus to communicate with other apparatuses in such a way that it can successfully replace another apparatus of the same apparatus type without any requirement for manual configuration other than the address or unique identifier of the replacement apparatus. / N /F
apparatus type / P / A pre-defined configuration that, when adhered to by a given apparatus, makes it possible for that apparatus to achieve apparatus interoperability, without restriction on the internal constructional details of the apparatus concerned. / N /F
application variable / See data element. / N /F
articulation / The connection sometimes used at the center of the vehicle or at the intermediate ends of the carbody sections. / N /F
authority / P / A geographical or political division created specifically for the single purpose of providing transportation service. / Y /F
/ Xauthority having jurisdiction / P / That entity that defines the contractual (including specification) requirements for the procurement. / N / X / X / X /
/ X / X / Xauthority having jurisdiction / P / The entity that defines the contractual (including specification) requirements for the procurement of the highway rail interface equipment.
NOTE – It is likely that there will be separate authorities having jurisdiction over the railway subsystem and the highway subsystem. / N /
automated guideway transit / P / Any guided transit mode with fully automated operation (i.e. no crew on the train). The term usually refers, however, only to guided modes with small and medium-sized vehicles that operate on exclusive right-of-way. / Y /F
automatic train control / P / The system for automatically controlling train movement, enforcing train safety, and directing train operations. ATC must include automatic train protection (ATP) and may include automatic train operation (ATO) and/or automatic train supervision (ATS). / M / X / X /F
/ Xautomatic train operation / P / That subsystem within the automatic train control (ATC) system which performs any or all of the functions of speed regulation, programmed stopping, door control, performance level regulation or other functions otherwise assigned to the train operator. / M / X / X /
/ Xautomatic train protection / P / That subsystem within the automatic train control (ATC) system which maintains fail-safe protection against collisions, excessive speed, and other hazardous conditions through a combination of train detection, train separation, and interlocking. / M / X / X /
/ Xautomatic train stop / P / A wayside system that works in conjunction with equipment installed on the vehicle to apply the brakes at designated restrictions or on a dispatcher’s signal, should the operator not respond properly. / M /
automatic train supervision / P / That subsystem within the automatic train control (ATC) system which monitors trains, adjusts the performance of individual trains to maintain schedules, and provides data to adjust service to minimize the inconveniences otherwise caused by irregularities.Note - The ATS subsystem also typically includes automatic routing functions. / Y / X / X /
/ Xauxiliary wayside system / P / A back-up or secondary train control system, capable of providing full or partial automatic train protection for trains not equipped with trainborne communication-based train control (CBTC) equipment, and/or trains with partially or totally inoperative trainborne CBTC equipment. The auxiliary wayside system includes trainborne equipment and may also provide broken rail detection. / N /
/ Xavailable capacity / A / The capacity for a given discharge time and end-of-charge voltage that can be withdrawn from a cell under specific conditions of operation. / N /
basic operating unit / P / (A)A single vehicle designed for independent operation.(B)A permanent or semi-permanent combination, designed for independent operation, consisting of two or more vehicles of one or more types. / D / X / X /
/ Xbattery duty cycle / A / The loads a battery is expected to supply for a specified time periods. / N /
battery tray / P / The supporting structure that allows two or more individual cells, or one or more multi-cell units to be mechanically configured as one assembly. / N /F
battery voltage / P / That voltage which is provided within specified limits by the low voltage power supply (or, in its absence, the control voltage on-board battery).Note-Battery voltage limits are specified in IEEE Std 1476. / N /
bench test equipment / A piece of test equipment that interfaces with the monitoring and diagnostic system (MDS) to support maintenance and repair activities. It typically provides the same capability as the portable test equipment but in addition has the ability to exercise the MDS vehicle hardware interfaces in both a dynamic and static fashion. / N /F
binary string / A sequence of binary digits enclosed in a single quote, followed by the upper-case letter “B”, e.g., ‘1001’B. / N /F
blending / P / The combination of two or more modes of braking (e.g. rheostatic electric brake, regenerative electric brake and friction brake) to produce the desired total retarding effort. / N /F
block / P / See IEEE Dictionary. / Mbonding / P / See IEEE Dictionary. / N /
brake, electric / P / See electric brake. / Xbrake, emergency / P / See emergency brake. / X / X
brake, friction / P / See friction brake. / X
brake, “panic” / P / See “panic” brake. / X
brake, parking / P / See parking brake. / X
brake, penalty / P / See penalty brake. / X
brake, regenerative / P / See regenerative brake. / X
brake, rheostatic / P / See rheostatic brake. / X
brake, service (maximum) / P / See service brake (maximum). / X / X
brake, snow / P / See snow brake. / X
brake, straight air / P / See straight air brake. / X
brake, track / P / See track brake. / X
brakes applied / P / An indication that all friction brakes are applied to some agreed upon preset level. / N /
braking effort / P / That longitudinal retarding force generated by the friction brake system or the propulsion system (in electric brake). / N /F
builder / P / The entity manufacturing the product. / N /F
/ Xcab signal (system) / P / A signal located in the cab, indicating a condition affecting the movement of a train and used in conjunction with interlocking signals and in conjunction with or in lieu of block signals. / Y /
car / P / See vehicle. / -- / X /F
/ Xcarbody / The vehicle body comprising its main load carrying structure above all suspension units. It includes all structural articulated parts and components which are connected to this structure and contribute directly to the strength, stiffness and stability. Mechanical equipment or electrical equipment and other mounted parts are not considered part of the carbody, though their attachment brackets are. The "coupler" ends of the carbody are the outside vehicle ends which contain the means for coupling to anther vehicle. The “intermediate” ends contain the articulation system. / N /
carbody / The vehicle body comprising its main load carrying structure above all truck suspension units. It includes all components which are connected to this structure and contribute directly to the strength, stiffness and stability. Mechanical and electrical equipment and other mounted parts are not considered part of the carbody, through their attachment brackets are. / N / Fcar builder / P / The entity assembling or manufacturing the vehicle. / N /
/ Xcar level diagnostics / Diagnostics that include the output of functional level diagnostic processes from more than one component on a vehicle. /
civil speed restriction / P / The maximum speed authorized for each section of track, as determined primarily by the alignment, profile, and structure. / Y /F
closing speed / Relative speed of vehicles at instant of impact. / N /F
closing speed / The relative speed of the vehicle to another object or vehicle at the time of initial impact. / N / Fcoast / P / The mode of operation of a vehicle or train in which both tractive effort from the propulsion system and braking effort from the propulsion and friction brake systems are zero.
NOTE–The inherent design characteristics of some propulsion systems will require that a negligible level of electric brake be present in the coast mode. / N /
cock / P / A pneumatic device having two positions, closed/shut and open/through. / N /F
collision post / A set of two structural posts located at each end of the carbody, extending from the bottom of the end underframe structure up to the structural shelf. They are located at the approximate 1/3 points across the width of the vehicle, and are forward of the seating position of any passenger or crew person. / N / Fcollision post / A set of two full height structural posts located at each end of the carbody, extending from the bottom of the end underframe structure up to the ant-telescoping plate. They are located at the approximate 1/3 points across the width of the vehicle, and are forward of the seating position of any passenger or crew person. Some customers may require additional collision posts in the operating cab end of the carbody, located inboard of the collision posts along the car longitudinal centerline, referred to as secondary collision posts. / N / F
communications-based train control / P / A continuous automatic train control system utilizing: high-resolution train location determination, independent of track circuits; continuous, high capacity, bi-directional train-to-wayside data communications; and trainborne and wayside processors capable of implementing vital functions. / N /
/ Xcommunications-based train control user (CBTC user) / P / Any authority-authorized personnel who receives information from, provides information to, or performs repair or maintenance on, a CBTC system. / N /