artsamazingsubmission form (Word)
Semester 1 2, 2013
Annual Edition
Content Submission Instructions and Deadline Information
Cost to submit content is FREE!
Your entry will include:
- Company/individual artist background information and contacts
- Information on your event listed in one art form chapterof your choice
- Yourcontact details will also be listed separatelyin the ‘Contacts’ chapter
- Funding program opportunities (if applicable) for teachers/students are listed separately
- All event information will be uploaded to the ArtsEdge website individual What’s On pages
And, you will receive:
- One electronic copy of the full guide(or your selected chapters if preferred) sent via email, for you to send on to teachers/clients in your networks.
You must complete allsections if applicable:
Section 1:Art form Chapter selection and background/contact information; and
Section 2: Event information (Professional Learning for Educators, Events on Demand
i.e. events with no fixed date and/or Specific Events i.e. events with a fixed date); and/or
Section 3:Funding (if applicable) - submit information if your organisation provides grant programs that schools and/or young people can access.
Sendyour completed form as an email attachmentwith electronic images (if available) and completed image permission form to:
By4.00pm Wednesday 19 September 2012
Information/images you provide WILL NOT be released until November 2, 2012.
If you have problemssending us your information by this date (e.g. your company needs to embargo information contained in your submission) please call us immediately on
(08) 6552 7300 or toll free within WA 1800 199 090.
Disclaimer: ArtsEdge reserves the right to edit supplied written material and/or not use all copy and/or images provided. Should all information and/or images you supply not be used in this edition, ArtsEdge will keep your material on file for distribution to our school and teacher networks as and when required. All information submitted will be uploaded to the ArtsEdge website sections ‘What’s On’ and ‘Professional Learning’ pages after the PDF version goes ‘live’. Should your event details change, it is up to the artist or organisation to send updates on their events to ArtsEdge after the PDF guide and web listings have been uploaded.
How to fill in the template:
- Content sections have a strict word limit – please do not supply additional copy.
- If you have more than 1 event, cut and paste the template in Section 2 for each new event.
- Events on Demand/Professional Learning: If the venue is in school please phrase as ‘At your school’. If the venue is in theatre please phrase as ‘In our theatre’.
- If activity date is not fixed please phrase as ‘Available on request or ‘Semester 1’, ‘Semester 2’, ‘Available all year’ or ‘Contact [your name] for details’.
- If details (details, price, venue etc) are not yet confirmed please use the phrase ‘Contact [your name] for details’.
- Please include dates as follows: Examples = Term 1/ Week 1: Tuesday 7 February, Term 1/ Weeks 1-6: Tuesday 7 Feb –Saturday 10 March or Term 1/ Weeks 6- 7: Tuesday 13, Saturday 10 & 16 March
- Please identify Target Audience in school Year level. Examples = PP–Yr 3, K- Yr 12, Yrs 5–12 (NB. year level does not mean age of child or young person but grade level of learning in a school)
- Cost should be shown per person/teacher/student and include minimum/maximum numbers in groups as appropriate. For example $15 per student/10 student tickets = 1 Teacher FREE. If you have not included GST please stipulate this as well as any additional charges that schools may be charged e.g. $250 per workshop (+ GST and artist travel expenses)
- If the event is free, please write it in capitals = FREE
- Please send us photographs! Provide us with high resolution images (minimum 300dpi) in jpg or TIFF format for possible inclusion into the Guide and on our website or in our e-news.
If possible, provide x1 landscape and x1 portrait formatted image. Signed image permission forms must accompany all images that you submit to ArtsEdge. If you require an ArtsEdge image permission form, please contact us immediately.
- Submissions will be limited to appearing in ONE art form chapter only If you or your company offers an event(s) which incorporate cross-curricular content, i.e. more than one art form, please select the ‘Cross Curriculum’ (formerly known as ‘Multi Arts’) chapter only.
- Funding information submissions: If your organisation provides funding that schools or young people can apply for, please make sure you submit information in Section 3.
If you have any questions please call ArtsEdge on (08)6552 7300 or email
SECTION 1:Art form selection/Contact information
You will be permitted to submit listings inone art form chapter only. If you consider your event(s) to be cross curricular i.e. ‘multi arts,’ please select this art form chapter only.Each submission will be listed in the selected art form chapter and will appear in the corresponding pages on the ArtsEdge website.
Creative Writing
Visual Art
Cross Curriculum (formerly known as Multi Arts)
STEP 2: Artist/Company information
Name of you or your organisation: NB. Please ensure that the correct person or generic company contact is listed for all enquiries pertaining to your company, your professional learning sessions, and eventson demand and/or specific event bookings.
Contact Name/Title (in the case of organisations):
Street Address:
Post: (if the same as street address write ‘as above’):
Web: (
Artist/Company background information:
Please provide a company/artist description (Maximum 150 words):
Image Permission Forms: I/We wish to submit ______photographs.
Permission form accompanies this submission (Select): YES / NO
(Image permission forms are available from ArtsEdge we cannot reproduce images unless permission forms accompany your content submission and photographs)
Cut and paste the template below as required (Maximum number of entries per ‘type of event’ i.e. Specific Events = 8, Events on Demand = 8 or Professional Learning = 8). If any information request is not applicable write N/A. Do not delete this line or leave it blank.
Title of event:
Type of event (Select): Specific Event / Event on Demand / Professional Learning
Category (Select): Creative Writing / Dance / Drama / Design / Media / Music / Visual Arts / Cross Curriculum
Target audience/Year level (e.g. primary Yrs 2-6):
Start date:
End date:
Start time (e.g. Mon-Fri 7.30pm):
Duration (of event e.g. 2.5hrs):
Venue (name of venue/street address):
Cost (per student/teacher/group + information on complimentary tickets):
Contact person (for enquiries and/or bookings):
Phone number (for enquiries and/or bookings):
Email (for enquiries and/or bookings):
Disability access (Select): Yes / No
Education resource provided (Select): Yes / No
Regional touring (Select): Yes / No
School holiday activity (Select): Yes / No
Details (150 words maximum (include regional touring information in this section if applicable) :
SECTION 3:Funding(Complete if applicable)
Please provide information on you or yourcompany’s funding [i.e.grant] program
Include all contact information including the name of contact person, telephone number for enquiries, toll free number if applicable, email and website address,key dates and deadlines for applications.
Title of funding program:
Description ofthe program(Maximum 150 words):
Contact Name/title:
Email Address:
Website (: