Legacy Unit: Before, After, and Beyond . . .

English 2 Honors Syllabus


*All listings show the passages we will read and discuss. Check the online calendar for assignment due dates. You need to read them before coming to class that day! (Note: some are lengthy; some are not. Plan accordingly so that you will not lose points.)

Unit Material: Legacy Part One / HW:
What is legacy? What are the different ways in which a legacy can develop? Consider people in general, authors and their works / HW: Read “Everyday Use” and annotate for character info
Everyday Use
Literary Analysis
Character Analysis—Momma, Maggie, Dee
Introduce DIDLS technique / HW: Ponder the title “The Ex-Basketball Player” and annotate passage for literary devices.
The Ex-Basketball Player
Literary Analysis
Introduce TPCAST technique
Link to legacy? / HW: Ponder the title “The Broken Oar” and complete TPCAST form
The Broken Oar
Literary analysis
Sonnet form
Link to legacy? / HW: Ponder the title “Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day” and complete TPCAST
Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day
Literary analysis
Sonnet form
Compare/contrast to Broken Oar/form
Link to legacy? / HW: Read “No News from Auschwitz” and complete DIDLS and journal questions:
Is it appropriate for the author to call this place a “tourist center”? Why or why not? What was his purpose for this piece?
No News From Auschwitz
Literary analysis and journal sharing
Purpose/ objective vs. subjective POV / HW: TPCAST for “Annabel Lee”
Annabel Lee
Literary analysis
Motif/dark elements
“sounds” / HW: Essay test for part 1 passages.

End of Part One of Legacy Unit/Up next: Summer reading discussion

Summer Reading Discussion: / HW: Bring the appropriate novel to class daily.
CP book:
Literary analysis and discussion of key topics / HW: Bring the appropriate novel to class daily.
AP book
Literary Analysis and discussion of key topics
Major Works Data Sheet
What is literary merit? / HW: Summer reading/discussion assessment. You will need your novel and any materials that you worked on during the discussions. You may use them during the test.
Summer Reading Assessment / HW: Read “A Modest Proposal” and complete graphic organizer (see legacy unit page online)

Legacy Unit Part Two:

A Modest Proposal
Literary analysis/author and time period background
Satire/purpose / HW: Ponder the title “Lady Lazarus” and complete TPCAST for Lady Lazarus and questions that you have about specific parts of the reading (interpretation problems, etc)
Lady Lazarus
Literary analysis
allusions / HW: Ponder the titles for the following: “The Parable of the Old Man and the Young,” “Dulce et Decorum est” and complete a TPCAST for both poems
The Parable of the Old Man and the Young; Dulce et Decorum est
Literary analysis
allusions / HW: Read Hamlet passage and complete cause and effect info for graphic organizer about the food chain (see legacy page online)
Hamlet excerpt
Elements of drama
Literary analysis
Point of view/tone / HW: Ponder title “Pro Patria” and complete TPCAST info
Pro Patria
Literary analysis
tone / HW: compare/contrast to Wilfred Owen’s poems
Pro Patria vs. Dulce and Parable
Poems for two Voices / HW: Assessment for part 2
Assessment for Part 2 / HW: Think like a writer: Consider an emotional event in your life that you are willing to share. What details will bring this experience to life for the reader? (rough draft)
Legacy Project: / HW: All are draft versions. You must complete all assignments for drafts. You will then select 4 and revise them for your final project.
Computer lab:
Intro to web design
“All about me” page / HW: Think like a writer: Consider an emotional event in your life that you are willing to share. What details will bring this experience to life for the reader?
Computer lab:
Choice 1
Revise pages as needed / HW: Think like a writer: In a graphic organizer, create a unique character by brainstorming public and private characteristics
Computer lab:
Choice 2
Revise pages as needed / HW: Think like a writer: Two sonnets that focus on a question or idea you want to present. Consider the sonnet form, rhyme scheme and rhythm. Refer to class examples to see author tips.
Computer lab:
Choice 3
Revise pages as needed / HW: Think like a writer: Write a free verse confessional poem that reveals an inner side of you. Refer to the confessional poetry form in your notes.
Computer lab:
Choice 4
Revise pages as needed / HW: Think like a writer: Select a topic important enough for you to generate more social awareness. Try to satirize it using the author techniques in your notes, paying particular attention to persuasive writing tips, irony, hyperbole or understatement.
Computer lab:
Focus on design elements—see checklist
Revise pages as needed / HW: Think like a writer: Create a scene from a play that develops a unique perspective on a broad-based idea. Include play elements (characters, dialogue, stage directions, etc.)
Computer lab:
Final revisions and edits
Post project for viewing/grade

Strategies Covered in this unit:

DIDLS/TPCAST, analyzing similes, metaphors, symbols, imagery, characterization

Literary Devices covered in this unit:

Alliteration, assonance, consonance, simile, metaphor, imagery, sonnet forms, irony, tone, allusion, satire, setting, symbol