4th 9 weeks artist choice
Assignment 1 Drawing Due Monday, March 30th Points: 300
Find a reflective object (not a mirror) and draw a self portrait as you see yourself reflected in the object. Include the object and background in your drawing. Use only pencil and shade well so you have many different values in your drawing. Take your time and do your best!
Assignment 2 Painting Due Wednesday April 8th Points: 300
On a canvas board at least 11” X 14” create an impossible room. Your room should look realistic, but impossible, upside down stairs, repeated reflections (sunglasses in a mirror in sunglasses in a mirror…etc. You may paint in color or in black and white. Take your time. Carefully mix your colors. You may want to purchase your own palette with a lid for this assignment. Please be responsible and clean up your mess.
Assignment 3 Clay Due Friday, April 17th Points: 300
Create four 5” clay tiles. These tiles should tessellate. That means that each tile fits into the others like a puzzle piece. See me for further instruction before you begin this assignment.
Assignment 4 Print Making Due Friday, May 15th Points: 300
Choose one of your previous designs to transfer to a print. Keep in mind that this will only be in black and white. Draw it onto the linoleum block, then carefully use the linoleum cutter to cut out your design. When you have finished make 20 prints from your cut block. You may switch colors between printing, be sure you completely clean your brayer between colors.
Sketch Book Assignments
Reflections Study Due: March 30th
Draw a reflective surface (not a mirror) and everything you see reflected in it.
Stairs Due: April 13th
Draw a set of stairs. You may use color, or shade with a pencil. Take your time, and fill the page!
Research Due: April 27th
Look up an artwork by Escher. Tell me the Title, size, and medium of the work. Then write a paragraph describing the artwork and telling me how your current work mirrors Escher’s.
Choice Drawing Due: May 4th
You may choose to draw whatever you wish in your sketchbook. Drawings (or collages) should fill the page and be either colored or shaded completely!