
Gateway Electrical Authorisation for Arqiva Contractor & Sub Contractor Applications

Completion Instructions



Any contractor undertaking electrical work on behalf of Arqiva (or Sub Contractors working on behalf of Arqiva Contractors) must have been assessed as being competent by the SHE team before they commence work. All contractors must be assessedfor the applicable category of works they are undertaking:

  • Category CE1 - Undertaking electrical design work
  • Category CE2 –Electrical Installation and Decommissioning (ELV/LV and DC systems at any voltage)
  • Category CE3 - Electrical and Electromechanical Maintenance Examples AC, lift, HVAC etc.
  • Category CE4 - High Voltage AC Installations and Maintenance

The completion of thisapplication form and provisionof supporting documentation allowsArqiva to assess your electrical competencyas an Arqiva Contractor or Sub Contractor.

This electrical authorisation application form is separate from the main Gateway Accreditation Application forms.

You must also ensure that you complete one of the following (as applicable):

  • IM0700 (Gateway Accreditation Application for New Arqiva Contractors)
  • IM0702 (Gateway Accreditation Application for New Arqiva Sub Contractors)
  • IM0319 (Gateway Accreditation Application for Renewal Arqiva Contractors and Arqiva Subcontractors)

All supporting documentation must be inserted into the application form in the appropriate places.If any information is missing or supplied separately, your application will be returned to you for amendment and must then be re-submitted.

To Embed Files into this application form:

  1. Place your mouse cursor where you want to insert the embedded file.
  2. Click on theInsertpull down menu and then click on Object.
  3. Click on the Create from file tab.
  4. Click on Browseand locate the file that you wish to embed.
  5. Click on the file and then click on Insert.
  6. Select the Displayas Icon check box.
  7. Click on OK.

Please save the form as a Word document with your supporting documents embedded as PDF’s, where possible.

If you intend to use sub contractors to work on Arqiva sites, then these companies must be accredited in their own right.

Upon completion of the form, please email the electronic copy to .

For any queries please or contact 01926 416895.

By completing and submitting this form you are confirming that your organisation and employees comply with all applicable UK legislation including having applicable training, qualifications and competencies required to undertake the specified work activities.

Section 1: General Information

Information / Your Response/Evidence
Company Name
Company Registered Address
Post Code
Tel No
Fax No
Name of Person Completing this Form
Office Number
Mobile Number
Email Address
Are you applying as a Contractor (working directly for Arqiva) or a Sub Contractor (working on behalf of an Arqiva Contractor? (delete as applicable) / Arqiva Contractor
Arqiva Sub Contractor
If working directly for Arqiva please provide some examples of Arqiva projects that you will be working on and the names of Arqiva Project Managers you will be working with.
If working as a Sub Contractor for an Arqiva Contractor, please state which Contractors. / Add details here
What Level of Electrical Authorisation is your company applying for? (delete as applicable) / Category CE1 - Undertaking electrical design work
Category CE2 –Electrical Installation and Decommissioning (ELV/LV and DC systems at any voltage)
Category CE3 - Electrical and Electromechanical Maintenance Examples AC, lift, HVAC etc.
Category CE4 - High Voltage AC Installations and Maintenance
Do you also use Sub Contractors for electrical works? (delete as applicable)
Note: Any sub contractors you intend to use for electrical works on Arqiva sites must also be electrically authorised by Arqiva. / Yes

Section 2: Detailed Company Electrical Assessment

Only competent personnel may work on electrical equipment and systems. All aspects of design, installation, commissioning, inspection, use and testing must conform to legal and technical standards, such as the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 and the IEE Wiring Regulations.

Please provide the following information for your organisation:

Information that we require / Document evidence you need to insert into the application form / Supporting information you need to provide to support your application
2.1 Scope of Work
What typical electrical work activities do you intend to carry out on Arqiva sites?
Please provide as much information as possible as this will help us assess your application and level of risk more accurately. / Please insert a risk assessment and method statement for typical electrical works that you will be undertaking / Please provide a statement to describe the scope of works you will be undertaking.
2.2 Industry Accreditations/Registrations
NICEIC or ECA registration. If you do not have these then you would need to demonstrate an equivalent standard / Please insert evidence of applicable industry registration certificates / If you do not have these then you would need to demonstrate an equivalent standard. Please provide information here.
2.3 Electrical Safety Policy
Your Electrical Safety Policy must provide (as a minimum) information as stated in the Supporting Information column. / Please insert a copy of your Electrical Safety Policy or Policies / Please state the page numbers where the following required information can be found:
Info / Document Name and Page Numbers
Electrical Safety Rules
Roles and Responsibilities
Supervision Requirements
Use of Sub Contractors (if applicable)
Live Working
Testing and Inspection
Permits to Work
Information that we require / Document evidence you need to insert into the application form / Supporting information you need to provide to support your application
2.4 Electrical Isolation
You must provide information that details your policy/procedure for isolation/lock off when undertaking electrical works. The evidence must provide the information as stated in the Supporting Information column. / Please insert your relevant procedure or policy / Please state the page numbers where the following required information can be found:
Info / Page No.
Identifying correct isolation point/equipment.
Specify use of HSE approved (GS38) voltage detection instruments
Checking of voltage detection equipment against a known source prior to use/during use
Checking supply is not energised
Locking off of the isolation point
Use of warning signage/notices
2.5 Electrical test / inspection records
You must provide information that demonstrates your testing/inspection regime of electrical equipment / Please insert examples of test/inspection records / If information is contained within a large document, please specify the applicable pages numbers.
2.6 Calibration process for test equipment
You must provide details relating to your calibration arrangements for test equipment / Please insert your Electrical Test Equipment Calibration Procedure / If information is contained within a large document, please specify the applicable pages numbers.
2.7 Use of Sub Contractors for electrical works
If you stated in Section1 that you use sub contractors for electrical works, then you must provide details of your contractor assessment process and how you assess the suitability of any contractor you use to undertake electrical work / Please insert your contractor assessment procedure/process / If information is contained within a large document, please specify the applicable pages numbers.
Information that we require / Document evidence you need to insert into the application form / Supporting information you need to provide to support your application
2.8 Electrical Design Work
If you undertake any design work on behalf of Arqiva, you must provide details of the competency your company has to undertake this work.
Persons undertaking design works must hold IET Electrical Design qualification or equivalent. / Please insert your design competency documents/certificate
Please confirm that each person carrying out work under CE2 and CE4 hold an applicable ECS card / Yes / No / Insert at least one copy of a current ECS card.

Application Declaration

Yes / No / I acknowledge that I have read and understood the Arqiva Access Regulations. (These can be found here.)
I acknowledge that whilst working on Arqiva sites, all applicable rules and guidance will be adhered to. (These can be found here.)
Yes / No / I confirm that the information provided is accurate and I have not knowingly provided false information in support of the application.

