
Circle Graphs:

A circle graph or pie chartshows how a complete set of data is divided into parts. The entire circle contains all, or 100%, of the data. Each sector or sliceof the circle represents one part of the entire data set. Circle graphs are good for showing how each part relates to other parts and to the whole.

Samantha surveyed 100 sports fans about their favorite sport. The circle graph shows the results of her survey. Use the graph to answer each question:

True or False

______1) The most liked sport is football.

______2) More people like soccer than basketball.

______3) More people like baseball than soccer

and basketball combined.

4) If 100 were surveyed, how many people

(not percent) prefer baseball? Show your work.

5) Which of the following is NOT supported by the graph?

a)45 students play baseball and basketball

b)55 students play football and other

c)40 students play baseball and soccer

d)70 students play football and baseball

Line Plots:

A line plotis used to show how many times each data value occurs. Line plots are good for seeing the distribution and central tendencies of a data set. To create a line plot simply place an X above the value on the number line for each time it occurs in the data. Keep your X’s about the same size.

Number of miles Trey ran each day
5 / 6 / 5 / 5 / 3 / 5 / 4 / 4 / 6
5 / 6 / 3 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 16 / 2 / 5

Trey likes to run every day and keeps track of the miles he runs in a table. Use the data in the table to create a line plot showing the data.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

7) What is the mode of the data in the line plot above? ______

8) What is the median of the data in the line plot above? ______

9) What is the outlier in the data in the line plot above? ______

10) If the outlier is removed from the data, which measure of central tendency would be influenced the greatest?

Stem and Leaf Plot

A stem and leaf plot shows frequency of data much like a line plot. Leaf plots are a good way to display the distribution and central tendencies of data. A leaf on the plot represents the right hand digit in the data value. Each stem represents the remaining digits. For example: in the stem and leaf plot below 3 | 6 means 36 and 2 | 2 means 22.

Minutes Spent Doing Homework
Stems / Leaves
2 / 1 2 6 9
3 / 2 2 567 7
4 / 3 5 5 5 7 8 8 8
6 / 4

11) List all of the data values for the row with a stem of 2.

12) What is the mode of the data?

13) What is the median of the data?

Key: 3 | 6 mean 3614) What if any are the outliers in the data?

Bar Graphs

A bar graph uses bars to represent the values of a data set. Bar graphs are used to compare amounts from several categories. Categories are things that can be counted. Each Bar represents a category of data labeled on the horizontal axis. The height of the bars correlates with a number on the vertical axis.

People ages 12 to 19 were asked if brand names mattered to them when buying certain products. A bar graph shows the results.

15) What percent of people said that brand name is important to them when buying Jeans?

16) What is the difference between the percent of people who said brand name is important when buying shampoo and the percent who said brand name is important when buying gum?

17) If there were 250 people interviewed for the survey, which of the following would not be justified by this graph?

18)Create a bar graph to represent the data, showing the five rhythm and blues performers with

the most number-one singles since 1965.

19) In what year was the population of the

United States about twice what it was in 1930?

20) How many people lived in the United States

in 1960?

21) About how many MORE people lived in the U.S.

in 1970 than in 1950?

22) Which would be the best prediction of this graph in 1991?

Line Graphs:

A line graph is a line drawn through pairs of associated numbers on a grid. They are usually used to show trends, or changes over a period of time. The steeper the line on the graph, the more rapidly the data changed.

This line graph shows the price of a share of stock on the 1st of each month.

23)During which month did the price increase

by more than $2.00?

24) This data shows the approximate number of civilians (in thousands) working for the military in a

given year. Create a line graph to represent the data. Draw a conclusion about the civilian

staff in the military from 1985 to 1993.


