Learning Program 4: Child and Adolescent Health
This Learning Program will be delivered in semester 1 for GPT1/2 & PRRT1/2 registrars.
Learning at MCCC is based on the apprenticeship model with a focus on learning “on the job”. This is supported by an out of practice program that involves competing of directed learning activities in your own time, attending workshops and managing your own learning needs. The in practice and out of practice learning modes are not separate, rather they are inexorably linked.
This Learning Program outlines the key topics and learning outcomes for the Child & Adolescent Health Program at MCCC.
The Child & Adolescent Health Program comprises learning that will occur in the following modes:
- Completion of directed learning activities in your own time
- Attendance at a 1 day workshop +/- other face to face or webinar activities
- Related in practice learning activities
The pre and post work shop learning activities will be accessible via MeL, the MCCC eLearning platform. If you have any trouble accessing any of the resources, please email your regional office.
Attendance at all workshop and webinar activities is mandatory.
There is an expectation that you will be proactive in identifying your own learning needs against this program, and develop and implement your own learning plan.
The following themes are explicitly embedded in every Learning Program
- GP as educator and life-long learner
- Professionalism
- Critical thinking
- Clinical reasoning
- Consultation skills
- Evidence based medicine
- Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health
- Health of vulnerable populations
- Medicolegal issues
Dermatology topics are spread through each of the Learning Programs.
Mapping to College Curricula
As with all of MCCC learning Programs, the content is based on the RACGP and ACRRM curricula.
The ACRRM Primary Curriculum Edition 4 2013 is available at
The RACGP Curriculum 2016 is available at
Relevant sections of each to this Learning Program are listed below.
Domain 1: Provide medical care in the ambulatory and community setting
Domain 4: Apply a population health approach
Domain 6: Practice medicine in an ethical, intellectual and professional framework
Domain 7: Practice Medicine in the rural and remote context
Curriculum statements
6.6 Child and Adolescent
6.7 Dermatology
6.9 Mental Health
CS16 Core Skills UnitThe Core skills unit is the cornerstone of the curriculum and is relevant to all learning programs
Relevant contextual units include:
CY16 - Children and Young PeoplePS16 - Psychological health
EN16 - Ear and Nose MedicineDE16 - Dermatology
Topics and Learning Outcomes : Child and adolescent health Learning ProgramCommunication/consultation skills:
On completion of this Learning Program a GP registrar will be able to:
Consultationswith children and their parents / Describe effective strategies to establish rapport with children in general practice consultations
Approach to the adolescent including:
- Confidentiality
- Sexual history
Explain the physiological and psychological changes that occur during adolescence
Demonstrate awareness of potential issues specific to adolescent consultations
Apply a HEADDSS approach to history taking for an adolescent patient
Demonstrate increased confidence and skill in conducting consultations with an adolescent patient
Paediatric and adolescent presentations:
Common paediatric presentations and recognising serious illness / Manage common childhood and adolescent clinical presentations in general practice
Differentiate causes of cough in children
Recognise clinical indicators of a ‘sick child’ ie a child with a serious or life-threatening illness
Describe and demonstrate an approach to examining a child presenting with abdominal pain
Outline the differential diagnosis of common / important causes of limp in a child
Diagnose and appropriately manage the unsettled baby
Describe current guidelines regarding food and allergies.
Discuss general nutritional advice during early childhood
ENT / Describe the diagnosis and management of common childhood ENT presentations
Immunisation / Describe the history and success of immunisation in reducing infectious disease
Explain the Australian immunisation schedule and vaccines included
Describe vaccination techniques and demonstrate confidence and competence to draw up and administer routine National Immunisation Program vaccines
Discuss key requirements for vaccine storage
Demonstrate awareness of the contraindications to vaccines
Describe common and the more serious adverse reactions to vaccines, and the competent management of reactions including anaphylaxis
Identify common patient and parent concerns about vaccination, and how to address these concerns
Describe an approach to parents who do not want their children immunised.
Identify resources that can aid in catch up immunisations and reporting of adverse events
Access appropriate references for health professionals, and appropriate resources for patient vaccination information
Child and adolescent mental health
- depression
- Anxiety disorders/OCD
- Self harm
- Eating disorders
Describe how to identify young people at risk of self-harm or suicide and develop a management strategy
Discuss how a GP can assess and manage youth mental health problems and identify other services and people who may be able to be involved
Explore what constitutes an eating disorderand develop a strategy to assess a patient suspected of having this problem
Describe and evaluate management strategies for adolescents with anorexia nervosa and discuss the importance of a team approach
Paediatric skin conditions
- Spotty kids- quiz based rashes in childhood- common ( mainly) and life threatening
Compare associated symptoms and timeframe of development of common rashes in childhood as an aid to diagnosis
Describe the management of common rashes in childhood
Appropriately advise pregnant women exposed to children with viral exanthems
Acne / Describe drug and lifestyle management for acne vulgaris according to type and develop an appropriate management plan for an adolescent with acne
Identify when specialist opinion is required for the management of skin conditions in paediatric and adolescent patients
Discuss social issues associated with visible skin conditions including school/childcare exclusion and social stigma
The mature minor / Describe the concept of the ‘mature minor’, identify consultations in which this may be important, and apply this knowledge in appropriate consultations
Mandatory reporting of child abuse / Describe the GPs obligations under mandatory reporting legislation in the state in which they work and differences in legislation between states
LP 4 Child and Adolescent Health- Topics and Learning Outcomes WebV1 Version: 1.0
Created: 9 February 2017 Unit responsible: Education Integration
Z:\Medical Education\Curriculum\2. Current Versions\LP 4 Child and Adolescent Health- Topics and Learning Outcomes WebV1.docx