First Name______Last Name______
Unit 4: 4.03 Design Time: Your Space 1 (20 points)
Take a look around you and your workspace at this moment. What elements are helping you stay on task and complete your work? What can you change to make your workspace most effective?
Part 1:
1.Rate every area in your workspace on a scale of 1-4 using the following chart.
2.For anything ranks fair or poor, typein the “Actions to Take” column any changes you can make to improve your workspace based on what you have learned about distractions, work habits, and work spaces. Refer to the lessons if you need help
Part 2:
1. Improving your workspace (on the second page)
Workspace Inspection
Instructions: Rank each item on the list using the following scale:
1 = poor2 = fair3 = good4 = excellent
Area / Rating / Actions To TakeThe workSpace
A desk or table / 4
Shelves or drawers to keep papers and books off the desk / 4
Amount of light / 4
Amount of noise / 1
Comfort such as chair or seating arrangement / 4
Workspace clutter / 4
Motivating, personal items on display
Internet connection / 4
Computer glare / 4
Computer speakers / 4
Computer microphone / 4
Printer / 4
Computer equipment such as mouse and keyboard / 4
Dictionary and thesaurus
Standard supplies such as paper, pens and pencils, or items you need for a specific course: for example, protractor and compass, calculator, Spanish-English dictionary / 4
Papers and Documents
Organization of school papers / 4
Organization of documents on the computer / 4
Tools for planning ahead such as planners or calendars / 4
Tools to keep track of assignments and events / 4
A daily schedule or to-do list / 4
A way to keep time spent working and time spent on breaks / 4 /
Part 2: Improving your workspace
3.Writefiveactions you willtake to improve your workspace and type them below:
- I have put my loose pens and pencils in my pencil box
- I have enough light to do my schoolwork
- I have gotten a garbage can for my loose garbage
- I have put away my reading book that isn’t schoolwork related
5. I have backed up my computer files
4.Create a “before” description of your workspace before you make any changes. Pick ONE of the following.
- Photograph the space with a digital camera, Web camera, cell phone camera, or other type of mechanism for recording a visual image.
- Photograph the space with a traditional camera and scan the developed photos.
- Photograph the space and insert the photos into a Word document with descriptions.
- Typea 4-5 sentence paragraph in a Word document using descriptive and detailed language.
- Draw your workspace on paper and scan the picture. Upload the scan as a separate attachment to the dropbox.
My workspace is a computer desk that’s metal, my printer is in the corner of the office room and my computer is in the middle of my desk. I have loose reading books that I don’t need, and I have a cracker wrapper and a banana peel on the desk that I need to clean up. I have my workbook and math textbook in the corner of the desk. This is my workspace!
5.Create an “after” picture or description of your workspace once you have made changes. Pick ONE of the following.
- Photograph the space with a digital camera, Web camera, cell phone camera, or other type of mechanism for recording a visual image.
- Photograph the space with a traditional camera and scan the developed photos.
- Photograph the space and insert the photos into a Word document with descriptions.
- Typea 4-5 sentence paragraph in a Word document using descriptive and detailed language.
- Draw your workspace on paper and scan the picture.Upload the scan as a separate attachment to the dropbox.
Now my workspace is very neat, I have no garbage or food peels on the desk, I put away my reading book that I didn’t need, and I put away my loose pens. I have a garbage can next to my desk, to put my garbage in. I have backed up my computer and I have enough light to see and to do my schoolwork with. I have put away my loose papers in my folder, all neat and ready.